[part VII] The crooked figure_chapter 4

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"It'll be back!"

Hanna says while helping Si Hyeon to get up. Jaehwan also give a hand to help her get on the bed.

"What was that just now? What was wrong with Si Hyeon?" – Jaehwan can't help but worry about Si Hyeon's situation.

SeongWu's amulet had no effect. He also couldn't hear or see anything which was attached itself to Si Hyeon. SeongWu got no idea how he can handle this case. Right now, there's only one though in his mind.

If Niel was here...

Suddenly, a small sound comes from outside of the door.

"Let me see!"

Hanna opens the door.

There's no one outside. A whole long hotel hallway is empty. Hanna looks around and finds nothing strange. As she closing the door, SeongWu stops her.

There's a boook outside, lying on the floor.

A book which has a light blue cover.

SeongWu recognizes this book, that's why he can't believe in his eyes.

The book suddenly opens by itself.

"Book? Why is it blank?" – Hanna asks when she saw those white papers which have no words on it.

"Neither you can see it?"

SeongWu though it was because Jinyoung was a normal boy, he couldn't see. So this book is literally blank in the eyes of everyone except SeongWu. Furthermore, the last time he saw this book, he already put it on the bookshelf in his house. But it still followed him here, just like how it followed him back to his house.

"What is this book about?" – Hanna asks but SeongWu doesn't have the answer.

He doesn't even understand any words.

He can see from page to page of this book which was filling with words, but he couldn't understand anything. He recognizes it was written in English but there're many words that different from normal English.

SeongWu intent to pick the book up but Hanna stop him.

"You need to be more careful!" – then she reaches out her hand and picks the book up for SeongWu.

However, she doesn't even touch the book yet. A spark of light flares up and suddenly, Hanna is viciously pushed back.

The book floats up in front of SeongWu. It opens with a bright light come out. The light is almost hurting SeongWu's eyes and then, there is a voice, whispering in his ear.

Touch it!

SeongWu don't know why but that voice sounds familiar to him and somehow he feels himself incredibly trust in that voice. He unconcously takes the book.

"SeongWu-ssi! Be careful!"

At the moment SeongWu touch the book, the dazzling light disappears and strangely, SeongWu can understand those words in the book. Every words, every sentences are still the same as before but SeongWu just takes a glimpse and he can understand everything.


On the page, there is a mysterious title. Obeah.

SeongWu feels like he have heard this word before, but he can't remember it exactly. He keeps reading.

Obeah is a kind of spiritual practice of Afri-American. It was formed in the slave-era.

SeongWu skips throught the page and notices one small paragraph.

Bakroe used to appear as a child with wooden body, big head and red eyes.

A child with red eyes?!?

SeongWu decides to take the book inside and read it more carefully. Maybe there is something useful that can help Si Hyeon.

"SeongWu-ssi, how's that book?"

"I don't know, but maybe I can find some informations in here."

Hanna gets closer. She doesn't touch the book but stands beside SeongWu. She looks into the opened page. She still doesn't see anything and she still having her doubt about this book but as long as it can help, she have nothing to complain.



When Si Hyeon wakes up, it's already night time. Her condittion haven't get any better. She curls up in the corner of the bed with her blanket cover her from head to toe. She keep looking around, as if she is afraid of something. Even when Jaehwan bring her foods, she doesn't touch anything or move an inch from her spot.

"Si Hyeon, at least you have to tell SeongWu-ssi what happened to you. He can help you." – Jaehwan tries to calm her down.

Si Hyeon looks at all of amulets sticking on door and windows, then she asks SeongWu.

"Those things really work?"

"I don't know!" – SeongWu being honest – "But there's nothing happened till now so I think it'll be fine."

The quiet in the room might calm Si Hyeon down. She finally can relax a bit.

"I... came to Singapore to visit Aiden's grave."

"Your lover?"

Si Hyeon nods and continues.

"We met when he went to Koren for his study. Aiden was very kind to me. Our relationship was good, my family also liked him a lot. Two months ago, he said he need to go home because his mother was sick. But..." – Si Hyeon's voice getting more emotional. – "He got into an accident on his way back to Korea."

Si Hyeon bursts out in tear.

Jaehwan taps on her shoulders, trying to comfort her. Si Hyeon used to talk a lot about her lover, he knew they were deeply in love. Jaehwan also heard she said about many of their future plans and they might get marry soon. Aiden's sudden death must be a huge shock to her.

"Did strange things start since you came to Singapore?" – Hanna asks.

"No... After I arrived, everything was normal. I visited Aiden's grave and even met his mother there. Nothing strange happened... in those first days... but then..." Si Hyeon begin shaking as she recall her memory – "I started to hear a sound of children laughing. At first, it was very small and I didn't think much about it. But then, it getting louder and louder and that's when those red eyes appear... everywhere..."

"You sure you didn't do anything that might intrude other graves?"

If all of this happened after Si Hyeon went to her lover's grave, then Hanna's statement really make sense. Maybe she have accidently done something disrepectful to other graves. But Si Hyeon shakes her head.

"Aiden's mother also there. I just talked to her a bit and went back to my hotel."

"Maybe it's not her fault!" – SeongWu closes the book on his hand – "Si Hyeon-ssi, have you ever see "that thing"... clearly?"

"I... saw it... no... I just have a glimpse of it... It was a strange looking child. I though I was hallucinated." – Si Hyeon looks paler as she talks about what she saw – "It was quite small, just a size of a 5-years-old kid. But its body... looked like made out of wood... and the head was huge..."

"That thing might be a bakroe. It was written in this book. All signs and describes were fit to what Si Hyeon-ssi said."

"Bakroe? What was that?" – even Hanna is a spirit, but she isn't an expert about spiritual practices or incantations. She have never heard about something like that.

"It's also the first time I know about it, but it was written very detail in this book. It was a kind of spell in obeah. That's why my amulet had no effect. It was from different religion with different ritual. My amulets can't fight against this thing."

"Then... what should we do?"

"Do you want to call Daniel?" – Hanna glances at SeongWu – "I know you what to call Daniel."

SeongWu remains silent. His hesitation really annoys Hanna.

"If you don't call Daniel, I will!"


Hanna flicks her hand, a small blue flame dash out of the window and disappear in the night sky.




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