[part VIII] The phantom of the past_chapter 3

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SeongWu still remains silent. He just sits on his bed, quietly and staring at Daniel while he trying to call for him.

"SeongWu, are you alright? Did you remember anything? SeongWu! Say something!"

Daniel keeps call out his name but SeongWu's mind is still confused with all the things he just saw.

Was it real? What was it exactly?

Those questions keeps running through his mind and he doesn't know what to say right now.


He whispers Daniel's name. Although it's barely heard but Daniel can feel the nervous in his voice.

"What? I'm here!"

"Are you... real?"


"Are you really Niel? I mean..."

SeongWu doesn't even know what he is saying right now, but he can't stop it. His mind is full of confusion, doubt. He has too many questions and yet, he is too afraid to ask.

"Never mind!"

SeongWu takes a deep breath. He knows there's something wrong in his mind and it must be something related to Daniel's past. The past which he never asked about.

"I'm alright now. Don't worry!" – he tries to put on a smile as usual.

Daniel holds tightly on SeongWu's hands. His eyes are still filled with anxious.

"Are you sure? You looked really pale and..."

"That thing!" – SeongWu interupts him – "The thing in the basement, what was that?"

"What? That..."

"I saw it! And it knew me. It knew who I am. What was it?"

"What was it say to you?"

"You haven't answer my question yet."


"What was it?"

SeongWu knows Daniel hiding many things from him. He knows Daniel have many secrets but he didn't ask anything. He wanted Daniel to say it by himself. He wanted Daniel to be honest with him. However, he has been waiting for too long. And yet...

The longer he waits, the more secrets Daniel trying to keep away from him.

"Just this one." – at least just once – "Tell me the truth!"

Tell me the truth!

In an instant, Daniel feels like he hearing something echoing from far away. A voice. From the past.

And he can't resist it.

"That thing... it knew you. I locked it down there in order to protected you."


"I tried to destroy it before but somehow there was still something remain and that thing had come back to find you."



"Why are you here?"

It's almost midnight and Minhyun really didn't expect to see Bae Jinyoung standing in front of his house at this hour.

"I can't come here?"

"You can. But not this hour. It's late, you know?"

Jinyoung checks his phone and really surprised.

"I didn't know it was this late. I just waiting for you here."

"Why?" – Minhyun asks, while unlocking his door – "Hold on! Just come in. It's cold outside."

Jinyoung picks up his things and goes into the house. There are many plastic bags which are fulls of foods, drinks and other stuffs.

"What are those?"

Minhyun immediately notices all those things Jinyoung brought with him.

"I haven't seen you around and I couldn't contact you so I asked Mi Rae-ssi. She said you went to Singapore and just came back this morning. So I thought I could meet you here."

"How long have you been waiting outside?"

"Since the afternoon. I came here after my class ended. I tried to call you but your phone was turned off."

Bae Jinyoung says while unpacking his stuffs.

"I wanted to thanks you for helping me before but I didn't know what to do. So I bought you something you might need. Because you haven't been home for week..."

Minhyun gently strokes on Jinyoung's messy hairs.

"Silly kid."

He puts a key in Jinyoung's palm.

"Minhyun-hyung, this..."

"A spare key. Next time, you just come in yourself."

"But, I..."

"Take it! My house is also yours."




Sorry, this chapter is quite short but YES, I DIDN'T DROP THIS AU!!!!! I just need time to organize my thought because I'm confusing myself with this story... TT^TT

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