[part VI] The twisted village_chapter 3

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The number of those who have seen that white shadow are actually less than SeongWu expected. There're only 6 people, included the chief, Jae Woo, Su Jin and two elderlies and a young men in the village. Jae Woo introduces them to SeongWu. One of the elderlies is his father, the chief's younger brother, Kim In Sik. The young men is his childhood friend, Jung Dae Hyun and the other elderly is also Dae Hyun's father, Jung Chul Soo. It's turn out that they are all related.

"Since when have you seen that shadow?"

"Since a month ago." – Jung Dae Hyun said – "My father went to the well at night and saw it."

"Aigoo, I almost scared to death that time. My heart is already old and weak, how can I handle such a scary thing..." – Jung Chul Soo can't finish his sentence because of his dry couch.

"What was it look like?"

"It's just a white shadow. It didn't have any specific shape."

"Yes, it's just a blurry white shadow."

As everyone nodding their head, SeongWu just feels like having a headache. How can he figure anything out of a blurry white shadow?!?

"A..." – Su Jin seem to think of something. She quickly glances at the chief as if she is asking for his permission – "I don't know if this will help but... I saw a stranger sneaking around the village."

"Stranger? When did you see them?"

"Few days before the white shaodw appeared."

"Where did you saw them?"

"Outside of the village's gate. I saw a strange man standing outside of the village for a while before he left. After that, we started seeing the white shadow around the well. I used to tell grandpa about this but that man never came back so I almost forgot about him."

Althought there's nothing to be sure about that man and the white shadow are related but SeongWu still collects that information.

SeongWu asks them few more questions. Seem likes their stories are all the same. They all went to the well around 9-10 pm and frightened by that white shadow and then rushed back home right away. No one ever saw it clearly. SeongWu only has one choice that to wait till sun down and check things out by himself.



SeongWu returns to his room. He thought his grandpa and Daniel still talking but there's only Daniel in the room, lying on the mattress and eating jellies.

"Where's grandpa?"

"Go back to his room and take a rest."

"What did you two talking about?"

"There're nothing important."

SeongWu sits next to Daniel, tilts his head a bit while looking at Daniel.

"Can you tell me?"

Daniel gives SeongWu a jelly.

"There're nothing you need to be concerned."

Daniel moves close to SeongWu, laid his head on SeongWu's lap.

"But... I want to know..."


"It's nothing." – Since you don't want to tell me.

SeongWu pushes Daniel out and lies down. It's almost sunset and he's already tired.

Daniel doesn't say anything, just silently hold him in his arms. SeongWu doesn't reject him but also doesn't react to him at all. In this small room, SeongWu can clearly feels the coldness from Daniel. Not only from his skin, but also somewhere in his heart.



An hour later, Jae Woo comes to wake SeongWu up. The villagers know SeongWu come to help so they prepared dinner for him. They even prepared their special homemade rice wine.

SeongWu rarely experience such a plain and countryside taste like this. It's really interesting to him and really help to light up his mood. Daniel always pay attention to his expression and only feel relief when SeongWu finally smile.

The villagers also tell SeongWu about their village. The village has almost hundred of years of history and used to be very crowded. But as time went by, all the young man left to big cities and never came back to this deserted place. And then, there're only elderlies still staying here and taking care of each other.

They keep talking non-stop, SeongWu isn't aware of the time.


Su Jin's scream suddenly break into the joyful atmosphere. Everyone rush outside to check on her and as expected, she is at the well.

"Su Jin!" – Jae Woo comes to help Su Jin who is too scared to stand straight – "Are you alright?"

"I... I wanted to takes some water from the well, but..."

"It's that white shadow again?" – one villager ask.

"Just now... it..." – Su Jin startled as she looks over SeongWu, then she lightly bite down to her lip – "Yes, it was that white shadow."

Even it just an instant, SeongWu knows she is hiding something.

SeongWu comes close to the well and looks down. In the complete darkness and nothing can't be seen...

Huh? That...

A small spark of light flares up and flies up to SeongWu. Everything suddenly goes white in front of him.


Grandpa feels something doesn't right as SeongWu just frozed at the well.

"SeongWu, you..."

"Don't come near him!" – Daniel stops grandpa.

Daniel carefully approaches SeongWu.





"SeongWu, you..."

SeongWu slowly turns around, face to face with Daniel. His lively black eyes have turned into a cold soulless eyes.

"Is he possessed?" – grandpa feels more worry as he see the look in SeongWu's eyes.

Step by step, SeongWu gets close to Daniel.


Daniel doesn't understand why his body is not moving as he wanted. As if something is holding his step.

SeongWu already comes so close to Daniel. He reaches out his arms and hugs Daniel.


Before Daniel understand what is happening, SeongWu's soft lips are already kiss on his lips.

For the first time, Daniel can feels the warmness from SeongWu's lips. This isn't his imagination nor his memory. This is real.

"Niel... sorry..."

SeongWu looks up to Daniel before he passes out.

Daniel quickly hold him up.

Just now...

Those eyes...



Su Jin takes her chance while everyone is distracted and runs back to her room. In her closet, there's a smaller wooden closet. She's shaking so hard as she opens it.

"Hanna, please reast in peace, please don't..."

"Su Jin!"

Dae Hyun suddenly appears behind her.

"What are you doing?" – Dae Hyun goes mad as he see the picture in her wooden closet – "Why did you keep this thing here? What if anyone find out about this?"

"Dae Hyun oppa, maybe we should tell everyone the truth. Maybe..."

"Shut up! She's already dead. What can she do now? We already destroyed all of the evidences. You just need to shut up and no one can find out."

"But... just now..."

"I told you to shut up!" – he grabs her shoulders – "Do not forget that you was also involved. You better keep your mouth shut."


"And this thing..." – Dae Hyun snaps the picture out of the closet – "I'll destroy this too."

"Dae Hyun oppa, wait..."

"It's because you still keeping this that she can still be around."

Dae Hyun takes the picture and leave Su Jin crying in her room.



Daniel goes to SeongWu's car. He checks out the engine. As he thought, a smoke comes out as if there's something burning in the engine.

He seem to be annoyed.

"Just a wandering soul and want to pick a fight with me?"

Daniel closes the trunk. He looks around. The villagers already went back to their house. There're only the sound of wind and trees in the air.

He looks over to an old wooden house from a far.

"I don't care what you want to do with this village, but you better leave SeongWu alone or you'll be death once again."




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