[part II] A bloodstained music room_chapter 6

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They drove to SMPA. Minhyun goes in alone and the others waits at the café nearby.

"You don't eat anything?" – Jaehwan curious because except the salad dish for SeongWu, Daniel didn't order anything for himself.

"Niel doesn't need food. Don't mind him!"

"You are the one who need to eat more." – Daniel said while mixing the salad for SeongWu. He also wipes clean the fork and then, order a cup of caramel machiato for SeongWu.

Jaehwan poking on the toast before him. He hesitates for while before asking.

"SeongWu-ssi, what exactly is your job?"

"Why you ask?"

"Minhyun-ssi said you're not the police, but you can solve cases which police can't. Are those like.... the thing happened to me..."

"Jaehwan-ssi" – SeongWu gives off a slight smile – "You can never understand my world."



Almost 30 minutes later, Minhyun comes out from SMPA and goes to the café.

"Why so quiet?" – Minhyun sits beside to Kim Jaehwan. He looks at everything on the table – "Didn't order anything for me?"

"Who know what you want to eat!" – Daniel murmuring while giving SeongWu a salad – "So? What did you do in there?"

"Yoon Min Jae is the killer."

"What? Yoon Min Jae?"

"It Yoon Mi Young's brother. He is living in her house now. According to the report, Yoon Mi Young lived with their father while her brother stayed with their mother in Australia."

"Did they keep in touch? Why did I never heard Mi Young talk about her brother?" – Jaehwan gives Minhyun his cup of milk coffee.

Minhyun nods as a thank and continue with his talk.

"I asked him. Yoon Min Jae came back to attend his sister funeral and stayed since then. His father died 3 months ago."


"He was hit by a truck, but it was hard to say it was the driver's fault or he just ran into it... intentionally."

SeongWu and Daniel thinking for a while. Minhyun takes time to drink his coffee and order a toast.

"What's that box?" – Minhyun ask while looking at the steel box beside SeongWu.

"I found it under Yoon Mi Young's bed."

SeongWu opens the box. There's a rag doll with an plucked eye and a splitted stomach. The incision was stiched up by red string but they can see the inside was filled with white rice.

"Isn't it a doll you use to curse people?" – Jaehwan terrified by a doll and by rememering the thing happen to him in this morning.

"It is, but this couldn't work?" – SeongWu puts the doll on the table. He doesn't care much about it – "You can't curse people just by stuffing white rice into a doll. You need to have a really deep and strong hatred toward the one you want to curse and also, you need a correct spell. It's complicated!"

Except the doll, there's some notebooks inside the box. They were decorated carefully with a lot of cute stickers.

"It's Yoon Mi Young's diaries."

There are 4 notebooks in the box. It's look like Yoon Mi Young quite fond of writing diary everyday. Minhyun gives one to each person.

"Is it ok to read others diary?" – Jaehwan somehow feel guilty.

"You don't have to if you don't want. You're a victim, not the investigator."

"No, it's... fine! I want to help you."

They look through those diaries. The one in Daniel's hand was wrote since the end of her middle school. It's nothing noteworthy. He puts it back into the box. The one in Jaehwan's hand started since her high school. It's mostly about her school life.


Jaehwan's hands suddenly shake in shock. He even drops the diary.



Kim Jaehwan has classes in the afternoon so he has to go back. Some curious students ask him about the incident but Jaehwan doesn't have anything to say. The only thing he can tell them is that the police is dealing with that. The board locked the music room and decided to get rid of the grand piano. They going to turn that room into a storage. Most of the students agreed with their decision. Kim Jaehwan of course has no reason to go against it.

In the evening, Jaehwan receives a message from Minhyun.

"Everything is ok at school?"

Jaehwa is still in class. He quickly text back "It's fine" and put the phone back in his pocket.


SeongWu sitting in the hallway of the hospital, outside of Han Young Hee's room. Since his grandfather was here, doctors and nurses already gets to know him so no one questions even if SeongWu stay a whole day in the hallway.

He takes a look inside. Han Young Hee still sleeping in her bed. A middle-aged woman sitting beside her bed with a sad face seem to be Han Young Hee's mother. She gently cleaning Young Hee's face with a soft tower. Everything seem to be alright. Now, there's another thing he has to worry about.


Daniel leans on the wall. He has been standing there for a while with that annoying face. He keep whinning and chucking the whole time.

