[part II] A bloodstained music room_chapter 4

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When the night fall, SeongWu drives to the police hospital.This place is worse than any other normal hospitals. Only standing outside is enough to make SeongWu feel sick. The atmosphere in here is really too terrible to describe.

"You ok?" - Daniel get nervous seeing SeongWu's pale face.

"I'm fine! I can bear with this!"

SeongWu takes a deep breath and goes in.


Minhyun was waiting for them. He takes them to the morgue immediately.

The long hallway is lighten up with many electric lights but it still carry out such a spine-chilling feeling. Normal people would never dare to come down here at night, but for Minhyun, working at homicide department force him to come here whether he want to or not. As time went by, he already got used to it. But SeongWu isn't the same.

The empty hallway in SeongWu's eyes is actually really crowded. A lot of spirits walk past him. They're all has different horrific appearances. Only a few of them still remain as a whole. Some lost a hand, some lost a leg, even some lost half of their faces. There are some spirits acknowledge SeongWu's ability. They want to go after him, but once they see Daniel, all of them draw back in fear.

Daniel keeps his wit about every single spirit in this hallway. He glares at anyone who dare to approach SeongWu, warning them better be back or they'll surely pay a great price. He walks close to SeongWu and hold his hand. Daniel's hand always so cold but somehow, it makes SeongWu feel safe.


The morgue is at the end of the hallway. Minhyun already sent all the forensic sciencetist home before SeongWu came. In the silver gray room reeks of death and medicines, there is a body covered by a white blanket, lying on the table.

"His family want to take his body back for is funeral, we only have tonight left to check on him."

Minhyun said while uncovering the blanket.

"This is Kim Sang Hoon."

The body already turned gray. His hands are curled up. His fingers are bended out. His ribs was crushed which made his chest and stomach swollen up and turning into black and blue. There is even a broken bone stab through his skin. The mangle broken part can easily be seen.

Noticing SeongWu's unwell face, Minhyun ask.

"Do you need a mask or deodorant oil?"

"It's not because of the smell..."

SeongWu looking at the deformed face. There is still a terrify imprint on Kim Sang Hoon's face. It's nothing look like the handsome young man SeongWu saw on the TV. SeongWu have seen many dead bodies. Everyday he faces many spirits, died with many different reasons, but somehow, this corpse gives him an unease feeling.

"Can't you feel anything?"

SeongWu shakes his head. The only thing he feel from Kim Sang Hoon's corpse is the emptyness. Maybe that's what make SeongWu uncomfortable.

"If there's nothing here, then we should leave." – Daniel said.

Minhyun has noticed it since the start. Not only SeongWu, but Daniel also seem to be annoyed by something and Minhyun sure it's not because of the corpse. Anyway, if SeongWu can't feel or see anything, it's no use to make him stay here. Minhyun pulls back the blanket and they leave the morgue together.


After went back to his car, SeongWu hasn't start the engine yet. He just sits there for a while. Under the dim streetlight, Daniel still can clearly see that SeongWu isn't feeling well.


Daniel reaches out his hand, but before he can touch that beautiful white skin of SeongWu, there're a sudden knock on the window car. Minhyun looks both confusing and panicking with the phone is still on in his hand.

"They found another dead body at the university."



The university's gate tonight was bright up with police light. Minhyun said SeongWu and Daniel are his assistants and took them inside. Still at the 3rd floor, still in the old music room, but this time, SeongWu can feel "something" different.

Inside the room, next to the old piano, a girl's corpse lying there. Her legs were cut off from the knee. Her left hand and face were smashed into a complete mess. An eyeball was tossed aside on the cold wooden floor. The only part was left unbroken is her right arm with a bloodstained hammer still in her hand.

"This was found next to the body. Maybe it's her student ID card." – one police officer gives Minhyun a plastic evidence bag with a bloodstained ID card inside.

"Kim Sang Mi? Kim Sang Hoon's younger sister?"

"We didn't know yet. We has to wait for DNA test."

Minhyun looks at the mangle corpse on the floor, except the browned hairs, there're nothing similar to the pretty young girl on the ID card.

"Wasn't this place sealed? How did she come in?"

"This music room already abandoned for a long time, even the security didn't dare to come here. The yellow tape was ripped off, we are checking for fingerprints. If it was a victim's, then this must be another suicide." – the officer said.


"There is a witness who saw her used the hammer to smashed her head. The forensic scienctists also said her knee was smashed by the hammer in her hand. After completely crushed it, she used a paper knife to cut the skin and flesh left. We are checking the fingerprint on the knife."

"Who saw it?"

"It was the vocal teacher, he is outside."

Minhyun, SeongWu and Daniel go outside together. The teacher is standing in the corner. He is not a tall guy and even standing in a corner, no wonder three of them couldn't noticed him when they first come here.

