[part V] The lost eyes_chapter 3

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Kim Jaehwan tries to swallow a piece of steamed bun and almost choked. He tries his best to make sure he didn't mistook the one in front of him.

He's really look like SeongWu-ssi!

That thought slipped through Jaehwan's mind for a second but immediately got shaken off. In his memory, SeongWu always gave off an impression of a handsome young man with an elegant formal style. The one right there is wearing a pyjama and not even have any shoes on. His hairs are all messup up. He is sitting on the side of the road, burrying his face in his knees. Somehow he look kinda pitiful.

"Take SeongWu home!"

The voice suddenly comes from behind Jaehwan.

"Daniel-ssi? That... really is SeongWu-ssi?"

"Just call me Daniel. Can you take SeongWu home for me?"

"Why don't you take him home? You guys always together."

"It's... might be impossible."

Jaehwan didn't understand anything but it's obvious that he can't leave SeongWu here, all alone on the street in that state. This place is quite deserts now, but who know what would happen if anyone come by.


SeongWu slowly looks up when Jaehwan calls for him. But he looks around for a while before looks directly at Jaehwan.

"Are you ok?"


SeongWu seem really exausted with his eyes are slightly red. He definitely not ok at all.

"Why are you here? Do you want me to take you home or... should I call Minhyun-ssi?"

"You don't have to. I can go home by myself."

"By yourself? But...."

Just by looking at how stumble he is while standing up, Jaehwan really concerns. His dirty and scratched foot shown that he had walked in that condition for quite a time. He might be had hurt his foot without knowing.

"Let's call a taxi."


SeongWu lean on the light pole. His eyes still wander around.

"I can't..." – SeongWu mumbling to himself.


"Why can't I see...."

SeongWu just keep mumbling like he is out of mind until the taxi comes.



The taxi stops in front of a 2 floored building. Jaehwan immediately recognize a familiar face.


"Jae... SeongWu!"

Minhyun pushes Jaehwan aside and only focus on SeongWu. Jaehwan feels a bit disappointed but it's can be help since they just barely know each other.

"Minhyun, Minhyun, Niel disappeared!"

"Disappeared?" – Minhyun looks over Daniel, the one is sitting on top of the taxi right now. He even waves at Minhyun as a greeting. – "How could he disappear? What happened?"

"It's just... suddenly I can't see him. I heard him a second before but when I opened my eyes, he was gone."

Daniel jumps off the car and give a signal to Minhyun not to say anything about his presence. Then, he turns into a blue flame and flies away, leaving Jaehwan in complete shock.

"Just get inside first, then tell me everything, ok?"

SeongWu slightly nods.

Minhyun pays the taxi and notices Jaehwan's confusing face.

"Get inside and I'll explain later!"

"What? Ah... yes..."



There's a stair outside of the building, SeongWu's apartment is upstair. According to Minhyun, SeongWu bought this place and let the apartment downstair for rent. Jaehwan just nod to his words. Whose building it is now isn't the question he wondering.

The door was left unlocked. It's understandable. SeongWu's mind is now can't concern about anything, not only locking the door.

The first impression of Jaehwan about SeongWu's apartment is just one word: simple. There's only one sofa, one desk, one TV in the living room. The kitchen is just a courter in the corner with a medium fridge, seperated from the living room by a dinner table and two chairs. Jaehwan realizes that the sofa is also a size for two people. There are four flower pots in four corner of the apartment and nothing more.

Minhyun let SeongWu sit down on the sofa, bring him some water and then listen to the whole story.

Jaehwan is completely lost with all the unbelieveable things like spell, spirit, possession. He getting more and more confused.

"So... it's not only Daniel, you also can't see other spirits?"

"Yes..." – SeongWu tiringly sighs – "I've been looking around. I can't see anything."

SeongWu biting his lips so hard that it almost bleed. Minhyun knows his mind is not stable.

"You should have some sleep. Maybe after a deep sleep, the effect from that amulet will go off and you will be back to the way you are."

"You think so?"

"I'm not an expert in these king of things but you can't do anything by wandering around like that. Daniel will find a way to help you. You just stay at home and take some rest."

Minhyun forces SeongWu to change his clothes and goes to bed. Although SeongWu doesn't want it but he has to admit that Minhyun is right. He can't change anything just by walking around. Moreover, he already exausted and really need a good rest right now.


After SeongWu went to bed, there're only Jaehwan along with Minhyun in the living room. Minhyun decides to break this awkward asmostphere himself.

"Jaehwan-ssi, everything you saw and heard in here, please do not tell anyone."

"I won't. Because... I didn't understand anything. And Daniel, he is..."

"I don't know what he is, but I'm sure that he is not human."

Jaehwan suddenly get a chill.

"You don't have to worry, Daniel is not human, but he doesn't harm innocent people." – Minhyun said – "He just shown up beside SeongWu and then stayed with him till now."

"Daniel seem to treat SeongWu-ssi really well. He really care about SeongWu-ssi."

"Not only care..." – Minhyun just stops and leaves it there without finish his sentence. Jaehwan knows he shouldn't ask for more.

Minhyun looks over the bedroom's door. SeongWu's condition now absolutely not suitable for investigate a murder case and he only can wonder where Daniel is now.



Daniel lands on top of the building with blue flames flying surrounding him.

"Did you find anything?"

A blue flame immediately flies down to the convenient store in front of the building. He looks to that direction and see a boy walking out of the store.




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