[part VI] The twisted village_chapter 9

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"Hyung! Minhyun-hyung!!" – Jinyoung calls out for Minhyun.

Fortunately, Minhyun still concious and maintain his calmness. He answers.

"I'm alright!"

Jinyoung gives off a sigh of relieve, but he's still worry. He keeps looking down and tries to find Minhyun but he can't see anything in the well.

"Get Daniel here!" – Minhyun says.

"But.... Will you be alright in there alone?"

"You can't pull me up anyway. You should go and get Daniel!"

Minhyun is right. Jinyoung can't help him with anything if he keeps standing here. The only way he can help is go and take Daniel here as soon as possible.


The phone was already broken since it felt in the water, leaving Minhyun in complete darkness inside the well. He can't see anything. He can only feels the coldness of the water and strange feeling of vomitting.

After his eyes got used to the dark, Minhyun starting to notice a spot of light under the water. He takes a deep breath and swims down.

Minhyun already expected this well to be pretty deep but somehow as he swims deeper and deeper, he can't see the end of it, even that spot of light seem to be getting further as he swim down. The situation is not turns out right, Minhyun decides to go back but strange thing still happening. This time, he can't find any way out of the water although he is swimming up. His breath is almost out and Minhyun starting to get panic as the well is now seem to be endless. He can't find the way to reach to that light nor any way out of the water.

Minhyun has no choice except follow the only light he can see in here.



Daniel puts SeongWu down on the mattress and carefully covers him with the blanket.

"You should rest. Let me deal with the other things!" – Daniel gently caress SeongWu's hairs.

He leans his head over. His eyes seem exhausted.

"You don't have anything to say to me?"


"Where did you go?"


"It's ok!" – SeongWu closes his eyes, he doesn't have strenght to question him – "It's ok if you don't want to say it."

"SeongWu, you..."


Grandpa rushes in. As he saw how exhausted SeongWu is, he is so worry that he almost faint. Daniel wants to help him but he get rejected immediately.

"You said you would protect him, didn't you?"

Grandpa turns into furious. He grabs Daniel's neck and pulls him outside.

The oldman's strenght can never do any force on Daniel but he still follow him out.

"What happened?"

"SeongWu met... the one that has been obtruding herself upon this village. She attacked him."

"Where was you?"


"You can't protect SeongWu!"

That statement is just hits right in Daniel's weak spot. He can't think up anything to defend himself and just stands there. Grandpa keeps questioning him about the incident but Daniel is just speechless. There's only that one sentence of him is still echoing in Daniel's ears. It's like a curse forcing him remember the thing that he wanted to forget for a very long time.

A chill suddenly goes up Daniel's spine. He turns around to SeongWu's room.

"You stays here! Don't go anywhere!"


Daniel breaks the fragile door.

SeongWu still lying inside, but there's a girl in an old hanbok is pressing herself on him. She lying on top of him, her hands grabs tightly on his head. SeongWu's eyes are wide open but there's no sigh of his black pupils. His eyes are completely white.

Daniel wants to stop her but she just staring at him.

"Don't stop me! I won't harm him!" – she said.

Daniel looks over SeongWu. His hands grabs on the blanket and he is sweating all over. Daniel knows SeongWu is suffering but he also knows there is no other way.



SeongWu feels a terrible pain piercing his brain. A dazzling light flares up and then, everything goes back to darkness.

He looks around, trying to find anything he can see, but it's useless. Then, there's a scream. A scream of many people.

From the darkness, all the elderlies in the village rush out and run all over the place. Their face shows that they are suffering indecriblable pain. One by one, they falls on the ground. Some cough out blood. Some have their bone broke into pieces. Until the last one falls down, struggles and then, dies in their own blood, there comes a sound of girl, giggling in the dark.

SeongWu follows the sound and finds a browed-hairs girl. But her hairs are messy and sticky because of the dry blood on her hairs. Her white dress is also as bloody as her hairs. She sits on the ground, facing her back toward SeongWu. He can't see her expression, but he still notice her shoulders slightly shakes as she giggling. Her hands are busy doing something. The place she sitting is filling with blood and some pieces of meat mixing in it.

SeongWu shilvers in fear, but the girl seem to not notice his presence. Somehow, he feels like he need to go forward. He feels like he need to knows what she is doing.

He steps closer and almost scream out in terror.

In front of the girl is ton of human's pieces. They are pills up, forming a bloody meat pile. And she is "busy" rips off those meat one by one.

Mixing in those pieces, SeongWu can recognizes Jae Woo's head.

SeongWu takes a step back but accidently falls down.

The girl turns around and looks straight into his eyes.

"How did you come here?"

"You..." – SeongWu tries to act calm although his heart is beating fast – "What... is this place?"

"Here? These are things I've always wanted to do. These are my desires. Look! Don't you think they deserved all these things?" – she says while pointing to those dead body around her and then, looks back to SeongWu – "Don't worry! I won't harm you, as long as you stops standing in my way!"

She getting closer and closer to SeongWu. There is a vicious hatred in her eyes. It's so strong that SeongWu can feels the pressure surrounding him.

"What did they do to you?" – he asks, but he immediately realizes that he just made a mistake.

Her face twisted and her teeth grinds so hard that SeongWu can hears her gnashing sound. He keep stepping backward but there're only darkness and no way to escape.

She throws herself at SeongWu. He subconciously raises his arm for defense, but the girl just turns into a thin smoke. The grey smoke quicly covers all over SeongWu. No matter how hard he try to get rid of it, it don't go away. Suddenly, the smoke strikes right into his face. SeongWu gets dizzy and collapse on the ground.

Numerous scenes rushes in front of his eyes, just like a video tape that being fast-forwarded.

A group of men.






And blood...



SeongWu wakes up.

Daniel comes and hugs him right away.

SeogWu holds tight on Daniel. His hands grabs tight on Daniel shirt. Daniel can feels that he is sweating a lot but his body is as cold as ice.

"SeongWu, calm down! That was just her imaginary world."

Daniel gently pats on his back but can't stop SeongWu from shaking. He can only hugs him tighter.

"I'm here! You don't have to be afraid! I'm always here with you!"

It takes a while for SeongWu to really calm his mind. He looks up to Daniel.

"I knew what happened."


"That girl! Hanna! She shown me everything."

"SeongWu, just let me..."

"Minhyun is in danger! At the well!"

SeongWu almost forgets how tired he was and rushes outside with Daniel. They met up with Jinyoung on their way to the well.

"Daniel-hyung! SeongWu-hyung! Min... Minhyun-hyung...."

"What did that idiot do?!?"

Daniel moves quicker, leaving SeongWu follows him with Jinyoung. They can't catch up with Daniel's speed. By the time they came, Daniel already pulls Minhyun out of the well.

Daniel puts Minhyun lie down on the ground. He is soaking wet and ice-colded. His face doesn't have any color of life. Jinyoung panics as he check on Minhyun.

"He... doesn't breath..."




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