[part VI] The twisted village_chapter 11

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A week later.

SeongWu has back to normal after those horrible incidents at that village. Minhyun also recovered after his near-dead expericence. Everything gradually back to its place.


SeongWu pays a visit to Minhyun's house. Daniel doesn't care much about him but he obviously couldn't let SeongWu go alone.

Minhyun got better sooner than expected so he still has some days off to stay at home and relax. When SeongWu arrived, Minhyun is cleaning the house with Jinyoung.

"I was just short of breath. You didn't have to worry that much!" – Minhyun laughed and patted SeongWu's shoulder when he asked about his health.

Seeing Minhyun's perfectly healthy and full of energy like now, SeongWu has nothing to worry anymore.

All four of them sit in the living room and have some chat about random things. But then, Jinyoung just can't keeps his curious and asks.

"SeongWu-hyung. What happened to Hanna-ssi? Why did she hate that village so much?"

SeongWu a bit startled when Jinyoung ask. He silently exchanges eye-contact with Minhyun. He simple nods.

"You sure you want to know?" – SeongWu asks.

Jinyoung nods his head, without any hesitiation.

"Hanna was Su Jin's classmate in Seoul."

SeongWu starts to tell Jinyoung everything Hanna had shown him.

Hanna went with Su Jin to village, as a small trip after their graduation. The elderlies in the village seem to not welcomed a city girl like Hanna, but she just tried not to noticed it. Everything seem to be fine, until Dae Hyun couldn't hide his sexual desire and forced himself on her. Jae Woo agreed to help but in exchange, he also wanted to has some "taste of the city". Hanna fighted back real hard but they didn't give up on her. Hanna tried to call for help but what she received was just those closed door and the cold silence from the villagers. Those old rusted door surely didn't sound-proof but they just decided to ignore her scream. Hanna ran to the well and called for Su Jin, hoping her friend would help her. But there was only silence and then, she took her last breath, beside that well, right outside of Su Jin's house.

"They just wanted to shut her up but they was too hard." – SeongWu sighs – "Things wouldn't happen that way if Dae Hyun could control himself."

"And if Jae Woo wasn't a bartard!" – Daniel continues his word.

After killed Hanna, Jae Woo didn't want to go to jail so he convinced Dae Hyun to burnt her body and scattered her ashes all over the forest. They didn't notice anything weird when her ring didn't burnt in the fire. They just wanted to destroy all of the evidences and decided to throw her ring in the well."

"No wonder she hold so much hatred over the whole village." – Jinyoung can't hide his anger after hearing Hanna's story, but Minhyun still remains unbelievable calm, as if he already knew everything.

"I asked my colleague to do something researches." – Minhyun says – "Hanna was in the missing report. The reporter is her fiance. He had been searching for her quite a time. The local police also came to the village since her last messages proved that she was in there. But the whole villagers had perfect aliby and all of them said the same thing that she already left the village. And since they could found any evidences, the investigation got stuck."

"The whole village covered up for Dae Hyun and Jae Woo's crime. That's why she wanted to punish all of them."

"But didn't that Jae Woo still alive?" – after knowing the truth, Jinyoung obviously couldn't accept the fact that Hanna has forgave everything and left the village like that.

SeongWu's phone suddenly rings.


"SeongWu, have you seen the news about the village?" – it's his grandpa. His voice seem nervous.

"What happened?"

"The village... There was a fire... You should turns on the TV, it's all over the news."

SeongWu grabs the remote right away and turns on the news.

It was an unexplainable fire which was flared up from no where and burned down everything in the village. No survival.

The reporter constantly mentions how weird it was that the fire only destroy the village and left the forest surrounding it untouched. As if the fire was only targeted that village alone and after everything was burned to ashes, the fire quickly burned out.

SeongWu is startled by what he heard and saw on the news.

"SeongWu..." – grandpa doubtfully asks – "Was it... Daniel..."

"Grandpa! Niel wouldn't do such a thing!"

"But it was a fire! But you knew about him. You knew about his "fire"... and he... he isn't human..."

"Grandpa! It definitely not Niel!"

SeongWu hangs up immediately. The whole room filled up with a dead silence with all eyes focus on Daniel while he still acting carefree as if nothing happened.

"I have to go now!" – SeongWu quickly leaves with Daniel. He doesn't wait for Minhyun to say goodbye.

Jinyoung silently glances at Minhyun but Minhyun still remain speechless. However, there is no hesitiate or doubt in his eyes. It looks like he already has his own confirmation.



SeongWu stays quiet for all the way back, but Daniel knows how hard he try to stay calm while driving.

By the moment they gets home, SeongWu pulls Daniel inside and shuts the door.

"You didn't do it!" – SeongWu squeezing tightly on Daniel's neckline while keeping his head low and doesn't let Daniel see his expression. – "You didn't do it, did you?"

Daniel hugs SeongWu face and looks right into his deep black eyes/

"You know I didn't do it!"


"A long time ago, there was a girl who suffered the same fate as Hanna."

SeongWu remembers about the girl with the old hanbook. Everything becomes clear right away. His heart feels at ease immediately.

"So that how it was!" – SeongWu sighs in relief and smiles again, but then he turns to worry – "But grandpa and Minhyun, they must be..."

"I don't care about Hwang Minhyun! I don't care about anyone! I just need you to believe in me!"

Daniel's finger caresses SeongWu's cheek. He hugs him and gently kisses on his solf black hairs.

"Niel..." – SeongWu says, with an uneasiness in his voice – "Have you... hide anything from me?"

Daniel doesn't answer, but SeongWu can feels his hug is tighter.

"I wanted to wait till the time that you gonna tell me yourself but... I'm afraid that I can't be that patient."


"I don't want to have to ask about your past..."


"But... why did you come to find me? Why did you stay by my side?"


"Those flames, those "friend" of your, could it be that you was also like them? Could it be that we knew each other before... when you was human? Could it be that I... have... forgot..."

Daniel squeezes SeongWu so tight that he can't continue his talk. He holds him tight in his arms, trying to make him stop saying another word. Daniel whispers in SeongWu's ears, every word is as heavy as a rock.

"I'm not like them. I've never been a human being."





I'm still studying and working on the information for the next part. And since it's kinda hard because the topic is not quite popular and do not have many reliable source, it's gonna takes time, A LOT of time for me to done with the research and I may not be able to update this fic soon. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Hope you guys won't mind. (。•́︿•̀。)

P.S: Hanna will return in the future chapters and continue her story. (◕‿◕)

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