[part VII] The crooked figure_chapter 2

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In the darkness, SeongWu can hears a voice, echoing from a far.


Don't know anything more!

Don't remember!

An incredibly familiar voice but SeongWu can't remember whose voice it was.

"Who is it?"

He tries to ask but nothing help. The voice still echoing around him, as if it coming from everywhere. Then suddenly, SeongWu has a strong feeling that someone is standing behind him. He want to turn around but a cold hands reach out and stop him.

Don't turn back!

Keep moving forward!

Forget everything!


Who is it?

Forget what?

What should SeongWu forget?

SeongWu wakes up while sweating all over.

"SeongWu-ssi, are you alright?"

"Jaehwan-ssi... just now, I was..."

"You had a bad dream? You seem uncomfortable in your sleep and kept mumbling something. I called you several times but you didn't wake up. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. It was just a strange dream."

"I'm glad you're alright. We'll arrive soon."

SeongWu regains his conciousness and packs up his stuffs. He looks outside of the window. From high above, he still can clearly see the light from buildings and cars dashing on busy highways. Changi at night is as crowded as Seoul. Especially this time of year, the beginning of summer, the beginning of tourist season, the airport even more crowded than usual.

After finish their check, SeongWu drags his suitcase out. Jaehwan looks at the way SeongWu struggling with his stuffs, he can't help but ask.

"Daniel-ssi didn't with you?"

SeongWu a bit startled with the question but he still remain silent. Jaehwan takes a hint and ask nothing more. They quietly get on the taxi and go to their hotel.

Of course Daniel wanted to go with SeongWu but he refused.

"I think we need some private times. I need time to think about you and... about us."

After SeongWu said that, Daniel wasn't seem so happy but he didn't talk back against him. He just slightly nod.

"If you said so..."

Daniel said and then, they didn't exchange a word till SeongWu left.

SeongWu doesn't know how long this case gonna take but just seeing the way he tried to stuck everything he could in his suitcase, it looked like he leaving his home. Daniel seem to noticed that as well. While SeongWu was packing, he still stood aside and watched over him. He looked like he wanted to say something to SeongWu, but in the end, he still kept it for himself.


"SeongWu-ssi, we're here!"

Jaehwan drags SeongWu back to reality.

They check-in to their reserved hotel room.

SeongWu already told Jaehwan to booked a room with two beds, just in case if something bad happned, he can be there to help him.

"Uhm... SeongWu-ssi..." – Jaehwan speaks up.


"How is Minhyun-hyun?"

"Minhyun?" – SeongWu looks over to Jaehwan while preparing his bed. It's seem like SeongWu was right. This musical teacher really has something for his friend. – "You guys still keep in touch, right? You could ask him yourself."

"Well... I texted, but Minhyun-hyung was quite busy. He only answered briefly."

"He's always like that." – SeongWu giggling at Jaehwan's disappointment expression – "If you like Minhyun, you should call him, ask him out for a coffee or something."

"Like? I... am... not...." – Jaehwan rejecting it but his face is turning red and the nervousness in his voice is way too obvious.

"Minhyun is still single!"

"SeongWu-ssi!" – now even his ears are all red.

"More over..." – SeongWu continues – "I think Minhyun also care about Jaehwan-ssi."


"Did Minhyun help you before?"

"But... Minhyun-hyung already said it was his duty as a policeman."

"I've never seen Minhyun clean anyone's house."

SeongWu can't help but bursts out of laugh while seeing Jaehwan's expression, the perfect combination of nervous and happy.

They chatting about some other stuffs and when they realize it's already passed midnight. SeongWu and Jaehwan both tired from a flight and they also need to go in the morning so they decide it's time to take a rest.

But right after Jaehwan get on his bed, his phone rings.

"SeongWu-ssi, it's Si Hyeon."

Jaehwan picks up his call but the other side is silent.

"Hello, Si Hyeon? Si Hyeon!"

Jaehwan keeps calling but there's still no answer, not even a single sound. Jaehwan gets confused and looks over to SeongWu. SeongWu gives a signal for him to give him the phone, but then, Jaehwan hears a small sound, coming from the other side. The sound gradually gets louder and louder. It's a laughing sound of a kid.

Jaehwan have a chill. An unspeakable fear makes him shudders and drops his phone.

The laughing is still ther and even louder than before, to the point that SeongWu can also hear it.

SeongWu takes an amulet and rounds a circle in the air around the phone. The amulet burns up. The grey smoke seem to be absorbed into the phone. A loud scream comes up and then a complete silent. SeongWu pick up the phone to check. The other side has hung up.

"SeongWu-ssi... just now..."

"Whatever was after Si Hyeon-ssi, I'm afraid it has got her."

