[part VI] The twisted village_chapter 2

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"Grand... grandpa? Why are you..."

"SeongWu, who is this?"

Daniel doesn't make any move. His huge body stay still on top of SeongWu with his hands hugging SeongWu's face. No matter what, this position looks obviously suspicious.

SeongWu pushes Daniel off and quickly gets out of the room.

"Grandpa, it's... please don't misunderstanding."

"Who is this guy?"

"Niel is a fri... an assistant. My assistant."

Grandpa checking Daniel in silent for a while then turns away. SeongWu knows he must has noticed something. He hurrily runs after him.


It's turns out that the chief was grandpa's old classmate. Grandpa was also the one who gave him SeongWu's number. Grandpa was very glad to see SeongWu doing well with family bussiness, but he also curious about his way of working. He wanted to see how SeongWu gonna deal with this case and check for his skill. But seem like he was wrong timing.

SeongWu nervously sitting still, carefully checks out grandpa's expression.

"What's your name?" – grandpa asks Daniel who is sitting next to SeongWu.

"Niel... his name is Daniel."

"Daniel? Foreinger?"

"Niel used to lived abroad."

"What is your relationship with SeongWu?" – grandpa glances over SeongWu – "Stop answering!"

"Kang Daniel, 22 years old. I'm SeongWu's assistant." – he giving a great smile and politely greets grandpa.

How can SeongWu forget Daniel got one greatest weapon in his sleeves. His bright smile.

As expected, grandpa seem to likes his smile and those bunny teeth of him. The asmostphere gets a bit more comfortable.

"Assistant? How come SeongWu had never mentioned you?"

"I just helped him out with some stuffs. It's nothing worth mentioned."

"You used to lived abroad? Where?"

"Canada. I lived there for few years."

"What about your parents? Working as an assistant for an exorcist and your parent didn't say anything?"

"I'm alone. Moreover, this job is really well paid." – Daniel says with his brightest smile shining on his face.

SeongWu of course understands his words and the real meaning of "well paid". But his grandpa seem to be more relax, he can't complain.

"SeongWu-ssi" – Su Jin slowly opens the door – "I called out everyone who has seen that white shadow. Do you want to speak with them?"

"Oh, yes! I'm coming now!"

SeongWu want to go with Su Jin and bring Daniel with him, out of this awkward situation but grandpa stop him.

"I want to have a word with Daniel."


"What's the matter? I've came a long way and just want to have someone to talk to while you're working. Is it impossible?"


Daniel nods his head as a signal to SeongWu. If he feels alright, the SeongWu has nothing to refuse. He leaves with Su Jin alone.


After Su Jin took SeongWu out, Daniel locks the door and sits in front of grandpa.

"Who are you?" – grandpa asks directly.

"It doesn't matter as long as I do no harm to SeongWu."

"Harm or no harm, sometimes even you can't control yourself. SeongWu is much more sensitive than any other human. It isn't good for him if he keeps staying with inhuman-things."

"You worry about him? For someone who didn't related by blood, you are really good to SeongWu."

"You..." – his old eyes filled with surprises. – "How did you know?"

"As I said... it doesn't matter."

Daniel looks right into his eyes with no hesitiation, no nervousness. Grandpa is startled by the look in his eyes. Although Daniel looks really young but his eyes seem likes he had been through all the pain and suffering in the world. In those eyes, he can feels the endless sadness hiding deep inside.

"You... What exactly are you?"

"I'm the one that only exist for SeongWu."




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