[part II] A bloodstained music room_chapter 7

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“Min… Minhyun-ssi…”

Jaehwan freaks out by the look on Minhyun's face.

SeongWu and Daniel rush into the room. Yoon Min Jae is there as their expected. He kneeling next to the grand piano. He's holding a rag doll in one hand and stabbing its chest with a paper knife.

Daniel immediately lock his arms and condtrain him to lie down on the floor. SeongWu picks up the rag doll with the knife still stab on it.

"You can't kill Kim Jaehwan-ssi."

"What are you saying? Kill? Who?"

Yoon Min Jae playing innocent just makes Daniel gets more angry. Yoon Min Jae's face can't hide the terrible pain coming from his arms and shoulders.

"Niel, don't kill him!"

Daniel obeys and loosen his grip. Yoon Min Jae quickly get up and escape from Daniel. But his shoulders already dislocated and he can't move carelessly.

"You can't kill people with this. Cursing people is also cursing yourself."

"What don't understand what you are saying. Mi Young loved stuffed toys and rag dolls, I just came here to make an offerings to her."

There's a small basin of water and 3 candles in the room.

"Making an offerings with a rag doll and 3 candles? And what was that basin for?"

"It's not your concern! Who are you guys? I can report you to the police for assaulting ."

"I'm a police."

Although his wound is still bleeding, Minhyun slowly goes inside. Jaehwan walking beside him, using his phone as flashlight to help Minhyun see clearly where is Yoon Min Jae and point his gun correctly.

"I can arrest you for assaulting police officer."

"What? Where's your proof?"

"Inside that doll isn't Kim Jaehwan-ssi's hairs, it's mine. You can't do anything to him!"

SeongWu looks at Daniel but he doesn't say a word. He just looks back and makes that "it's-not-my-concern" expression.

Kim Jaehwan tries to keep calm. He knew Minhyun's left arm is almost paralyzed because his bleeding doesn't stop and he lost quite an amount of blood. Fortunately, the light is dim so that others can see how serious his injury is.

"Yoon Mi Young's father had been sexual harassed her since high school. That's why you killed him. Kim Sang Hoon left her for Han Young Hee and Kim Sang Mi who introduced them to each other, you also killed them. Han Young Hee used to be Yoon Mi Young's best friend but she betrayed her, you couldn't forgive that. But Kim Jaehwan-ssi always been nice to her, why did you want him dead?"

Minhyun still speaking in his usual coherent way. But SeongWu can notices he is kinda out of breath.

Yoon Min Jae listen to every word he said. Each word likes a sharp knife, cutting through his sensitive spot. He grind his teeth in anger and point at Jaehwan.

"That son of a b*tch knew everything but he didn't help Mi Young. He deserve to die."

Yoon Min Jae takes his chance while SeongWu is concerning about Minhyun’s injury and snatches the rag doll from his hand.

“Don’t move!” – Yoon Min Jae twist the knife on the rag doll. – “If you want that police guy lives, you better stay still. Don’t come near me.”

The rip on the doll is twisted so hard that it almost tear the doll’s chest apart. The white rice coming out of the doll, falling on the floor. At the same time, Minhyun suffers a more terrible pain. He can’t even stand straight. He leans on the door. His face turning pale.

“It’s fine even if this is not Kim Jaehwan’s hairs. He can still do it himself.”

Yoon Min Jae moves his mad eyes toward Kim Jaehwan, slowly spit out word after word.

“Do as I say or I kill him.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Those brother and sister already suicided, one more suicide won’t be a problem. Your gun is loaded, right mr. police?”

Jaehwan doesn’t even need a second to think. He tries to takes Minhyun’s gun but even when he is injuried, Minhyun still faster a normal teacher like him. Jaehwan get pushes back. He didn’t even touch the gun yet.

Daniel comes right behind Yoon Min Jae. His strong hand seizes his neck and snatches away the doll.

“You want to seek revenge for your sister, but you use her soul as a sacrifice?”

Yoon Min Jae rather surprise by Daniel’s word.

“What sacrifice?”

“To use a rag doll to curse people, you need hairs or fingernails of the victim and blood of the performer. You use Yoon Mi Young’s hairs in those dolls which mean you bind her soul into the spell and force her to kill for you.” – SeongWu said while checking the doll.

He takes an amulet and sticks it on the doll’s forehead. But his amulet turn into ashes immediately and disappear.

“Why… What have you done with this doll?”

“I don’t know!”

“Don’t know?” – Daniel tighten his grip. Yoon Min Jae starting to get suffocate. – “Where did you get this spell?”

“That man… that man said if I put Mi Young in the doll, it can combine our souls and afforce the spell.”

“A man? Who is he? How can we break this spell?”

Minhyun fall on the ground. Looking at how much blood he had lost, SeongWu get more nervous. He tries all of amulets he has, all of spells he knew. But everything is useless.

Fire… burn it…

The voice echoing inside SeongWu’s ears. The sound is so slight that it’s almost like a breeze blowing through. A pure sweet voice, but sound like it’s shaking in sorrow. SeongWu don’t know what to do except takes this as a chance. He burn the doll with the candle.

“SeongWu, don’t!”

The fire flares up aggressively and burns the doll in an instant. Even the knife is burns with it.


The roughly scream echoes around the room. Right next to the grand piano, a fierce fire suddenly flares up. In that burning fire, they can see the shadow of a girl with long hairs writhing in pain.

