[part II] A bloodstained music room_chapter 5

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SeongWu lying on the bed. It's still hard for him breath normally but at least it's better than stay in the university.

"Feeling better?" - Daniel sits beside him and cleans his face with wet tissue.

"I'm fine, it's just... it was too sudden so I got a little shock."

"Are you hungry? Want me to buy you something to eat?"

SeongWu gives Daniel his wallet.

"It's illegal to takes something without paying. My friend is a police."

"He can't arrest me anyway."

"Just pay!"

SeongWu goes to the window by the time Daniel walks out of the room.

This hotel is just across the university. His room's window is also coincidently facing the university gate. SeongWu can easily see everything happen at the gate from here. Police cars leaving one by one. Seem like they really stop the investigation.

SeongWu dial the number and call Minhyun.

"SeongWu? Are you home yet? How do you feel now?"

"Niel took me to a nearby hotel. My car still left at the university's parking lot."

"Uhm, that's good though! You seem wasn't well, it might be dangerous for you to drive."

"Minhyun, the case..."

"My superior already gave order. Even the test has proved that it was suicide. There's nothing I can do."

"But what about Han Young Hee, and Kim Jaehwan..."

"Han Young Hee is in the hospital with lot of doctors and nurses look after her. She gonna be fine. And about Kim Jaehwan, I can take care of it. Don't worry. Just take a rest!"


SeongWu leans on the window frame. As the police lights leaving, SeongWu starting to have a really bad feeling.



SeongWu is woken up by his cellphone's ring.

"SeongWu, are you still asleep?" – it's Minhyun.

"What's wrong? Is there another..."

"No! I'm at Kim Jaehwan-ssi's place, there's something you need to know. Can you come over?"

"Ok! Text me the address"

As he hanging up the phone, SeongWu immediately pressed down by Daniel.

"Why did he have to call this early in the morning?"

"It's about the case. Niel, you're heavy."

Daniel tighten SeongWu's waist, pull him closer.

"You're still tired." – Daniel said while his cold cheeks rubbing against SeongWu's neck.

"You keep pressing down on me like that just make me more tired."

Daniel loosen his arms. SeongWu pushes him away and gets off the bed.

Minhyun text him an address at Youngsan. If SeongWu remember correctly, this place is quite near Han river.

"Get up! We have to go get my car."


The building is really near Han river as SeongWu remember. He goes up the 10th floor and goes to the apartment number 1003 at the end of the hallway. Next to the doorbell is a name sign which write "Kim Jaehwan".

Kim Jaehwan comes out just a few second after SeongWu ring the bell.

"You are... from yesterday?"

""A, Kim Jaehwan-ssi, is Minhyun here?"

"Yes, Minhyun-ssi is in the kitchen."

"What? Kitchen..."


Minhyun's angry scream comes out from the kitchen. Kim Jaehwan quickly runs back inside. SeongWu and Daniel follow him.

"What is this thing? This spam already out of date for 2 months, why was it still in the fridge? This apple is also rotten. That mushroom bag is even have patina on it. There're cockroaches in the cupboard. All of your pots and pans are dank dirty. How can you live like this??? A, SeongWu!"

Minhyun let out a barrage of complain without noticing SeongWu standing in the corner.

"That tidy guy goes crazy again..." – Daniel stays behind SeongWu.

"Who's crazy?" – Minhyun glares at Daniel and he can't say any more words.

SeongWu giggling. There's time when Daniel do not dare to talk back to Minhyun.

Including his jacket on the sofa, Minhyun still wearing the same clothes as he was yesterday. His shirt still tucked in but his sleeves already rolled up to his elbows. Minhyun gathers all the garbage and leftover things together into a huge bag and gives it to Jaehwan.

"Throw it out. Remember to wash your hands afterward."

Jaehwan follow Minhyun's word obediently and carry the garbage bag outside. SeongWu looks at Minhyun focusing on cleaning the sink.

"Don't tell me you stayed here last night?"

"Yes, because you said Kim Jaehwan might be in danger."

"But you don't need to stay over and even clean his house..."

"My house is all the way to Anyang. You didn't leave your carkey for me. It was too late for taking a train and the taxi is expensive. I have to stayed up till 1am to clean out that sofa."


SeongWu suddenly remember when they were in high school. There was a day that Minhyun told a whole class to stay in the lunch break to clean up the whole classroom, just because someone forgot to clean the window frame. After all those years, his tidiness haven't change one bit.


When Minhyun washing the dishes. Jaehwan makes some tea for SeongWu and Daniel.

"You live alone?"

"Yes, since first year of university. This building was old, the price was cheap."

"Then... what is the thing that Minhyun want me to know?"

"Are you also police officers? I saw you two at the university yesterday."

