[part IV] A sorrowful nightmare_chapter 2

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Yoo Hwan's house is a high-class apartment in Gangnam centre. Just by looking from the outside of the building, everyone can imagine how rich he is. They need a keycard to use the elevator. Yoo Hwan already gave it to SeongWu when they met at the supermarket. He only need to follows the instruction and goes to the highest floor.

SeongWu look through the floor map. There's only one apartment which takes over a whole 20th floor. It was three times bigger than other apartments. Yoo Hwan must possess quite a fortune.

SeongWu just press on the doorbell for once and Yoo Hwan open the door immediately, as if he was waiting for SeongWu to come.

"You're here! Please come in!"

There are ton of luxury furnitures inside, from the chanderlier on the ceiling to the carpet on the floor. Everything looks expensive. SeongWu and Daniel sit down on the sofa. Yoo Hwan sits on another sofa in front of them. A woman they met in the supermarket brings out some tea and sit next to Yoo Hwan.

"I haven't introduce yet. This is my wife, Ji Hye."

"What's on her neck?"

Ji Hye slightly startled. She still wearing a scarft but it's doesn't tyed properly. Maybe she just put it on in a hurry when SeongWu came.

"I told you there's no need to hide."

Ji Hye unwillingly take off her scarft. Her neck was imprinted with a terrible bruise and there's even some scratches. Moreover, the bruise is clearly in the shape of a human hand.

"This is what you want to talk about?"

Yoo Hwan nods.

"Actually... these were my doing."


"We married in February. But since we moved in this apartment, I kept having nightmare."

"Nightmare? What was it like?"

"It began as a floating feeling when I was asleep. But then, I started walking around in my sleep. Recently, I even dreamt about killing Ji Hye. I didn't understand why I had those dreams.

"It's not just a dream." – Ji Hye said with a terrify expression on her face – "He was actually trying to kill me in his sleep. The other night, he was strangled me while he was sleeping."

"Isn't it just a sleepwalking? You need to see a doctor." – Daniel has no interesting in their story.

"IT'S NOT SLEEPWALKING!" – Ji Hye suddenly yell. – "His face... his expression... was... too scary. It's clearly that he tried to kill me."

"Ji Hye, please calm down. You knew it wasn't me."

Yoo Hwan hugs Ji Hye to calm her down. He caress down on her thin arm and rubs on her back to calm her. She start to cry.

"It's must be because of this apartment. Everything happened since we lived here."

"I think... you should take some rest..."

SeongWu can't ask her anything in this state. Yoo Hwan also understand that she is not stable enough to continue. He takes her to the bedroom.

SeongWu walks around the apartment. It's really big. The kitchen, the living room, the bedroom was located perfectly. A fish tank in the living room, 9 goldfishes, one of them is black. A small narcissus flower pot in the kitchen corner, facing to the west.

"So?" – Daniel ask.

"This apartment is really good. Everything is arranged perfectly . I can't see anything wrong with this place."

"Of course there's nothing wrong." - Yoo Hwan come back with a sigh. - "Ji Hye's father bought this place for us. He chose all of the furnitures by himself to make a perfect home for his daughter."

"You're not the one who bought this place?"

"Well..." - Yoo Hwan seem to be nervous. - "Actually we knew each other through matchmaking. Ji Hye's father is a CEO of a big company. He bought this place for her wedding."

"Oh!!" – Daniel raising his eyebow with despising look in his eyes glaring at Yoo Hwan.

The situation is not so good, SeongWu try to change the topic.

"Yoo Hwan, don't you think you was sleepwalking? Have you seen the doctor?"

"Of course I have. Ji Hye was worried since I walking around in my sleep. I seen several doctors and took quite some medicines. But they were completely useless. Things even got worst day by day."

Yoo Hwan sighs.

"Ji Hye want to sell this apartment. But her dad wouldn't let her sell this place just because of me having nightmare."

"Why did Ji Hye think it was becausee of this place?"

"Everything started since we moved here. I didn't belive her idea but I didn't how to explain."

"Hmmm" – SeongWu didn't see anything wrong with this apartment. The only problem here is Yoo Hwan and his wife.

Since his first time meeting them, SeongWu has been seeing a dark entity behind them. That entity even looke clearer and more stable here than it was in the supermarket. After Ji Hye went back to the bedroom, that entity didn't follow Yoo Hwan anymore. Maybe it was attached to Ji Hye.

"Ji Hye-ssi is in the bedroom? Can I take a look?"


Yoo Hwan quite surprise but still take SeongWu to the bedroom. SeongWu only takes a peek through a chink on a door.

Ji Hye lying on a bed. One hand lean on her forehead, the other holding tight on her blanket. She hasn't completely calm down yet. That entity is no longer a dark shadow. It can be clearly seen as a youngman standing next to Ji Hye bed. His face doesn't show any expressions. He just standing there, staring at Ji Hye with the cold dead eyes of his.

He suddenly raise up, look at SeongWu. Those deep black eyes just staring straight into SeongWu's eyes. In that instant, SeongWu feel like he was hit by an invicible force. He falls on the floor and faint immediately.



SeongWu gradually regain his conciousness. He tries to open up his heavy eyelids. The first thing he see is Daniel's worrying face.

"You awake? I was so worry about you!"

"SeongWu, finally you wake up." - Yoo Hwan ang even Ji Hye seem to be worry about SeongWu.

SeongWu sits uo. His whole body is aching like hell and his head is still dizzy.

"You suddenly passed out and didn't wake up no matter how many times I called." - Daniel said while checking SeongWu's condition. His face is so pale that even his lips turned white. - "Are you alright? We should go home!"

"I'm alright... for now..."

SeongWu massaging his head to ease the pain. It's already dark outside. SeongWu has been passed out for hours.

"SeongWu, did you see something? Why did you faint while looking into the bed..."

"Bedroom? Did you say bedroom? Is there something in my bedroom? How can I sleep in there? We should moved out. We can sleep in the hotel tonight!"

Ji Hye thinks about a hundred ways to not step in that bedroom anymore. She almost lost her mind for the fear.

"Don't worry! It's nothing in there! It's just..."


SeongWu looks at the entity behind those two, then looks into Ji Hye's terrify eyes. He knows he shouldn't say that, at least not in front of her. He need to investigate more before saying something.

He takes out two white amulets from his pocket.

"Put one of this on your bedroom door, the other above of your bed. You can sleep well tonight. There will be nothing to worry about."


Ji Hye snatches those amulets from SeongWu and rushes into her bedroom right away. Yoo Hwan kinda embarrassed.

"You really ok? What did you see?"

"It's hard to tell you now. Will you free tomorrow? There's a coffee shop nearby..."

"Ok, ok. Just text me the address and time. I'll be there."

"Then 1pm tomorrow and... can you come alone?"

"Alone? What about Ji Hye..."

SeongWu slightly shakes his head as a signal. Yoo Hwan quite understand it's must be something related to Ji Hye that she shouldn't know.




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