“Mi… Mi Young…”

More than anyone, Yoon Min Jae easily recognizes his own sister. He want to save her but he can’t get rid of Daniel. He can only stand there and watch Yoon Mi Young screaming in the fire and disappear along with the black smoke.

Except Daniel, everyone in the room was shocked by that horrific scene.

“Just… just now… Was it Mi Young?” – Jaehwan shaking in fear.

“You saw that too?”

SeongWu grabs Yoon Min Jae’s collar.

“Who gave you this cruel spell?”

“I don’t know… I don’t know who he is… He didn’t let me saw his face… He was a man with long hairs…”


For some reason, Daniel seem to be distracted.

The lid of the grand piano suddenly open. Brass strings shoot out and wrap around Yoon Min Jae’s wrists and pull him over. The traction is too strong that even Daniel and SeongWu can hold him back. Brass strings keep shooting out and wrap Yoon Min Jae’s neck.


Minhyun throw SeongWu his gun. He tries to shoot inside the case but just a waste of bullets. Those brass strings wrapping around Yoon Min Jae’s neck but not killing me. They’re just trying to pull him inside the piano case. He tries hard to fight back. His fingernails scratching on the vernis and leave a hideous marks on the piano case. The situation got worse. SeongWu and Daniel tries to hold him back together.

“Who gave you the spell? Say! Is he has a black hairs which is always tied back? Am I right?”

Daniel is not saving Yoon Min Jae. He is questioning him. He want to use his strength to pull Yoon Min Jae back, but the strings wrapping around his neck are more and more tighten. If they keep struggling like this, Yoon Min Jae will be ripped apart.

Since Daniel couldn't use too much strength, more strings shoot out from the piano and stab through Yoon Min Jae's arms and shoulders. He is lifted off the floor and snatched out of SeongWu and Daniel's hands. Yoon Min Jae is pulled in the piano case. The lid close down right away. Blood flood out through the interstice, makes a whole puddle of blood under the piano. Daniel open the lid, but there's nothing but blood inside. There's nothing else of Yoon Min Jae was left.

SeongWu doesn't know why, but the anger show on Daniel's face is not something he ever seen before. Somehow, it's make SeongWu scared.

“Minhyun-ssi! Minhyun-ssi!”

Jaehwan tries to call out for him but Minhyun doesn't react. He's already faint.

"The security guard can heard the gunshot. They must be coming now."

SeongWu helps Jaehwan carrying Minhyun out. Daniel bucks down all of the candle. One candle falls on Yoon Min Jae's blood and for some unknown reason, the fire flares up and quickly spread around the room. Daniel follows SeongWu, leaves behind the burning music room.


Jaehwan takes Minhyun to hospital. SeongWu want to come along but Daniel didn't let him. He insist to take him home immediately. Since they didn't have time for arguing, SeongWu has no choice but to let Jaehwan take care of Minhyun.

"Can you explain now?" - SeongWu right at the moment they get home. - "What was wrong with you? Since you know about the spell, about that mystery man..."

Daniel pulls SeongWu into his arms and hugs him so tight that it's almost hard to breath.


SeongWu can feel Daniel's shoulders are shaking. SeongWu doesn't understand anything but he still can feel their is something seriously wrong with Daniel. He gently runs on his back, tries to calm him down.

Daniel kiss on SeongWu's neck. SeongWu doesn't resist. Daniel keep attaching his lips on SeongWu's neck for so long, in a gently but full of passion way as if he want to devour him. But Daniel doesn't leave any mark on that fair skin of SeongWu.



Few days later, the medical result SeongWu's grandfather comes out. There's nothing serious except his blood pressure is a bit high. Doctor gave him a prescription and let him discharge from the hospital. But after his grandfather went back to Incheon, SeongWu still has to go to the hospital.


Kim Jaehwan get off his car, carrying a bouquet of flowers and a basket of fruits.

"You come to visit Minhyun" - SeongWu said.

"Uhm... yeah..."

Daniel waits for SeongWu to lock his car and they go with Jaehwan to Minhyun's room.

"SeongWu-ssi!" - Jaehwan hesitate for a while, doesn't what to ask. - "That case... I still can't get it."

"Yoon Min Jae used a black spell to constrain his sister's soul into those dolls, let her controlled those people, made them kill themselves. Their souls after death couldn't rest in peace but got devour by that spell. But he didn't know the only way to break that spell is destroy the doll along with Yoon Mi Young's soul and his own soul. In conclusion, he just brought it upon himself." - Daniel said everything clearly at once.

Jaehwan really confused. He tries to understand all the things Daniel just said. Although there are many things he want to ask but he has the feeling that the more he know about these things, the harder it get for him to continue his normal life.

"Niel and I went to check Yoon Min Jae's house, the other dolls were burn to ashes. Han Young Hee also went back to normal. Yoon Min Jae already had his punishment. Don't mention this anymore!" - SeongWu lightly bite his lip.


Yoon Min Jae was the one who use the curse to kill people, but he just wanted to revenge for his sister. He shouldn't have to end up like that. And Yoon Mi Young, she used to be depressed to the point that she want to cursed people but in the end, she told SeongWu to destroy that doll. She didn't deserve that painful death. The only  one who who deserve all that horrible pain is the man who taught Yoon Min Jae that dangerous spell.





Thanks you guys for this ranking. I really really really appreciate your support. (´• ω •') ♡

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