[part V] The lost eyes_chapter 8

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"SeongWu! SeongWu!"

SeongWu woke up by Daniel's call.

He gently help him get up.

SeongWu's head is still dizzy but his eyes is no longer hurt. But more importantly, he see Daniel. He can see Daniel clearly in front of his eyes.

"Niel?" – SeongWu carefully touches Daniel's face. The familiar cold he feels from the tip of his finger help him make sure that this is real. This is not his imagination.

"SeongWu, are you alright? What have he done with you?"

"He? Ah..."

SeongWu just realizes that he is in his own house. Maybe that man thought he live alone and doing the ritual here would be more convenient than took a risk and brought him around.

SeongWu looks over to the corner. The strange man squealing in fear and constantly. His face shows that he've been through something truly terrify.

"SeongWu, what happened?"

"I... don't know. I don't remember anything!"

SeongWu tries to recall anything possible. But he just remember being hold down on the floor and the terrible unforgetable pain. Beside, nothing else left in his memory. In the painful moment, SeongWu's mind completely gone blank. He can't remember anything after that. But looking at the way that man shaking in the corner, SeongWu knows there must be something really bad happened.

"Niel, you did this?"

Daniel shakes his head. He walks toward the window. There're 5 girls standing outside, calm and peaceful. They looks at SeongWu and bows to him at the same time. Although SeongWu doesn't understand anything but he feels like they want to say thanks and goodbye to him. SeongWu gently nods his head as an answer and then, those girls fades away and disappears together.

"They want to say thank you for saving their souls."

"Saved them? Me? What have I done?"

"Things were like this when I got here. You really can't remember anything?"

Daniel looks deep into SeongWu's eyes. In the middle of the deep black pupils of his eye, a blue light flares up and then disappears so sudden. Daniel startled for a moment but he knows SeongWu didn't lie. He checks the murderer. The man was really scared but since the approacher isn't SeongWu, he seem to be relieved.

"What've happened here?"

"I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't... I really shouldn't.... I was wrong... Please... don't hurt me..."

Daniel tries to calm him but when he see SeongWu, he becomes more panic. Their only choice left is to call Minhyun.


It's takes Minhyun and some more officers a while to get the killer on the car.He has completely lost his mind and keep screaming and begging for his life. Minhyun can't help but looks at Daniel with a doubtfull eyes.

"You sure you didn't do anything?"

"I told you. He was already like that when I came. If it was me, he would be dead before he got a chance to scream."

"Yeah, right!"

Minhyun leaves with his mind full of doubt.



Daniel gets back inside. SeongWu resting in his bedroom. He still feeling unwell.

"Do you need me to buy some medicines?"

"No! I just need to rest and I'll be fine."

Daniel lies down by SeongWu's side. SeongWu turn over him and move closer to his board chest. It's rare to see SeongWu be initiative. It's really surprises Daniel.


"What a relief!" – SeongWu slightly sign with relief – "I thought I would never see you again."

"It's ok even if you can't see me. I'm still here!"

Daniel caresses SeongWu's hairs and puts a gentle kiss on his forehead.

The cold from Daniel's body help SeongWu relas. He slowly falling asleep without knowing.

Daniel's finger slip over the constellation on SeongWu's cheek. He pulls the blanket over SeongWu's shoulder and hold his thin body in his arms.

"Don't remember..." – Daniel whispers – "Please... don't remember it..."



SeongWu sleeps really tight till morning. Daniel has made breakfast ready for him. It's still the same simple meal as before but somehow SeongWu enjoys it more than before. However, Minhyun interupts his meal with a sudden visit.

"Am I bothering you?" – the peaceful sight in the house telling Minhyun that he interupting something.

SeongWu unwillingly shakes his head and leaves his meal.

"How's the case? Did he telling anything?"

"He just said some desultory words. It's took us a whole night to organized all the informations. But not many believed in his words."

Minhyun gives SeongWu the report. SeongWu skips through all the pages with inconherent words.

His name is Shin Si Woo and surprisingly just 20 years old.

"20? This guy?"

SeongWu still remember his look. The unstable walk, old looking face and even some white hairs. He never expected that guy would be around 20.

SeongWu keep reading.

Shin Si Woo's mother died when he was 15. She was screaming and running from something he couldn't see and got hit by a car. Ever since then, he was always afraid of the invisible things around him. But his fear turned into an odd desire of possess the ability to see those mysterious things and eventually he found a way. He needed 6 girls with the ability to see supernatural things. He needed to take their eyes, stole their power and gathered them in his amulet. After complete the ritual, Shin Si Woo could consume the power in that amulet and got the ability he wanted.

"How did he know all this?" – SeongWu asks – "Plus, he said there was someone told him how to know which one has power. Who was it?"

"The SPMA thought Shin Si Woo was crazy and imagined all of this so they just didn't give anything for his words."

Minhyun flips to the last page which was not yet be organized.

There're some description words which SeongWu finds familiar.


Long black hairs.

Can't see the face.

And... blue eyes.

Daniel looks kinda stiff when seeing those words. He quietly goes back to the bedroom.

"What's wrong?"

SeongWu and Minhyun looks at each other in confusion.

"So.... did he say anything about last night?"

"About that... everytime I retried to ask, he immdiately out of control. It seem like he had seen something very horrify to the point that he couldn't bring himself to talk about it."

For someone who could gorge a girl's eyes out and calmly talked about it, what in the world could scare him that much?!?

