[part II] A bloodstained music room_chapter 3

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SeongWu doesn't aware of how many missed calls on his phone. When he open the door, Daniel literally throw his huge body on SeongWu and hugs him tightly.
"You didn't pick up your phone!"
Daniel buries his face in SeongWu's neck. His strong arms tighten SeongWu's waist.

“I was driving.”

SeongWu gently pat on his back. Daniel keep hugging and sniffing the sweet scent from his body. It’s takes almost 10 minutes till Dainel finally let go of SeongWu.

“Didn’t you go visit your grandpa? Why did you end up with Hwang Minhyun?”

SeongWu knew Daniel will ask about this. He doesn’t mind tell him everything. After listening a whole story, Daniel has no interesting in the case.

“Maybe that guy just went crazy and tried that crazy way to suicide. His girlrfiend saw it and went crazy too. That’s all!”

“Niel, even if they were crazy it had to be some reasons behind it. Normal people can’t just went crazy out of the blue.”

SeongWu finally can takes off his shoes to go inside. The living is a total mess with all of those jelly wrappings and cookie crushes everywhere. SeongWu can imagine Daniel sitting on the sofa, chewing his cookie while calling him continuously. Just thinking about it is hilarious. SeongWu tries to hold his laugh while cleaning the living room.

“I’ll clean it later.”

“You always said it but never did.”

Daniel looks kinda down. He silently holds a garbage bin and follows SeongWu.

“I will meet Minhyun tonight, wanna come?” – SeongWu uses tissues to gather cookie crushes on the table and throws it in the garbage bin.

“What for?”

“I just go to see Kim Sang Hoon’s corpse. Because I couldn’t feel anything in the music room, I think I need to see his corpse. Wanna come with me?” – SeongWu picks up those jellies on the floor, puts them in the jelly packet, intend to throw it into the bin.

“I’ll go!” – Daniel snatch the packet out of SeongWu’s hand before it goes to the garbage bin – “I still can eat this.”


After finished cleaning a mess in the living room, SeongWu goes to the bathroom to washes his face and cleans his body. Staying in the hospital for too long, seeing too many lost souls actually make him feel dizzy and uncomfortable. He changes his clothes to pyjama and goes to his bed to rest.


Daniel goes into the bedroom. SeongWu already curled up in his blanket.

“You don’t want to eat something?”

“Too tired!”

SeongWu lying on one’s sidd with his back facing Daniel.

Daniel strokes his hairs. SeongWu’s hairs are all black. Each strand of his hairs is firm and solf, also has a lightly sweet fragrance. Daniel playing with SeongWu’s hairs for a while but he doesn’t react at all. The blanket covering his whole face, only left out the eyes which are closing shut. Daniel whisper into his ear.

“SeongWu, are you asleep?”




Daniel pulls the blanket down to SeongWu’s shoulder. He wearing a thin pyjama. When he lying on one side, the collar also fall to one side, showing his collar-bone. Daniel kisses on SeongWu’s neck. He still doesn’t react. Daniel looks at his closing eyes, then kisses on SeongWu’s cheek. SeongWu still doesn’t move. Daniel feel kind disappointed. He suddenly want to tease him a bit.

Daniel pokes his finger into SeongWu’s cheek.




Daniel giggling.

SeongWu suddenly open his eyes. Daniel started in surprise and takes back his finger.

“Aren’t you sleeping?”

“How can I sleep with a mischievous guy like you by my side? I just want to rest for a while.”

SeongWu turns his face to Daniel. He sits straight up, leans his back to the bedhead and let SeongWu lies on his thigh.

“Is your grandpa alright?”

“Doctor said his condition is stable, but I want him to check more carefully.”

“Uhm, it’s good.” – Daniel said while gently caressing SeongWu’s face. His finger fondling SeongWu’s beautiful jawline. – “Grandpa’s health is very good. You don’t need to worry too much.”

“He asked about my dating.”
“What? – Daniel startled – “What did you answer?”

“What do you think?”


SeongWu burst out of laugh. He knows how hilarious Daniel face is right now.

“Sit up!”

Daniel turns the blanket over and pulls SeongWu up. SeongWu kinda surprised but he is still too lazy to get off his bed. Daniel doesn’t let him lie back down.

“I’m tired.” – SeongWu whining.

“You need to eat something or you’ll get thinner. You can rest after the meal.”

“We are out of food.”

“There’re still ramyeon, egg and cheese left. Get up!”

Daniel carry SeongWu out of his bed and even out of his bedroom. He brings him to the living room and makes him sit on the sofa.

“Wait here!”

Daniel rushes into the kitchen and cooks. SeongWu just huddles himself on the sofa and watch TV. On TV, they are reporting Kim Sang Hoon's case. A promising student from an well-knows school suicide in such a horrific way. It's understandable that they making a fuss about this case. SeongWu looking at Kim Sang Hoon's picture on the screen. He surely was a handsome young guy. The news said he even went to internation competion and won a few prizes. Who could ever thought that he might end up like this?!?

A delicious smell starts to spread around the house. SeongWu's stomach can no longer resist the hunger. He follows that smell into the kitchen.

Daniel smashes an egg, drops it into the boiling lot of ramyeon.


Daniel gives SeongWu some well-cook ramyeon.

"Taste good!"

He smiles brightly while going back to his sofa.

Daniel puts in a slide of cheese and takes a new chopstick and spoon with him. He puts a bow of ramyeon in front of SeongWu.

"No sausage?"

"Didn't you said too tired to eat?"

Daniel also gives him a cup of water. SeongWu completely forgot how tired he was. Daniel sitting besides, watching him eating everything he cook.




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