"You was the witness?"

Minhyun ask.


The teacher guy looks kinda pale. His eyes still filled with panicking as he just saw a horrific scene.

"I'm Hwang Minhyun. I'm a detective who in charge of this case. May I ask you some question?" – Minhyun said, while showing his badge.

"I'm Kim Jaehwan, teacher from vocal music department."

"Aren't you quite young for a teacher?"

"I was a student here. After graduation, I stayed here to work. I just started last year."

"It was late. Why was you still at school?"

"I had some paper works to do in the office at the 2nd floor. When I was about to go home, I heard someone calling my name. I just followed that voice and went to the music room and..."

"You saw the victim smashing her head with a hammer?"

Kim Jaehwan nods.

"Why didn't you stop her?" – Daniel ask.

Of course, when seeing someone smashing their head with a hammer, anyone would try to stop them. Although he didn't know what going on, but it was strange if he just left her be.

"You couldn't" – SeongWu suddenly hold Daniel's hand while speaking to Jaehwan – "That moment... wasn't it feel like something stopping you? You couldn't move, right?"

"Yes! I said this to other police officers but they didn't believe me."

SeongWy gives Minhyun a sign, he understand right away. Three of them go back to the music room. Minhyun tells everyone to leave them with the body.

"SeongWu, have you find out something?"

"I'm not sure about that, but... maybe, these people... they are cursed."


"Kim Sang Hoon's and her corpse has one thing in common."

"No soul." – Daniel interupts SeongWu – "Both of the corpses are empty. There are no souls left in their bodies, not even a single trace of their spirits. Maybe someone used witchcraft to control their souls and made them do this to themselves."

"Uhm, I saw a black shadow near Han Young Hee's bed. I though it was just a mistake but for now, I think she also been cursed."

"Then, Han Young Hee will be the next victim?"

"Not only her, even... that young teacher..."


"He also has a black shadow standing behind him, that's why he couldn't stop this girl. The voice he heard before, I afraid it was also because of that shadow."

When Minhyun is confusing about what he need to do, an officer rushes in.

"Sir! You have a call from superior."

Minhyun then goes outside to take his phone call.

Forensic sciencetists come to pick up the body. They carefully lift up the mangle body of the girl and put her in the body bag. Her cut-off legs are put in separate bags. Every piece of her flesh and skins are put into a glass jar. SeongWu quietly stands aside and watches them clean up her bodies. He isn't say anything, just hold tight on Daniel's hand.

"SeongWu, if you're not feeling well, we should go home."

"No, it's just..."

When Minhyun is confusing about what he need to do, an officer rushes in.

"Sir! You have a call from superior."

Minhyun then goes outside to take his phone call.

Forensic sciencetists come to pick up the body. They carefully lift up the mangle body of the girl and put her in the body bag. Her cut-off legs are put in separate bags. Every piece of her flesh and skins are put into a glass jar. SeongWu quietly stands aside and watches them clean up her bodies. He isn't say anything, just hold tight on Daniel's hand.

"SeongWu, if you're not feeling well, we should go home."

"No, it's just..."

SeongWu suddenly turns back, but there is only a mirror wall which reflecting his own image behind him. SeongWu looks around him, except him and Daniel, there're only police officers and forensic scientists in the room. Everyone is busy with their works.

"What's wrong?"

"I... just had a chilling..."

"Enough! Let's leave!"

Daniel pulls SeongWu go straight to the door and runs into Minhyun at the hallway.

"SeongWu, the result just comes out. It was her fingerprints. My superior already decided it was a suicide and stop the investigation. They will announce it was because of stress that she committed suicide." - Minhyun said.

"What? How could they do that?" - Kim Jaehwan really has a sharp ears. He can hear everything Minhyun said although they aren't standing near each other.

When Jaehwan run towards him, SeongWu feels unease. He quickly closes his mouth, tries to hold down the feeling like vomiting.

"What? Are you ok..."

Minhyun notice SeongWu's face turned pale. But he haven't get a chance to ask. Daniel already takes SeongWu with him and leave.



"Niel... Niel... slow down, I can't..."

SeongWu leans on the wall to take a deep breath. Although his physical isn't good, but it not that bad that get tired just by go down 2 floors. Daniel let SeongWu breath for a while and then carry him to the gate.

"Niel, put me down!"

"Can you drive?"

Daniel takes SeongWu to a nearby hotel. He goes to the reception, look right into the receptionist.


"2nd floor, room 205." – she unconsciously gives Daniel a key. Her eyes are blank like some sort of trance.


Daniel takes SeongWu upstairs. The receptionist startled just like waking up from a dream, completely unaware of what just happened.

SeongWu signs.

"I brought my wallet, you don't have to..."

"Nonsense! Just leave it!"




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