"What? Don't tell me that Si Hyeon is already..."

"I'm not sure. It's depend on the purpose of it by following her."

Jaehwan obviously worry about Si Hyeon but he knows clearly that he can't do anything but wait till morning.

That night might be the longest night Jaehwan've ever have.



Jaehwan didn't sleep much. He kept worrying about Si Hyeon all night and when he checked his phone, it's already 6a.m.

"SeongWu-ssi, you couldn't sleep as well?" – Jaehwan asks when seeing SeongWu's exhausted face.

SeongWu slightly nod as an answer.

They leave the hotel early than planned and follow their only clue about Si Hyeon's whereabout, Changi hospital.

The taxi driver takes them to Changi General hospital. SeongWu and Jaehwan are quite bad at English so they has to go through a hell of troubles trying to ask nurses and staffs in the hospital about Si Hyeon. However, despite all of their effort and half of their morning, no information is found. No one seem to have met Si Hyeon.

Jaehwan can't hide his disappointment when they go out of the hospital.

"Can you think of any other information? Did Si Hyeon-ssi tell you anything about her place in Singapore?"

"I... can't come up with anything..."

Jaehwan starts blaming himself for being too unthoughtful and didn't notice any strange in Si Hyeon. They contacted through many video calls but he couldn't even remember anything about her place or even asked about where she was staying.

They sit on the bench outside of the hospital and have no idea what they should do next. This isn't Korea, they don't know anyone here and can't ask for any help. The investigation seem to be stucked completely.

Seem like Daniel was right!

A female voice comes up right at SeongWu's ear. He turns to Jaehwan and it's obvious that he heard it too.

A blue flame appears in front of them. It flies around SeongWu and then flies away. SeongWu and Jaehwan immediately go after it.

When they make sure there's no one alse around, the blue flame flares up and turns into a girl.

"You... Hanna?!?" – SeongWu can't believe in his eyes.

Yoo Hanna standing in front of him with her curly browne hairs and her beautiful white dress, totally different from the last time he saw her.

Hanna smiles at his surprising face.

"Daniel also said you'll be surprise to see me."

"You... how..."

"You didn't want to go with Daniel so Daniel asked me to come in his place."

"But I thought you was..."

"I became Daniel's "friend", but it didn't mean I can't come back in this form."

Hanna looks brighter than she was at the village, or to be exact, she looks more... live-like.

"Daniel said you'll need help and here I am."

"What about Niel?"

Hanna doesn't answer. She slightly tilts her head and smiles. SeongWu doesn't want to ask too much. It's still good to have some help.

"So... what are you gonna do?"

Hanna walks into the hospital and asks around. From her and those nurses behavior, normal people can see her, can talk to her and do not have a clue that she is just a wandering soul. After a while, Hanna gets back to SeongWu and Jaehwan.

"I think you guys headed to a wrong destination."

"Wrond? But Si Hyeon said it was Changi hospital." – Jaehwan says.

"Yes, it was Changi hospital but not this one. I already asked, there's another Changi hospital and there's much higher chance for her to be there." – Hanna continues – "Have you ever heard about the old Changi hospital?"



Minhyun was so shocked that he even thought he is having halucination. Daniel is standing in front of his doorway and saying a thing that he've never thought he could hear.

"Say that again!"

"I said... Can you come to SeongWu's place?"

"You wanted me to meet SeongWu?" – Minhyun places his hand on Daniel's forehead – "You can't get sick, right?"

"Be serious!"

"Aren't you the one alsway make a fuss whenever I was with SeongWu? Now you want me to come to SeongWu's side? Are you sick?"

"SeongWu is on a case. I'm worry about SeongWu."

"Then why didn't you go with him?"

"He... didn't want me by his side."

Minhyun sighs.

"Then what? SeongWu didn't want you by his side and you just left? How about your feeling? Don't you want to be with SeongWu?"

"I want to! I really do! But... if SeongWu no longer want me, I won't go against his will."

Minhyun hits Daniel's forehead.

"What are you doing?" – Daniel startled by his action.

"I'm checking if you got some brain inside your head."


"Are you an idiot? It's not like SeongWu didn't want you by his side. SeongWu just wanted you to be honest with him."


"Even I knew that you was hiding something from SeongWu. What do you think SeongWu would feel?"


"SeongWu wanted the truth. The truth that you can tell him yourself."

Daniel's helpless expression somehow annoys Minhyun. He doesn't know how to deal with this guy anymore.

"Just stand there and think, then find SeongWu and talk to him. I'm going to bed!"

Right when Minhyun almost close the door and ignore Daniel, he suddenly remember something important.

"You said SeongWu is on a case? Where did he go?"


"What the...?!?"




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