[part VI] The twisted village_chapter 7

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SeongWu thought the village would be pretty quiet and gloomy after two sudden deaths. But right after he parked his car in front of the village, the noise surprises him.

"SeongWu-ssi! SeongWu-ssi!" – an old man rushes toward SeongWu with panicking face.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Dae Hyun. Something happened to him!"


All of the villagers gathering around Dae Hyun's house. When SeongWu comes, they immediately make way for him to go inside.

Jae Woo is standing in front of Dae Hyun's room, trying to open the door. Every houses in the village, including Dae Hyun's house, are pretty old. The door is all rusty just by looking at it. There're no way it can be locked this hard. However, no matter how hard Jae Woo and the others try. It just can't be moved.

SeongWu can easily notices the blood flowing under the door. There's must be something wrong inside.

"Jae Woo-ssi, let me try!"

SeongWu gets closer and tries to open the door, but it's no use. SeongWu doesn't see any "images" but he can feels an unease feeling. He takes a step back and tries not to vomit.

Daniel quickly holds him.

"You ok?"

"I... I just feels a bit uncomfortable..."

As the black smoke slipping through the gap under the door and lingering around, finding a way to get close to SeongWu, Daniel hides him behind his back. The others can't see the smoke and have no idea about Daniel's weird behaviour.

"You dare to touch SeongWu?"

Daniel furiously hits the door. Everyone are startled and even the smoke as it dissappears immediately. The door falls off and exposes the horrific scene inside.

Dae Hyun lying in the room, in the pool of his own blood. His belly was completely mangled. His organs was torn from his body and lying around him. His mouth was swallowed as if there's something inside. His eyes shown an absolute terror.

Daniel quickly drags SeongWu outside so that he doesn't have a chance to see anything inside. Daniel looks over to Minhyun and Jinyoung.

"You guys take care of this!"


Daniel takes SeongWu to his car. He pushes him in and closes the door.

"Niel! What are you doing?"

"Stay in there!"

Daniel slightly taps on the window. His blue flames appear and surroud the car. They gathers together and forms a light blue barrier, completely covers the car.

SeongWu tries but he can't open the door or even start the engine. He is locked in his own car.

"Niel! Open the door! Don't go! Come back here!! KANG DANIEL!!"

Daniel walks away, doesn't care about SeongWu is angrily yelling in the car. SeongWu knows he can't do anything to that stubborn guy and it just a waste of time to get angry.

He tries the window.

It's still open?!

SeongWu intend to gets out throught the window but the barrier stops him. Although the barrier look pretty thin but it's so strong and stops all his way out.

SeongWu sits back in, tiringly lean his head on the window frame.

"Where is Niel going?" – he ask – "I know you are souls and you can hear me."

The blue barrier slightly move as a sign that it can understand him.

"But you won't answer my questions, right?" – SeongWu sighs.

He thought he already used to Daniel being all mystery and strange. He thought he could ignore all of Daniel's secrets. He thought, when the right time come, Daniel will tell him everything. But, things after things happned and he starts to wondering himself if he was too stupid for trusting Daniel unconditionally. Will that "right time" ever come?



Daniel goes to a cave.

This cave is not far from the village but it just a small cave covered by a lot of trees and almost completely hidden from others.

He stands outside and doesn't take any steps in.

"You had been sleeping for quite a long time. Why did you wake up?"

A white smoke comes out from the cave. In the middle of it, a figure of a girl appear. She wearing an old hanbok. There're some parts of her hanbok were torn. Her braid are messy. Her face is covered in dirts and dry blood.

"I didn't want to wake up." – she said – "Someone woke me up."


"I don't know. I just heard a male voice. He kept calling for me, interrupted my sleep."

"Then why did you done that? It's already a hundreds of years, why did you making troubles now?"

"It wasn't me." – she smile – "I just gave out a bit of my power."




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