[part V] The lost eyes_chapter 5

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"Skin them? Are you crazy? This place is police department. This is an investigating bodies. And how dare you ask a student to do that for you?"

Although Minhyun is totally angry, Daniel still calmly nods his head.

"It's just a small piece on the back of their neck."

"You.... What? A small piece?"

"Yep! Only a piece. Here!"

Daniel draws a circle around the star on their neck with his finger. Minhyun somehow relax a little.

"For what?"

"Just do it and you will know."

Bae Jinyoung still concerned about Minhyun's approval. Just when he nods his head, Jinyoung can finally feel easier to go along with Daniel's request.

"But..." – Minhyun hesitiate – "If you takes that piece of skin, how will I explain with my superiors about their missing skin?"

"You don't have to worry about that."

Minhyun gives out his final approval to Jinyoung. The boy takes his surgery knife and let the blade slide through the skin. A tream of red blood runs out.

"Impossible!" – Jinyoung and Minhyun say at the same time.

While Jinyoung feel kinda awkward about it, Minhyun only cares about the blood.

"How can dead people still bleed?"

"Actually, they can, but only if they just been death for couple of hours. She been dead for days. It's impossible." – Jinyoung getting more and more confused.

"Continue!" – Daniel says.

Unlike his kind timid appearance, Bae Jinyoung seem to be very bold and steady with his kinfe. He carefully slips the blade under the skin and seperates it with the flesh. Then, he gently lifts up the blade a bit and uses a tweezers to grabs the piece. He finally finish it with a sharp cut in a perfect circle. In the process, Bae Jinyoung was totally calm. He didn't even drop a sweat. Except the unexpected bleeding, everything was completely perfect.

"You found 3 corspes?" – Daniel ask while ovserving the piece of skin.


"Then it've been half way already."

"Half way? What do you mean?"

"Six-pointed star, six lifes, six pair of eyes to complete this spell."

Minhyun doesn't say anything while Jinyoung can't hide his concern.

"Then there will be 3 more victims? How can we save them?"

"How long have these girls been dead?"

"The latest is 2 days. The first one has been 5 days."

"This spell can only complete within 6 days. Whoever does this, he already done with the other three."

"Thre's no way to save them?"

"Their lives? No. But their soul? I don't want to."

"Why? You don't want or you can't save them?"

"I don't want to save them! Because I need this spell to help SeongWu."



Jaehwan still have class, SeongWu can't bother him any longer. Moreover, he already feel better. He don't to just sits here and waits for Daniel.

If SeongWu remember correctly, there's some books about paranormal things in the centre library. There's even some very old books, maybe he can find something useful.


In his student days, SeongWu used to came to his school library. He wasn't a hard-working student, but library is a place with less dead people in town. No one bothered him here.

Seoul centre library is much bigger than his school library but the peaceful asmostphere is no different.

SeongWu ask the librarian about those books. She looks rather surprise and then show him the way to the back.

Just by looking at how dusty those bookshelves are, SeongWu can see that people hardly come to this kind of books.

He takes out some old books and sits next to the window. These books are so old that their papers already stained. SeongWu has to be very careful to not accidently rips them off. He tries to read every words, but it's takes him hours without finding anything. He signs and unconciously looks over the bookshelves. He suddenly misses Daniel. The first time they met, it was also in a library.

That day, SeongWu not only want to avoid the dead, but also didn't want to involved with the living. He used to spent hours after hours just sat in the library alone, just to be in his own world. Until one day, he noticed a strange guy who kept staring at him. SeongWu still remember clearly the way Daniel stood next to the bookself and looked right at him.

Daniel's appearance was really stood out but no matter how long he was standing there, no one seem to be noticed at all. SeongWu can easily figured out that it was because no one could saw him.

"You... looking for a book?"

"I'm looking for you."

While he is absorbed in thinking, a wind blowing through.


A book suddenly falls down on the floor.

There's no one around. SeongWu don't know why he feeling like he is attracted by that book. He picks it up.

The book has a light blue cover which was stained a bit. There's no title. The black of the book is iron-plated and a little rusty, but SeongWu still can read the word which was carved on it.


SeongWu looks up on the bookself, a long line of books, lying so close to each other that there's no way for a book this thick. He don't understand where this book fell off from. He getting confused but still curious about this book. He feeling that he shouldn't read this book but he just can't put it down.



"Yes, we don't have any book this old, not to mention it doesn't even has a title." – the librarian says.

"But I found it here."

"Maybe someone brought it here and forgot. How about let me put this in the lost-and-found closet? If someone forgot it, they will come to find it soon."

"Well.... Maybe you're right..."

SeongWu finally decide to leave the book for the librarian. However, he still feeling unease. Somehow, he feels like the book wanted him to bring it home.

I must be imagine it.


When SeongWu goes out of the library, it's already dark. He stops at the convenient store to buys some foods and walks back home.

Minhyun is waiting in front of his house with a young boy.


SeongWu didn't think Minhyun would come to find him, at least for the case.

"Where did you go?"

"Library. I just want to find something can help me with the spell."

"Daniel found it."

"Niel? Really? You saw him?"

"SeongWu, calm down! Get inside first!"

SeongWu regain his calm and tells himself not to overreacting. At least Minhyun can see and speak to Daniel. It's mean that Daniel is still around.

He open the door. The first thing he see lying on the door way is the book with a light blue cover.




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