[part VI] The twisted village_chapter 1

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SeongWu let out a long yawn.

"I told you to hire a driver, you insisted to drive yourself but you still stayed up late last night. Be careful not to sleep while driving!" – Daniel sitting next to SeongWu, giving him a cookie while complaining.

"I ant o rive."

"Finish your cookie first!"

"I want to drive, it's more comfortable."

Daniel doesn't say anything else and gives him another cookie.

After the last case, SeongWu have been losing his sleep. Maybe he still concerning about what happened to Shin Si Woo, but Daniel knows it's not that simple. SeongWu kept having nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night, but he couldn't remember anything.

It's already been 2 weeks, although SeongWu's nightmares had stopped but he had been lacking too much sleep. SeongWu can't help but being exhausted. Just at the time Daniel wanted to take SeongWu somewhere to relax and forget about all about those stuffs, this case came.

This time, it's call from a small village at Jiri mountain. The village's chief called SeongWu and asked him to come and check out something weird happened in his village. He haven't mentioned anything about the fee but SeongWu still accepted it.

"It's been a while since we going out. You just need to see this as a trip."

Of course Daniel want SeongWu to have a trip but not while dealing with some paranormal cases.

According to the chief's intruction, it's a very small village with popularity just about a hundred and most of them are elderly. The only few young people living there are the chief's granddaughter and 2 young man.

"So, what so weird about that place?"

"He said it will be easier to explain directly."

"And you accepted his request? What if it was just the old guy's imangination?"

"As I said, just see this as a trip. It won't hurt. I promise!"


The village is even more deserted than SeongWu thought. He had to ask people nearby for more instruction to find the place. He need to went up to the mountain a few kilometers to get to the village. The road is pretty rough and the cellphone signal getting really weak.

SeongWu followed the small road that people shown him and drove for about 10 minutes. He finally found the village.

"It must be here!"

SeongWu stops his car in the front way to the village.

A modern car parked in front of a small village in the middle of nowhere isn't an usual sight you can see everyday. People starts to check it out with there curious eyes.

It doesn't take a minute for a young guy to come out and talk to them.

"You guys from the city?"

"Yeah.... I'm Ong SeongWu, the chief called me."

"The chief? Then, you must be..."

The young guy rushes toward a group of elderlies gathering nearby.

"Uncle! Uncle! Ong SeongWu-ssi is here!"

He takes an old man to SeongWu, following by few more people.

"SeongWu-ssi, you finally here. I'm Kim Il Sung, I'm the one who called you."

"Oh... hello."

The chief looks much older than SeongWu thought, maybe because the hard life in this deserted place really made people aged more than normal. Others areall elderlies and obviously curious about SeongWu.

"SeongWu-ssi, my house is just over here. We should go inside and talk."


SeongWu parks his car in a small corner of the village and follows the chief.


The village is actually smaller than expected. It's just take SeongWu a quick look for checking around. There are only about 10 houses. All of them are old-styled and among them, the chief's house is the biggest, lying in the center of the village.


A young girl brings tea for SeongWu and Daniel while the chief excitingly introduce her.

"This is Su Jin, my granddaugher. She went to Seoul for university but after my son and daughter-in-law passed away, she moved back here and taking care of me since."

Su Jin seem to be embarrassed by all the compliments from her grandfather. She leaves the tea on the table and quickly goes back to her room.

"So... the weird thing is..."

"Ah, it's the well."


"There's a well behinds my house. Villagers always go there to takes their running water, but since last month, there're reports about seeing ghost."

"Ghost? How?"

"At first, it were just some goosebumps. But recently, some people said that they saw a white shadow lingering around the well at night. Now, people even don't go there after night fall."

"That's all?" – right before Daniel start his complain, SeongWu stops him with a quick glance.

The chief want to take SeongWu and Daniel to the well but a villager call him out for some bussinesses. He has to ask Su Jin to go with them.



There's a small yard behind the chief's house. The well is in the middle of the yard. The curb is pretty new, seem like its been maintained quite often.

"I used to played around here with my cousin when I was small."

Su Jin said with a sad look on her face but then she quickly back to her normal expression.

