[part VI] The twisted village_chapter 10

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Jinyoung tries his best to give Minhyun artificial respiration but Minhyun still remain cold and motionless. SeongWu also starting to get panicking as well.

The chief and SeongWu's grandpa go outside as they heard noises.

"SeongWu, what's wrong?"

"Grandpa... Minhyun... he was..."

"Did he accidently fall into the well? – the chief asks when he saw Minhyun soaking wet.

"No, he got in himself!"

"He said he wanted to find something inside the well.... to help SeongWu-hyung solving this case..." – Jinyoung says as he sobbing and tears are ready to fall down.

Suddenly, everyone in the village screaming and rushing out of their house. All of them holding tightly on their head, running aimlessly and screaming in pain. The situation looks exactly what SeongWu have seen.

The chief's eyes starts bleeding for unknown reason. There're only few drop of blood at first but it getting more and more serious until his orbits filled with blood and a terrible pain makes him can't even stand straight.

Jae Woo hears his scream and rushes out. However, the moment he takes a step outside, his left leg breaks in half, jusk like a weak branch of tree being broke by an invisible force. Jae Woo screams alound and falls on the ground. Part of his broken bone stabbed through his flesh and sticking out. His blood is flowing non-stop.

"It's her!" – SeongWu runs toward Jae Woo, trying to help him but Daniel stops him.

"You can't help him!" – Daniel shakes his head.

"But..." – SeongWu looks at Jae Woo and the others struggling in pain.

"You knew what happned. You knew they deserved it!"

Eyes of the others also starts to bleed and they scream even more. In that horrible scene, SeongWu can see Hanna showing up beside Jae Woo. With that same browned hairs and that same white dress which was soaked in blood, she slightly smiles and pulls up Jae Woo's arm. He couldn't see her so all he knows is that his arm suddenly pulled up and brutally twisted by something invisible. The sound of the broken bone and his scream mixes into a terrifying sound. He crawling on the ground, trying to find a way to get far from the scary thing which he couldn't see.

At that moment, the rosary on SeongWu's wrist releases the warmth that got SeongWu's attention. It realeses gentle spark of blue light and comfortable feeling. Hanna also noticed that light but her expression shows clearly that she definitely comfortable with that.

She turns and throws herself at SeongWu. Daniel quickly pushes SeongWu behind him and tosses her out to a far distance. But Hanna seem to be didn't hurt at all.


It's Minhyun.

SeongWu turns over and subconciously catches something was thrown at him.

A silver ring.

Minhyun has awake but his face stiill pale as the dead. He hardly speaks out a word.

"The ring... it's hers... inside the well...."

SeongWu doesn't think much and gives out the ring toward Hanna. Her expression changes.

She slowly approaches SeongWu. Daniel wants to stop her but SeongWu gives him a sign to not make a move. Hanna reachwa out her hand, tries to touch the ring on SeongWu's palm but she can't. Her eyes is filled with dissapointment and pain at the moment her fingers slip through SeongWu's hand.

Jinyoung helps Minhyun get up and come close to SeongWu.

Minhyun puts his hand on SeongWu's shoulder as if he try to calm him and asks.

"Is she still here?"

"She is right in front of you!"

Minhyun doesn't changes his expression. This isn't the first time he facing with something invisible. Y looks over the place SeongWu pointing.

"He still looking for you. And you knows that, right?"

Hanna lower her head but SeongWu can see tears are dripping down.

She crying?

As her tears dripping down, the conciousness of the villagers fading away. They stops bleeding and seem to be no longer in pain. They gradually falling into coma.

"SeongWu!" – Minhyun says – "You go with her!"

"I'm with you!" – Daniel interferes and holds tightly on SeongWu's hand.

SeongWu kinda hesitiate but when he looks at her falling tears, he can't help it.

Daniel reaches out one of his hand to Hanna, the other still holding SeongWu's hand. When he touches her, the scene around them change dramatically. The forest and the village dissapears and replaced by a crowded city.

SeongWu sees himself standing on the street which he can easily recognize. It's one of most crowded street in Gangnam. He often drives through here.

