[part VI] The twisted village_chapter 8

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SeongWu waited and waited but Daniel haven't come back yet. He getting tired. He wanted to check out what happened with Dae Hyun but he can't see Dae Hyun's house from here and he doesn't know what going on over there. But Minhyun is still there, he can manages to settle down everything.

SeongWu feels really tired and sleepy. He has been worry about too many things these days and his mind got exhausted.


A sound of something hitting surprises him.

He looks around but there's no one. SeongWu thought he misheard it.


The sound is louder and SeongWu can guarantees that it came from the windshield right in front of him.

"What was that?!?"

SeongWu curiously leans forward to have a closer look. There is a black mark on a windshield. It looks like something was hit on it.


This time, not only the sound is clearer and louder, SeongWu can even see something just hit on the glass. But it disappeared too quickly, he couldn't see what it was. It only left a black mark on the glass.

SeongWu knows it isn't something good at all. He tries to open the door.

"Hey, let me out! You saw what happened!"

The car suddenly shaken up along with a piercing whizzing sound. SeongWu looks over to the windshield. A girl appears from no where, slowly crawl on the car. That whizzing sound just now was the sound of her fingernails scratch on the car hood. She hits the glass with her barehand. Although her hands are burnt everytime she touch the barrier, but it doesn't seem to stop her. She gets angrier and angrier and rips the barrier with her nails. The barrier is torn and turns back to those blue flames and flies away.

After they gone, nothing stopping that girl. She becomes more agrressive. She keeps hitting on the glass until it can't take it anymore and begin to crack. At this point, getting out of the car is too dangerous. SeongWu takes out an amulet and whispers an exorcism spell. He stick an amulet on the crack and somehow, it's works. The girl screams in agony. But then, she get even angrier and goes mad. Her face twisted into a horrific expression. She begin scratching and banging on the hood like crazy as if she trying to break the car.

SeongWu starts the engine. The car suddenly speeds up and seem to surprises the girl. She disapears in an instant along with a loud scream. SeongWu starled and stops the car before it hit the tree.

He calms himself down and checks around. The girl is gone.

He wants to get out and check. But when he just about the open the door, a hand reachs out from behind and grabs his neck.


Two hands as cold as death tighten his neck. He tries to find another amulet but since he can't even breath, it's hard to focus and find anything. He tries to takes those cold hands off but the more he try, the harder they squeeze. His head getting dizzy.

"SeongWu! SeongWu! Wake up!"

Minhyun's voice wakes SeongWu up. His heart still beating fast. The girl is no where to be found and there's no crack on the windshield's glass. There's only Minhyun is worrying about him and an amulet sticking on the glass.

Was it a dream?!?

SeongWu thought, but his neck is still hurt. It wasn't just a dream.

"What happened? Why did you sleep in the car? Why did you keep screaming and struggling in your sleep? Where is Daniel?"

"Niel... he went out... to somewhere..."

"He left you alone?"

Daniel suddenly appears next to Minhyun with a panicking face.

"SeongWu, are you alright?"


Minhyun furiously punches Daniel right in his face.

Daniel can easily avoid it but since he is too worry about SeongWu and doesn't aware of how angry Minhyun is. As he got hit directly, Minhyun also grabs his neck.

"You knew how dangerous this place is and yet, you left SeongWu alone?"

"Minhyun, stop! Niel just..."

The dizziness stops SeongWu halfway out of the car.


Minhyun and Daniel rushes toward him at once.

SeongWu can't stop coughing. After a while, there's a bitter taste in his throat and he feels like throwing up. SeongWu uncoinciously reaches his hand toward Daniel. He immidiately hold his hand and pull him out of the car.

"Maybe we should let him take a rest in the chief's house!" – Minhyun suggest.

SeongWu's face already turned white and he seem like he going to faint in a second. Daniel checks over the chief's house and then, he slightly nods.

"There's no other way."



Minhyun lets everyone go back home after he got all the statements. He also reminds them not to go outside carelessly. At first, they seem to doubt him a bit but after he shown them his police ID card, they follows his words willingly. Minhyun even feels like they are acting too obedient just for him to let them go as soon as possible.

About Dae Hyun's death, after a careful autospy, Jinyoung was shocked by how terrible it was. It was so horrific that he guarantee it couldn't be done by human being.

Dae Hyun's organs weren't only took out of his body. They had many cut on them. Especially his heart, it was almost disfigured by too many cuts. His genitals were ripped off and stuffed in his mouth. That why his mouth was unusually swallow when they found him.

Even though Minhyun already used to those terrible murder, he still can't help but feel disgusted. The murderer must hold a strong grudge against Dae Hyun.

"Hyung, what should we do now?" – Jinyoung asks.

"Find a rope!"

"Huh? For what?"

"SeongWu said there is something in the well. If we can get that thing, maybe we can find out some clues."

"You want to go down there? It's dangerous!"

"SeongWu getting worse. I has to solve this case quick."

Minhyun pats on the boy's head to calm down his anxious.

"I will be careful. Don't worry!"



Fortunately, it quite easy to find a rope. Minhyun can find one in the chief's storage. When he walking pass the chief's room, he can hears Jae Woo is trying to console the chief about Su Jin's death. It seem like the chief still doesn't know about Dae Hyun.

Minhyun and Jinyoung go to the well. He ties the rope to the water crane, carefully checks the knot.

"If there's something happen, just go and call Daniel. You don't need to be a hero!"

"It going to be dark down there...."

"I know!"

Minhyun takes out his cellphone and turns on the flashlight.

"Is it ok?"

He keeps the phone by mouth and his hands grabs tight on the rope. He carefully take step by step down the well.

Jinyoung stands next to the well, anxiously looks over Minhyun's every movements, until the darkness in the well completely cover him.


As he go deeper, it getting darker and darker, to the point that the only light left is comes from Minhyun's cellphone. He looks up. It actually not too deep but it is pitch-black. More over, there is an ease feeling lingering around him that make he feels sick. Minhyun tries to calm down and continue to climb down till he touch the water surface.

Suddenly, he hears a women scream. It's so loud that hurts his ears. But he still manages to grab tight on the rope. The scream come and go really quickly. Minhyun looks around to finds anything possible. He easily notices a stinky smell in the air. He knows this smell. It is the smell of death body. However, there's no way a death body could be in here without anyone noticed. This well provides water for a whole village. If there was a death body in here, the villagers would certainly got sick.

While Minhyun is thinking, a strong wind flows up, sweeps up the water along with that terrible smell. Minhyun almost pass out by that smell suddenly come up and rush to his nose. Still, he tries hard to hold on the rope.

At that moment, the rope is cut. Minhyun falls down to the cold water.




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