[part V] The lost eyes_chapter 4

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Bae Jinyoung reading while walking and eating his kimbab which he just bought from convenient store. Daniel walking behind, silently checking Jinyoung. A quite good-looking face which is obviously according to Daniel cannot compare to his SeongWu.

While Daniel is observing him, Jinyoung suddenly turns around. However, he doesn't look straight into Daniel but seem to be looking for something as his eyes checking around.

"Hmmm..." – Jinyoung confused a little bit but then go on with his reading like nothing happened.

Daniel looks as Jinyoung turns away. Although Daniel is hiding himself from normal eyes, but his "friends" appointed this boy, why can't Jinyoung see him?

He doubfully follows him to a small alley. Daniel ask the blue flames around him.

"Is there any mistake?"

Jinyoung immediately turns around right after Daniel said it. He put his book and his kimbab into his bag.

"I heard that."


"I heard your footsteps since the beginning. Want me to help you finish your last work before death? I'm sorry but I only can hear you, I can't help you."

"Hear me? You can hear the sound of spirits?"

"Wasn't it a reason you come to me? But as I said, I can't help you. Stop following me!"

"I don't want you to help me!" – Daniel shows up in front of Jinyoung's eyes, causing him a shock.

"Ghost can appear in daylight?"

"I'm not a ghost. And I'm not the one who need your help!"



"SeongWu-ssi, are you ok?"

SeongWu wakes up in shock and meets Jaehwan's worrying eyes.

"Did you have a nightmare? You was screaming."

SeongWu don't answer but he still sweating all over. Whatever his dream is, it surely isn't good.

"You wanna drink something? Let's me get some water."

Jaehwan goes out of the room, but SeongWu still blankly sitting on his bed. He can feel his forehead is covered in sweat. In his dream, he saw Daniel, but it was a completely different Daniel.

In his dream, Daniel had silver hairs and wore a black suit which looked pretty old. Even his expression was different from the Daniel that SeongWu knew. In his dream, Daniel was vicious. In his dream, Daniel was...

Niel was... what?

SeongWu suddenly forgets what happened in his dream. Just a moment before, he still remember everything clearly. But now, the only thing left in his memory is this feeling of something unpleasant, painful and somehow... heart-breaking.



Minhyun quietly sits in front of the pile of documents. He is both considering about the case and worrying about SeongWu. There are too many thought goes through his head and it just gives him headache.

Except for in their 20s, two victims have nothing else in common. Even their hometown and their current living place are different. According to ordinary reason, this can be a serial killer who only target on young woman, maybe because he got some trouble with woman in the past which left a serious trauma in his mind. However, with the star on the back of the victim's neck, Minhyun can asure that this is far from ordinary cases. There's must something mystery going on with this case.

"So? Figure out anything yet?"

Mi Rae walks toward Minhyun's desk. There's another pile of documents on her hands.

"Mi Rae? What are those?"

"These? It's those kids's first reports. It might look many, but their report are all craps."

"Was it that bad?"

"Well, there's a boy. He's pretty good thought. His name is Bae Jinyoung, as expected from a genius. He examined the corspe very carefully and wrote a short but compendious report. Very good one!"

"Nae Jinyoung , the one looked like a highschool boy?"

"He really is a highschool boy. He's only 18, but he is studying 2nd year in university. They calls him a genius in forensic science."

Minhyun thought Bae Jinyoung just looks younger than his age, so he's really younger than his classmates.

"But hey, I asked you first. How's your case?"

"Nothing comes up for now! But I afraid it gonna be the 3rd corspe."

"How about your secret consultant? You usually asked him about mysterious cases like this."

"His condition is not good...."

"Look like you're in real trouble now."

Mi Rae taps on Minhyun's shoulder and gives him a sympathy smile before she leave. She has no interest in other things than examine dead bodies since Minhyun always has many to worry.


Minhyun goes to morgue to see he can find anything else from the corspes.

"Bae Jinyoung?"

"A..." – the boy is obviously shocked to see people come down here in this late hour.

Minhyun also surprised to see Bae Jinyoung here, not to mention that he is with Daniel.

"Why are you here?"

"There's something I need... him..." – Daniel says while pointing at Jinyoung.

In front of them are two corspes that Minhyun is investigating.

"Don't you worry about SeongWu? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because I'm worry about him." – Daniel then looks over Jinyoung – "Continue!"


"What do you want to do?"

Minhyun noticed a surgical knife on Jinyoung's hand. Are they intend to examine these corspes?!?

"There was a forensic report, I can show it to you."

"I don't care about those meaningless report. What are you waiting for? You agreed to do this for me."

As Jinyoung still concerned about Minhyun, he can easily guess that whatever Daniel want Jinyoung to do is absolutely no good at all.

"What does Daniel want you to do?"

"I...." – Bae Jinyoung seems hesitiate to answer.

"It's no big deal. Just skin these girls." – Daniel say it for him.





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