[part VII] The crooked figure_chapter 1

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SeongWu suddenly receives a phone call from someone unexpected. Kim Jaehwan.

"SeongWu-ssi, it's been a while! Do I interupt you?"

"Well... that..."

Daniel let go of SeongWu and go back to the bedroom. Unlike usual, he seem to not care about SeongWu's phone call.

"What's wrong?" – SeongWu asks. Even just through a phone, he can hear the nervous in Jaehwan's voice.

"I have something to ask... well, to be more exact, I have a case that I need your help. I knows you doesn't do this for free, so I'll pay."

"Jaehwan-ssi, we are friends, don't mention about money."

"Actually... it's not my case, it's about... someone I knew... a friend of mine."

"Jaehwan-ssi, can we meet? Maybe it'll easier if we tallk."

"There's no need! Maybe I just overreacting, I'm not sure if there's something happened..."

"It's ok. I'm free anyway. Do you have class right now? Can we meet now?"

"Ah, I don't have class this afternoon but I'm still at the university, then how about the café in front of my university? Can you come over?"

"Ok! I'll be there!"

Jaehwan must be really nervous that he didn't notice how strange SeongWu was.

Right now, SeongWu just want to find a reason to get out of the house, get out of Daniel's sight.



SeongWu drives to the meeting place but it's seem like he was too rush. Jaehwan haven't here yet. He has to wait for a while till Jaehwan come running in.

"SeongWu-ssi. I'm sorry, I'm late! There was something urgent come up at the office. How long have you been here?"

"It's fine. I just came here."

Jaehwan sits in and order a cup of hot tea. He takes breath to calm down after a rush.

"So, what happened?"

"Well, I have a friend since high school and we still keep in touch. Her name is Lee Si Hyeon. We often text and call each other, chatting about random stuffs."

"Uhm." – SeongWu unconciously nods to Jaehwan's story.

"Last month, Si Hyeon has a bussiness trip to Singapore. She keep her contact with me through video call but then, I haven't receive any calls for almost a week now."

"How often did she call you?"

"She call me every night."

"Every night?" – SeongWu squinting his eyes – "Are you sure you are just friends?"

"Just friends!" – Jaehwan immediately deny – "Actually, Si Hyeon's lover just passed away not long before and she got a lot of stress from work so she really needed someone to talk to."

"Ok, then it's really weird that she suddenly stopped contacting you. Or maybe she just too busy that she couldn't make a call."

"I also thought about that. I tried to call her but I couldn't reach her. I even tried to send Si Hyeon emails but she still didn't reply."

"How about her workplace? She has to keep in touch with her company, right?"

"Yesterday, I tried to call Si Hyeon's company, but they said... she already quit her job three month ago."


"After that, I called Si Hyeon's family but they just thought she went on an bussiness trip. They didn't even know she had quit."

"Then why didn't you report this to the police? I can't ask the spirit about the missing person. I don't have that kind of power!"

"Because... before she went missing, Si Hyeon told me something strange."

Jaehwan swepts around his cup. He seem to be lost in his thought for a while, hesitiate about the thing he gonna say.

"She... encountered some paranormal activities..."

"Like what?"

"Si Hyeon said, her door kept open and close on its own. Even when she already closed her window, they were still open without wind or anything . Sometimes, she heard a voice of a child speaking or laughing at night. And... she alsway felt like someone was watching her even when she was alone."

It's really sound like a case for SeongWu but it also could be that she was too stressed about her work and her lover's death. SeongWu has seen many misunderstanding cases like that. Anyway, he still need to check it himself.

"You think Lee Si Hyeon-ssi still in Singapore?"

"Maybe, because... her lover was Singaporean."

Jaehwan's cellphone rings and makes both of them startled. But when he check the phone screen, Jaehwan is even more surprised.

"Si Hyeon?"

Jaehwan picks up the call right away. The screen switches to a video call, but it's seem like the internet of the other line is not stable. The video keep jamming and the sound isn't clear either.

"Si Hyeon? Is that you? Si Hyeon?" – Jaehwan calls out for her.

On the screen, they can see Si Hyeon's face and the scene keep moving really fast, looks like she is running.

"Jae... Jaehwan... Jaehwan! Help... Jaehwan! Help me!" – Si Hyeon's voice is interrupted constantly because of the weak signal.

"Si Hyeon! Where are you? What's wrong?"

"Changi! I'm... Changi... hospital... Jaehwan... help..."

"Si Hyeon! I can't hear you! What's happening?"

"It's after me... after me... Jaehwan... the child... Jaehwan..."

The signal lost before Si Hyeon finished her sentence.

Both Jaehwan and SeongWu are sure that there's something happened with Lee Si Hyeon. And no matter it a supernatural thing or not, she definitely is in great danger.

"Si Hyeon said... she is in Changi."

"Jaehwan-ssi, you gonna..."

"I have to go to Singapore!"




Luckily, I've found a source with informations I needed and continue this fic sooner than expected~ ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆

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