"We're not police, but we can solve something that police can't"

After finnish the dishes, Minhyun clean his hand with a tower on the counter, then he throw it into a bin for dirty clothes. Then he sit on the sofa, next to SeongWu.

Jaehwan takes the photo album from his bookshelf and gives it to Minhyun. Inside are his photos when he was a student. From the secondhalf, some familiar faces appear in the photos. There's Han Young Hee, Kim Sang Hoon and his younger sister. Especially there's a photo of Kim Jaehwan with a young beautiful girl with long black hairs. They looks close.

"It's Mi Young." – Jaehwan point at the girl in the photo.

"Mi Young? You two were close?" – Minhyun ask. Normal teacher wouldn't call their students in such informality, not even mentioned to took a inmitacy photo like this together.

"We were performing together at the entrance ceremory. After that, Mi Young used to find me and talk about her concerns. Maybe because we were close in age so Mi Young found it easier to talk to me more than other teachers."

"What about Han Young Hee?"

"Young Hee used to hang around with Mi Young, but after the things with Kim Sang Hoon..."

"Kim Sang Hoon left her for Han Young Hee?"

"Yes, Mi Young was really shock because of that. I heard that it was Kim Sang Hoon's sister who introduced Mi Young to him, then Mi Young introduced Kim Sang Hoon to her best friend. Who could ever though...." – Jaehwan sighs while looking at Mi Young's smiling face. – "After that, she even lost her voice."

"Lost her voice? Why?"

"Doctor said her larynx was fine, but maybe she been suffered a serious trauma which cause her couldn't speak out. Young Hee was chosen to represent the university to attend the singing competition in Mi Young's place. A few weeks later, Mi Young commited suicide."

Minhyun silently watch over Jaehwan's expression while he talks. He really have sympathy for Yoon Mi Young's death. There only sorrow in his eyes.

"The victim was confirmed to be Kim Sang Mi. Last night you said she could not commit suicide."

"Neither Kim Sang Hoon."

"Why not?"

"Because Kim Sang Hoon and Young Hee were engaged. They will marry after graduation. They even chose Kim Sang Mi to be a bridemaid. Young Hee already gave me an wedding invitation."

Jaehwan flips to the end of the album. There's a red card with their name on it.

"It's true... Jaehwan-ssi?"

Kim Jaehwan suddenly have a dry cough. Starting with a few cough, but then he can't stop.

"Jaehwan-ssi, what's wrong?"

"I... (cough)"

Kim Jaehwan still can't stop coughing. His face turning pale like he is suffocating. He tries to take back his breath but he can't. Minhyun rushes to the kitchen and finds a paper bag. He uses it to cover Jaehwan's mouth and nose.

"Jaehwan-ssi, take a deep breath! Don't panic! Calm yourself and take a deep breath!"

Kim Jaehwan grabs the paper bag and tries to do as Minhyun said but it's completely useless. He fall on the ground.

"Minhyun, don't touch him!"

SeongWu rushes over Jaehwan. Jaehwan's condition is worsen. His lips turn purple and he even cough more than before. Then, he cough out a wisp of white rice.

"Rice?" – Minhyun is so shocked but it's really white rice. Not only one wisp, Kim Jaehwan keep cough out more and more rice.

When his strange cough stop, Kim Jaehwan lying upward. His body starting to have convulsion. Daniel rips off Jaehwan's shirt. A long mangle embossed mark appear, extend from his chest to his stomach. It's look like a terrible stitch line of an old doll.

"It's not good!"

SeongWu takes an amulet from his pocket and rolls it up while murmuring a spell. He rolls it into a small piece and put it in Jaehwan's mouth. But Kim Jaehwan is twitching too hard, it's impossible to make him swallow anything right now. Minhyun takes the amulet and directly feed it to Jaehwan by mouth. His convulsion is still not stopping. Minhyun uses his tongue to thrust the amulet down to Jaehwan's throat and force him to swallow it. Till he asure that Jaehwan already swallowed it completely, Minhyun slowly puts him lying back on the floor.

"Is this ok?"

"Uhm... yeah..."

Kim Jaehwan has stop coughing. His body gradually relax and calm down a little bit. His breath is back to normal. Even the stiching mark disappearing and his condition getting better.

"He's alright now."

Minhyun and SeongWu help Jaehwan sit up. He still dizzy after all those things. Jaehwan looks on the floor. All of the rice he just throw up still here. There's some black hairs mixing in those rice.

"Why was I... What is this?"

"Jaehwan-ssi, you need to calm down and listen to me carefully. Don't panic!" – SeongWu said.

Minhyun want to say something but his phone's ringing.

"Han Young Hee just knocked down a doctor and 2 nurses. She tried to escape from hospital but security guards stopped her."