SeongWu walks around the well, carefully checks everything, even the ground. Daniel just stand aside, watching over him.

"What is he doing?" – Su Jin asks. Maybe she feels awkward with the silence between them.

"Checking." – Daniel answers her but his eyes still focus on SeongWu.

"Checking what?"

"Checking if there's really something here or it's just the old man's imagination."

"Niel, behave!" – SeongWu keep checking the well while Daniel eyes focusing on his every movements. Both of them are unaware of Su Jin is also has her eyes on Daniel.

Daniel is quite tall. His board shoulders, well-built muscles and a handsome face which rarely found even in Seoul are really captures Su Jin's attention. For a girl who lives in deserted village, always surrouding by elderlies, Daniel's stand out appearance somehow makes her heart beat faster than ever.

"Uhm... your name is Niel?"

"Only SeongWu can call me by that name."

"So, what can I call you?"

Daniel suddenly dashes over and grabs SeongWu's waist, pulls him close into his arms.

"What were you doing? Wanna jump down or what?"

"No... it's just... I saw a spark of light down there."

"Down there?"

SeongWu bends down and looks into the well. He just saw it. A small spark of light, in the middle of the darkness in there. But now, it's gone.

"Don't lean down too much. What if you fall?"

"How can I fall since you're here?!"

SeongWu smiles while tapping on Daniel's shoulders.

The young guy from earlier walks toward them.

"Uncle Il Sung has prepared a room for you guys. He said you must be tired from the long trip, you should take a rest before starting your investigation."

As he said, driving all the way from Seoul to this place is really tired. Moreover, that white shadow only appear at night, he can't do anything when the sun still shining above them.

SeongWu and Daniel go with the young guy back to the house. Su Jin immediately follows them


"Ah, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Kim Jae Woo. The village chief is my uncle. According to our family tree, I'm Su Jin's uncle, but our ages are almost the same so I always see her as my younger sister."

Jae Woo talking non-stop while taking SeongWu and Daniel to the room which has preprared for them. He seem to be a friendly guy.

"This is the room for Ong SeongWu-ssi." – Jae Woo opens the old door. – "The room is quite small. I hope you don't mind. About Daniel-ssi..."

"No need! I'll stay here."

"Huh? But this room is small..."

"It's ok. One mattress is enough."

The room is really small. It's only has space for one small closet in the corner and a single mattress. It would be difficult and uncomfortable for two people stay in here. But Daniel insists and SeongWu can't help it. He just need a place to lie down.

"Just do as Niel said."

Jae Woo still don't understand why two grown up man have to make themselves uncomfortable by staying together in a tiny room like that. But if SeongWu said so, he can only follow it.

"If you need anything, just call me or Su Jin."

"Yeah, thanks."

Jae Woo takes Su Jin away, leaving only SeongWu and Daniel in the room.

SeongWu lies down on the mattress. It is thicker and warmer than he expected. Daniel lies down next to him. The mattress immediately becomes small.

"A... why was you have to stay here?"

"It's better this way." – Daniel hugs SeongWu tightly. SeongWu can feel the tip of Daniel's nose is rubbing agaisnt his neck. – "I want to stay by your side."

SeongWu doesn't say anything and stays in Daniel arms in silence.

It has becoming harder for him to understand Daniel. He used to think that they met by fate. But now, whenever he thought about the first time they met and the first words Daniel said to him. It can't be that simple.

"I'm looking for you!"

Daniel said it, when they just met.

SeongWu never asked what that meant. He never even thought much about it. But now, SeongWu starting to get curious.

How was Daniel before we met? – SeongWu has been wondering recently, but somehow, he just doesn't know how to ask Daniel directly. Somehow, he has a feeling that he might not want to know the answer about Daniel's past.

Daniel turns over and lying on top of SeongWu.

"A! Niel, you're heavy..."

Daniel's hands hold SeongWu's face.


"Stay still!"

Daniel looks right into SeongWu's eyes. He so focus that make SeongWu feels like he looking something in his eyes.



The door suddenly open.

JaeWoo standing at the door and an old man behind him.

"Grand... grandpa?" – SeongWu is surprised but not as surprised as his grandpa, who standing speechless at the door.




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