"If you are so annoyed then go to the hospital with SeongWu." – Minhyun glance at that sulky guy besides him.

"I wouldn't have to come alone if you're not such a useless human and makes SeongWu worry about you."

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm Hwang Minhyun the useless, sorry for bothering you, Daniel-ssi."

The way Minhyun sneering at him really make Daniel getting more annoyed. Although SeongWu already said everything gonna be alright as long as they keep their eyes on Yoon Min Jae, but Daniel doesn't want to go with the guy who always make he feel uncomfortable.

"He going out!"

Minhyun pushes Daniel to the wall. Across the road is Yoon Mi Young's house, Yoon Min Jae is locking the door before leaving.

Minhyun waits for him to leave then drags Daniel to the house.

"What now? He's gone."

"Do you know how to get in?" – Minhyun ask.

Daniel looks around, this street isn't too crowded.

"Watch out for me."

Although he doesn't know what Daniel is up to but Minhyun still standing in front of the door to cover for him. The street isn't crowded but Minhyun still watch out carefully just in case Yoon Min Jae come back.


There's a small sound of explosion. Then, Daniel quickly pulls Minhyun's shirt, drag him inside and quickly close the door. Minhyun doesn't care to ask how Daniel opened the door, he just goes straight to the bathroom.

"It's just like SeongWu guest."

There's 4 basins of water. Each basin contains a rag doll with an plucked eye which was replace by an old rusty coin and sewed by red thread. The stomach was spitted and full with white rice and also sewed up with red thread. The doll was wrapped around 3 times by a string also red like those threads. The water in those basins have a color as red as blood.

"Using his own blood to created a curse. He's really knew things." – Daniel giggles.

"This is not a joke!"

Two have been stabbed in their hearts. The white rice inside were flooded out.

"Maybe these were used for Kim Sang Hoon and Kim Sang Mi."

In those two basins, there are some hairs mixing in white rices. One has long browned hairs and the other has short darker-browned hairs. They both mixing with some black hairs.

"What are you planning to do?"

Minhyun looks at the other two dolls and thinks for a while.



Till night falls, there's nothing happen with Han Young Hee. When she woke up, she didn't have any sign of craziness. She just calmly had dinner with her family in the hospital room. SeongWu didn't see any dark shadow. He feels relief and goes to the university to meet Minhyun as planned.


Daniel is waiting at the gate with Minhyun, but it's look like he is angry.

"Are you angry because I didn't let you go with me?"

"Minhyun, he..." – Daniel want to say something but Minhyun gives a sign to ask him to keep quiet. Daniel even more pissed off. – "Tskk"

Jaehwan just comes and bewildered by the awkward atmosphere in front of the university's gate.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing! How's school?"

"It's 7pm, students already went home. There's only a few staying after class for their school acitivities. They usually gathering in the hall or bacyard."

"Then, nobody staying around the 3rd floor?"

"Everyone always try to avoid that place. At night, even the security guards are barely go there."

"Such an ideal place for doing bad things!"



Jaehwan takes them go by the stairs way which was less noticeable. Minhyun talks about things happened at Yoon Mi Young's house. Daniel still keep silent the whole time. SeongWu is well aware of his unusual annoying face.

SeongWu knew Daniel didn't annoyed because he didn't go with him, but Minhyun keep interfere everytime he want to ask about it.

"Oh yes, inside those dolls, there's Yoon Mi Young's hairs. I guest Yoon Min Jae took it from her old comb. Everything in her room was kept as the way they were before, some strand of hairs must be quite easy to find."

"Mi Young's hairs? Aren't we need to use people hairs to curse them?" – Jaehwan ask. Thought he still confusing but all those strange things happened recently makes him curious.

"It's true that you need to use the victim's hairs or fingernail. Blood of the one who perform the witchcraft will afforce the curse and hairs from the dead...."

"Bewitch associates with overmaster a spirit." – Daniel finally speak a word.

"Can we combines those things?"

"It's kinda complicated but still possible. It's been a long time since anyone used it because the price for using it was too high."

SeongWu wants to know more about it, but they already come to 3rd floor. The door which should be locked is now opened. The lock was thrown on the floor. It's looks like it was broke by a pincers.

"It's Yoon Min..."

A terrible pain suddenly come up makes Minhyun fall on the ground. Blood seeping out of his chest, soaking his white shirt.




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