"We need to go to the hospital."

"No, we can't! I'm not in charge of this case anymore. We can't just go there and ask questions like before. The officer who called me just now is my acquaintance. If we go now, it's might cause him trouble."

"Then, how about we go to Yoon Mi Young's house?" – SeongWu gives Jaehwan a cup of tea to calm him – "You know her address, right?"



Yoon Mi Young's house is quite far from Kim Jaehwan's house. It's took them 20 minutes to get there by car. SeongWu park his car at the end of the road while Jaehwan stop right in front of the house.

"Minhyun, you and Jaehwan-ssi try to buy us some time, ok?" – SeongWu speak through his phone.

"What are you guys up to?"

"There's someone inside, but the situation not gonna be good. We'll find a way to sneak in, just hang in there as long as you can."


Jaehwan rings the doorbell. A minute later, a young man comes to the door.

"This is... Mi Young's house, right? Yoon Mi Young?" – Jaehwan ask.

"Yes, it is."

"I'm Kim Jaehwan. I'm a vocal teacher at Mi Young's uni..."

"I know who you are. I saw your photo in Mi Young's album. Who is this guy?"


Minhyun shows him his badge without hesitation. The man is rather surprised, but quickly regain his composure.

"It's my turn to ask." – Minhyun said – "Who are you? What are you doing at Yoon Mi Young's house?"

"I'm her brother. What is the police doing here?"

"Your sister's friends are dead. Her bestfriend went mad. Do you know that?"

"Why should I care about them?"


SeongWu and Daniel go to the back of the house. The backdoor was locked, but there's a small window.

"Let me go inside. You stay here and wait!"

"No, it's too dangerous."

"Can you fit in that window?" – SeongWu ask while pointing at the window. For someone as muscular as Daniel, it's surely hard to get through. But SeongWu is kinda thin, maybe he can do it.

"Be careful!" – Daniel gives in and has to let SeongWu go alone.

Daniel kneels down and let SeongWu uses his knees as a stairs to climb up to the window above. Even for Seongwu, the window is quite small. It's took SeongWu a while to get through.

Fortunately, there's a table near the window, so SeongWu can climb down easily.

The kitchen is rather small and not have much of the furnitures. It's look like Mi Young used to lived here alone and so the current owner of this house.

SeongWu tries to listen to the conversation outside. Minhyun still trying to make it slow.

SeongWu goes to the bedroom. When passing the living room, SeongWu notices that there's a few pillows on sofa. For someone who live alone, it's weird to sleep in the living room instead of their own bedroom.

The bedroom isn't locked. SeongWu goes inside quietly.

The room is decorated with pink and white. On the table is music books and music sheets which were well organized. A single bed in the corner has a lot of stuffed animal on it. There's a light browned guitar right next to the bed. Just by looking at this room, anyone could easily guest the owner is a young girl who pursued music.

The floor and everything is clean. This room is cleaned up quite often.

SeongWu search in the desk drawer. Except a few school supplies and some more music books, there's nothing noteworthy.


The yelling outside gives SeongWu a shock. He quickly close the drawer and rushes to the way out but then, he hears the door slammed real hard. This house is not so big, it's very easy to see all the way from the living room to the kitchen. When that man goes back inside, SeongWu can't escape through that window anymore. He has to close the door and hide inside the bedroom.

"Who's there?"

Somehow that man notices that someone is in the house. His footstep toward the bedroom really make SeongWu frightening. SeongWu gets under the bed to hide.

Mi Young's brother rushes into the bedroom. Although he doesn't anyone but he still not gets out. He searches for something among those stuffed animals. SeongWu can hear his sound from above.

When SeongWu tries to stay silent hand hide, he finds something.


The doorbell ringing non-stop. The man startled. He re-organize everything on the bed and goes outside.

SeongWu immediately takes his chance and escape with the thing he found.

He runs to the kitchen and climb up to the window just like when he got in. Daniel is not here. It's not too high so SeongWu just jump down. He gets in the car and drive to the front door.

Just as he guess, Daniel is the one who rang the doorbell. He arguing something with Mi Young's brother. But when he saw SeongWu, he change his attitude right away.

"Oh, sorry. Wrong house!"

Daniel quickly get on SeongWu's car. Mi Young's brother doesn't care about what happened, he just goes back inside as fast as he can. Maybe he want to check for the intruder.

"What is that?"

Daniel curiously looks at the steel box in SeongWu hands.

"I found it under Yoon Mi Young's bed. I feel strange so I brought it with me."

"It's nothing strange to have something under the bed."

"Yes, but I can feel Yoon Mi Young's feeling from this box."


"It's a sorrow feeling. I can feel a really deep feeling when I touch it."




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