[part V] The lost eyes_chapter 6

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The book lying in the middle of the way and already opened. SeongWu want to knows what it is exactly but somehow, he is afraid.

"SeongWu, what's wrong?"

"That book...."

SeongWu finally picks it up.

"Why is it all empty?" – Jinyoung asks.

SeongWu looks over a boy standing next to Minhyun.

"Bae Jinyoung, forensic science student." – Minhyun makes a quick introduction and gets back to the book – "What about this?"

"I found it in the library. I think.... It's followed me."

"Follow you? SeongWu, it's just a book."

"I know. But I left it at the librabry, I don't know how..."

Minhyun's phone rings, interrupt their conversation and brings an unfornate news.

"They just found two more corspes. Just as Daniel said."



SeongWu comes along with Minhyun to the crime scene. On their way, Minhyun introduces Jinyoung to SeongWu properly. As Minhyun was surprised, SeongWu also cannot believes that Jinyoung already in 2nd year of university, not to mention his major.



Two bodies were left in a dumping ground under a bridge. Their eyes were also took away and their arms and legs were also tied. Of course, even the stars on the back of their neck were the same as the previous bodies.


A young officer doubfully checks out Jinyoung and SeongWu. A boy who looks like highschooler and a young guy with thin and rather weak body seem not to fit with the crime scene.

"They are my assistants" – Minhyun says then let Jinyoung examine the bodies.

"They've been dead for 24-48 hours. As the other three, they were kept for long time before death. Their eyes were took when they were still alive."

"Cause of death?"

"As the other three, there's no side of injury or poison. Cause of death is unidentified."

"This is your case? Serial murder?"

SeongWu understand how serious this case is just by looking at Minhyun's expression. He checking around as usual but he can't see anything. He fully aware of how useless he is without his ability.


SeongWu suddenly startled. Just for a moment, he can feels a vicious gaze over him. Although he can't see, but it's obviously not Daniel. Unlike Daniel's gentle stare, that gaze just gave SeongWu a chill.

"SeongWu, are you ok?" – Minhyun ask.

"It's... nothing... I guess." – SeongWu slightly shakes his head. He coundn't see anyone suspicious and that thrilling feeling also disappeared. If it wasn't because that feeling was too intense, SeongWu might thought it was his imagination.

"You wanna to home?"

Minhyun has his reason to get worry. Just before, SeongWu was wandering the street on his barefoot, Minhyun cannot help but worry about SeongWu's decision to join the investigation.

SeongWu thought be can find Daniel if he goes with Minhyun, but the only thing he found is the fact that he can't be any help.

"Maybe... I should go home. Sorry to bother you!"


Minhyun ask a police officer to takes SeongWu home while he takes Jinyoung to SMPA for their investigation.



"Say it!"

"What?" – Jinyoung rather surprise while Minhyun still remain calm, driving his car.

"At the scene, what did you hear?"


"I knews you heard something, but there were too many people around. Moreover, SeongWu was there... it's also inconvient for me to ask directly..."

"I did heard a female voice. But I didn't know if it was the victim or not."

"What did you hear?"

"That voice... she kept saying that she have to find her eyes, she have to find "that man"..."

"That man? Then the murdered is male. What else?

"She... sitting in the back seat."




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