[part IV] A sorrowful nightmare_chapter 1

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Daniel’s sound good.

Then from now on, I shall call you Daniel.





Daniel awakes and startled.

“What’s wrong with you? I was calling for a while but you didn’t wake up.”

“A dream…”

Daniel cluelessly sit on the bed. The feeling was so real. That familiar voice still so clear like it’s still echoing in his head. That familiar face was still exactly the same as the last time he saw it.

“Dream? But you said you can’t dream”

Daniel know more than anyone that he can never have a dream but those memories keep coming back over and over again. He can’t stop thinking about it.


SeongWu suddenly comes close to Daniel. There faces are so close that Daniel can even see SeongWu’s beautiful long eyelashes.

“Do you have something to tell me?”

“What? What do I have to tell you?”

“You sure you don’t want to tell me anything?”

“If you still staying this close, I’ll kiss you.”


“What? Why did you slap me?”

Daniel rubbing on his red cheek.
SeongWu get off the bed like nothing happened.

“Don’t say those grossy words with that serious face. I thought you really mean it.”


“We are out of food. I’ll go to the supermarket.”

“I’ll go with you.”

Daniel rushes to the bathroom to wash his face and change clothes. It’s only take him about 15 minutes to finish everything and ready to go with SeongWu.



Except for sweets, Daniel don’t know how to choose other foods. He just following SeongWu with the shopping cart.

Actually, SeongWu barely have time to cook at home. He has ramyeon or some simple meal most of the time. It's only take about 30 minutes to buy everything he want such as ramyeons, canned foods and some fruits. But waiting in line at the cashier is really takes him a long time.

SeongWu checks his watch. It's almost 10am. It's the time most of the housewives go shopping for their families. That's explain the long waiting lines. SeongWu kinda tired of the waiting. He leans on Daniel's shoulder. Daniel gently press his fingers along SeongWu's spine and massages his back.

“Ong SeongWu?”

A man looks same age as SeongWu approach them. Next to him is a woman who keep holding tight on his arm. She is quite skinny, even for a woman. Her face looks rather pale. It's still in summer but she wearing a scarf which covering her neck.

"You're Ong SeongWu, right? I'm Yoo Hwan. We were classmates in high school. You haven't change anything."

The man seem to be very glad to see SeongWu but it's takes a while for SeongWu to remember who he is.

Because his friendships didn't turned out so good in elementary and middle school, SeongWu was rarely get close to anyone at school. Except for Minhyun, he didn't have any close relationship with anyone. It's understandable that he couldn't remember his old classmate.

"Well... It's been a long time..."

"You still in contact with Minhyun?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"There's something..."

Yoo Hwan looks around. There are too many people here. The woman seem nervous.

"I can't say it here. My house is nearby, can you come over?"

"Oh... ok..."

SeongWu can't understand anything but definitely nothing good.

Before SeongWu leaves, Yoo Hwan carefully ask for his phone number and even remind him to come over.



Daniel helps SeongWu put everything in the fridge.

"What?" - SeongWu notices Daniel's obvious stare.

"You're meddling again."

"I just want to check."

"You thought I didn't see the thing behind them?"

SeongWu really saw a dark entity behind those two. It was in a shape of a young man. SeongWu can saw it with a pale face and a skinny body which was covered in blood. But it still felt so unstable, like a smoke and its face somehow filled with sadness. The thing that Yoo Hwan want to discuss with SeongWu must be about that entity.




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