[part VIII] The phantom of the past_chapter 2

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SeongWu slowly open his eyes in unfamiliar room.

He sitting on an antique chair, in a big Victorian library room. Furthermore, he can't control his movements as if he is trapping inside someone's body, looking through someone's eyes.

SeongWu can feel his body is kinda tired. It look likes he has fall asleep on the chair and just woke up from the quick nap.

"You awake?" – SeongWu heard a familiar voice and then, a cup of tea is set in front of him.

It's Daniel.

SeongWu can't hold back his surprise but he still can't make any sound as his will. His body just moves and speaks on its own.

"How long have I been asleep?" – he takes a sip of tea – "Bitter!"

"Not too long! I wanted to wake you up but you seem to had a good sleep." – Daniel puts two cupes of sugar in SeongWu's teacup.

Is this really Niel?

SeongWu asking himself.

Daniel is wearing a gray suit with an antique style pin on his chest. His hairs darker than usual. He is smiling brightly while looking at SeongWu. It's an innocent smile that SeongWu have never seen before.

His smile is too bright, too pure, just like a little kid who never been through any hardship in life. There's no darkness, no loneliness or sadness in his eyes.

SeongWu's heart sinks into an abyss. He saw how strong and protective Daniel could be. He saw how vicious Daniel could be. However, he never knew Daniel can be so pure like this. And his innocent eyes only looks at someone that SeongWu never knew.

Daniel carefully check the notebook on the desk.

"This case... can I go with you?" – he asks.

"No. You are not strong enough!" – SeongWu immediately replies and Daniel can't hide his disappointment.

SeongWu puts down the cup and stands up. Their height different still unchanged. Daniel still a bit taller than him. SeongWu reaches out his hand and strokes on Daniel's hairs.

"You can go, next time!"

"Really?" – Daniel's eyes spark out of joy.

"After all of your souls are stable, you can go and help me out!" – SeongWu tilts his head and smiles while consoling his beloved kid – " I promise!"


The second time SeongWu opens his eyes is in his bedroom with Daniel's nervous voice waking him up.

After a few seconds, he's fully conscious and surely confirms that he already back to his own room. Daniel is next to his bed and holding tight on his hand.

"SeongWu, you awake?"

"Niel..." – he calls out his name.

SeongWu's voice is still weak and Daniel can't hears clearly. Daniel leans closer but the only thing he hears from SeongWu...

"The tea is still bitter..."

Daniel was confuse at first but he quickly remembers something from the past. In the moment, Daniel can't control his emotions. SeongWu feels like his mind is still numb because in Daniel's eyes, he can see not only the surprise but also something else. Scare. Friteghtening. And... regret.



On the side of an empty street.

Minhyun left before SeongWu woke up and Daniel didn't have any intent to stop him. Minhyun just wanted to make sure that SeongWu was ok and he did.

He stopped at a deserted corner of the night street. Even the streetlight can't reach to this dark corner. He steps out of his car and looks around to make sure no one's here. Minhyun sighs and leans back to his car.

A cold breath suddenly reeks out. There's no one to be seen but Minhyun can feel a strong arms wrap around his waist and holds him tightly. That cold breath slowly reeks into his ear.

"I can't count on Daniel anymore." – Minhyun sighs again. An invisible hand gently strokes on his hairs.

Minhyun slightly tilts his head aside, as if he leaning on someone else.

"You don't have to worry. I just... a bit tired. I can't die that easily."




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