The more SeongWu think about it, the more he confused. Especially Daniel's attitude. It's obvious that he hiding something very important from SeongWu.

"How will SMPA deal with this case?"

"My superior said that they will classify this as a murder cause by madness and delusion. They gonna wait for Shin Si Woo's mental report to do the trial."


"SeongWu... you really believed it wasn't Daniel?"

"Yes, Niel wouldn't lied to me about these things."

"There was only you, Shin Si Woo and Daniel. If it wasn't Daniel, then..."

The blank space in his memory and Shin Si Woo's reaction really makes SeongWu doubting himself. In that very moment which he couldn't remember, what was happened that would made someone like Shin Si Woo gone mad?

The phone ring surprises both of them.

"Hello." – Minhyun pick up his phone, it's from SMPA – "What?"

Minhyun seem intense while talking on the phone.

"What's wrong?" – SeongWu asks after he hung up the phone.

"Shin Si Woo lost control and making a mess in prison. I need to go back."

Minhyun quickly takes his leave. SeongWu reads all those words which seem to be meaningless on papers and decides he need to know the truth.


Daniel immediately close the window as SeongWu walks in the bedroom. It's obviously that he just spoke to some of his "friends"

"What?" – Daniel asks as if nothing happened.

"You know."

"Know what?"

"Stop pretending!"

"Pretending what?"


SeongWu looks at Daniel's innocent face. Everytime he use that kind of face, no matter how much SeongWu is angry, he just can't resist that innocent puppy face. Everytime he just forget what he going to say.

"SeongWu" – Daniel steps closer and holds SeongWu – "Can you stop concerning about that night?"

"Shin Si Woo clearly went mad because of me but you didn't explain to me anything. Moreover, you always seem unpleasant everytime you heard about that guy with long hairs and blue eyes. You know him? Why can't you tell me about him

"SeongWu, are you jealous?"

"I'm serious!"

SeongWu punchs on Daniel's back. This guy dare to fools him around like kid.

Daniel just laughs and holds SeongWu tighter.

"That man can't never hurt you. It's impossible!"



Minhyun just arrives and an officer immediately rushes out and takes him in.

"Minhyun-hyung, please hurry."

"What's wrong?"

"That Shin Si Woo guy, he gorged out his own eyes."

Minhyun runs to Shin Si Woo's cell and unxpectedly meet Bae Jinyoung.


"Minhyun-hyung? Hello..."

Minhyun doesn't have time to ask what Jinyoung is doing here. He need to check on Shin Si Woo as soon as possible.

He is tied up on his bed. Mi Rae injecting something into him and he seem to be calming down.

"It's alright now! You just wait for the doctor. They will deal with his eyes later."

Mi Rae sees Minhyun standing. She tells him everything.

It's turn out that Mi Rae just took Jinyoung to the morgue to test his skill and saw those officers were struggling with Shin Si Woo. After gorged out his eyes, he even tried to smash his head into the wall. It's took some officers to stopped him. Mi Rae just helped them injected a big dose of tranquillizer.

"That was it. Now, you need to get someone to deal with his messy eyes holes. Honestly, he couldn't even gorged out his own eyes properly. Who would poke right in the middle of the eyes like that?!? It's extremely painful and make a real mess in his eyes. Can you see? His eyes are still...."

"Stop!" – Minhyun stops her before she start her lecture about how-to-properly-gorge-your-eyes-out – "Thanks for your help! You should go and take care of your business!"

"Tsk! Jinyoungie, go!"


After Mi Rae and Jinyoung left, Minhyun check on Shin Si Woo. He still breathing but seem to have lost a lot of bloods. His orbits are all messy and disgusting.

Minhyun want to check his pulse but he suddenly rise up.


Shin Si Woo is still tied up. He keep struggling and screaming like crazy. Other officers afraid that he may break free. They rushes over and push him down on the bed.

Shin Si Woo stops struggling but starting to convulsing instead. His face is twisted with his bloody orbits and horrific expression. His body keep twitching so hard that even the bed is shaking. After a while, he suddenly become silent.

He stay still on the bed. His mouth wide opens. His fingers are curled up in an usual way.

"Minhyun-hyung, he's... dead!"




Jinyoung stops in the hallway.

"What's wrong?" – Mi Rae looks at him in confusion.

"It's... nothing...."

Jinyoung turns around. There're only him and Mi Rae on this long hallway. However, among all the noises of spirits which he hear every day, there was a voice, called out his name.

Am I misheard it?"

Jinyoung doesn't think much about it and continue his walk with Mi Rae. But then, he hear it again, a voice which calls out his name. It's closer, just like someone is right behind his back. Jinyoung turns around again and he suddenly hear a really sharp sound. It's so loud that he can't hear anything else. It's so loud that it's even hurt his ears. Jinyoung collapses on the ground, trying to cover his ears.

"Jinyoungie, what's the matter?" – Mi Rae asks, but Jinyoung can't hear anything she say.

In his ear, there's only loud voice that seem to last forever. He suffers for a longest minute in his life till that strange sound starts to fade away. His hearing slowly gets back to normal.

"Jinyoungie, are you ok? Do you need to call a doctor? Jinyoungie."

Mi Rae's voice getting louder and clearer.

Jinyoung can hear her voice clearly and... nothing else. All those noisy annoying voices he always heard has completely gone.




== END PART V ==

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