SeongWu, Daniel and Hanna, all three of them standing in the middle of the street and no one seem to acknowlegde them. Or to be correct, no one see them. When the first car run through them, SeongWu knew this isn't real.

"Don't worry!" – Daniel squeezing tightly on SeongWu's hand and gives him a smile to calm him down.

Hanna's eyes focusing on a young man who standing under the traffic light near them.

His clothes and hairs are all messy and looked nothing like the other city young man around him. He holding a pile of papers in his hand, constantly trying to give them to whoever walking pass him. However, not many people seem to care about him, some even throw the paper right in front of his face. But he is still quite persistent.

SeongWu and Daniel gets close to check out what he is holding. They are missing report papers. The name is Yoo Hanna and the picture is a beautiful young girl with a browned curly hairs. It's really hard to imagine such gentle girl could turned into a vicious soul filled with hatred. For a brief of moment, SeongWu thought he heard a moaningly sigh, pitying for a life which was taken from her way too soon.

A strong wind blows through them and their surrounding turns back into a forest and a small village. SeongWu is lying down on the ground and his grandpa is next to him, worrying about him. SeongWu feels a bit dizzy as if he just wake up from a short coma.

Daniel helps SeongWu up.

Hanna is still there, in the middle of the village with those villagers lying around her.

SeongWu wants to help her and Daniel surely understand that. He knows that SeongWu easily feel pity for those unfortunate souls like Hanna.

"You can't help her!" – Daniel says.


"She killed people. Her soul is full of hatred and sin. There is no salvation for her soul anymore."

SeongWu bites on his lip. It's true that Hanna has killed people and her soul has stained by sin. SeongWu knows the only way to get rid of her now is to purify her soul and turn her into ashes. Or he can step aside and let her finish her work, kill all the villagers and be forever suffering in hell to pay for her sin.

Of course, Hanna knew it very well.

But she accepted it, as long as she can have her revenge.

Her eyes change. She knows SeongWu want to stop her and she want to asure that no one can be in her way.

Daniel standing between Hanna and SeongWu. Like a wall.

"Touch SeongWu again and your end will be much more worse than you can ever imagine!"

Daniel's expression shows that he is deadly serious with his words.

"However..." – Daniel suddenly lower his voice – "I can give you a chance, because SeongWu want you to be helped."

Hanna looks at Daniel with surprise and then looks over to SeongWu but SeongWu also as amazed as her. He doesn't know what Daniel is up to.

The blue flames appear. Usually, they invisible to normal human eyes. But now, it seem likes not only grandpa but Minhyun and Jinyoung also can see them.

"You can choose." – Daniel's voice get serious – "Join them, become my "friend" and you can continue to exist in this world. Or they will destroy you before you do harms to anyone."

Hanna obviously doesn't want to stop her revenge, especially not when she has come so close to finish it. But she also know Daniel is serious and he difinitely has a power to crush her into ashes.

The girl with the old hanbok appears beside Hanna. She gently taps on Hanna's shoulder. Although SeongWu can't hear the voice of the spirit but he knows that they are exchanging something and it seem like the other girl has succeeded in convincing Hanna.

Hanna gets close to Daniel.

"But there is something you need to rememeber" – Daniel says – "Once you become a "friend" of mine, your soul will never has salvation. You can't go to heaven nor hell. All your beloved will forget everything about you and you will stay on this world forever with the memory of them."

Hanna smiles. A peaceful and gentle smile just like the way she used to be. She slightly touches Daniel and for some reason, SeongWu can hear her voice.

"It's good... if he can forget me..."

She closes her eyes. From her foot, a blue flame flares up and quickly consumes her body. Then, it gradually shrinkes smaller and smaller until it get to the size of the other blue flame balls and Hanna disappeares completely. The blue flame flyes around Daniel and SeongWu, then joins the others and they disappear together.



Although grandpa still has many questions but SeongWu insisted for him to go back to Incheon right after Hanna was gone. SeongWu himself doesn't stay for long. He and Minhyun helps the villagers to settle things down. Except for Jae Woo got a broken arm and leg, everyone else didn't have any injuries on their bodies. After that, SeongWu and Minhyun leaves the village.




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