[part VIII] The phantom of the past_chapter 1

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It took Minhyun few days to dealing with all the paper works with Singapore's police until they made sure Si Hyeon's death was accident. He and Jaehwan finally can bring Si Hyeon back to Korean after creamated her corpse.

Minhyun called SeongWu several times, but it couldn't connected. He even tried to send some emails but there was no replies.

"Is SeongWu-ssi alright?" – Jaehwan asks.

"Don't worry! There's still Daniel. He's always by his side."

Jaehwan knows Minhyun just trying to comfort him. However, they has no choice but to wait until the police done with their investigation.


Although they had try to get back as soon as possible but Minhyun's "vacation" still took much longer than it should be. His superior get really mad at him but the only thing Minhyun can think about is SeongWu.

Minhyun immediately goes to SeongWu's house and as he expected, there's something unusual.

It's only 8p.m but all the lights went out. The house covered in darkness and somehow it's make Minhyun feels unease. It still too early for SeongWu to went to sleep. Minhyun checks and the door was locked from inside.

Minhyun presses on the door bell but there's no answer. He tries again but it still complete silent. Minhyun can't take it anymore and tries to call out for SeongWu. At his surprise, someone open the door but only a little.

Minhyun still can see SeongWu through that small gap. The whole house is pitch black behide him.

"What?" – SeongWu asks, with an unusual distance voice.

"SeongWu, what's wrong? I tried to call you but..."

"You did? I didn't know!"

SeongWu looks into Minhyun's eyes but there's something different, as if he looking at a stranger.

"Where's Daniel?" – Minhyun asks.

"Don't know!"

"Can I come in?"

SeongWu doesn't reply.

He just stand right there, silently look at Minhyun through the small gap. His stare so cold that Minhyun can feel a chill down his spine.

"Minhyun?" – Daniel's voice surprises him.

Daniel walking closer with some plastic bags full of stuffs in his hands. Its look like he just went out to buy things.


Minhyun confusingly turns around to find SeongWu has gone. The door still closed shut in front of him. The door is still closed shut, as if nothing happened.

"Is there something wrong?"

Daniel asks while opening the door.


Daniel put a finger on his lips, gives Minhyun a sign of silent. He turns the light on and quietly check the bedroom's door.

"What did you see?" – Daniel lower his voice.

"I saw... SeongWu..." – Minhyun says, but he still not sure about what he saw. Was it... really SeongWu?!?

Daniel sighs.

"It's look like those amulets were useless."

"Amulets? Is there a problem with SeongWu?"

"It was my fault. I shouldn't had left SeongWu alone."

Minhyun feel more and more confuse but he isn't know what to say anymore.

Daniel carefully open the door to check on SeongWu. The light still off and SeongWu still quietly sleep on the bed.

Then who was it?

Minhyun can't hide his concern anymore.

"Daniel, what happened to SeongWu?" – he asks.

"SeongWu... he isn't himself..." – Daniel closes the bedroom door – "The thing in that basement has attached itself to him and went back here with him."

"That basement? You mean the hospital? What exactly was that?"

"I locked it in there for a really long time. I didn't expected it still had all that strength!"

Daniel draws something kind of magic circle on the door while talking to Minhyun. There's a small blue flame sparks out in an instant and then Daniel give off a sigh.

"I was too careless... I should have protected him..."

"Daniel, answer my question! What was the thing that attached to SeongWu? What did you locked in the basement? What was wrong with SeongWu?"

Minhyun just couldn't take it anymore. He just couldn't stand Daniel's vague attitude.

"Niel!" – there's a voice call out from the bedroom. It's SeongWu's voice, but somehow it's strangely cold.


"Niel! Why did you lock the door?"


"Open the door! I want to get out!"

Minhyun knows something isn't right but it's SeongWu.

"Daniel, it's SeongWu! Why don't you open the door?"

"I didn't lock it!" – Daniel staring at the door.

It surely wasn't locked. It wasn't even close shut but SeongWu can't open it.

"Niel, what's wrong? It's me! Why don't you open the door?" – the voice doesn't sound like asking but more like teasing.

"Stop it!" – Daniel yells out of angry – "Leave SeongWu alone and go back to your place!"

"Niel! What are you saying? My place... my place... My place was destroyed completely by you!!" – the voice suddenly turn into laughing.

It is the most piercing and the most annoying laughing Minhyun ever heard. He tries to cover his ears but the laughing is still piercing throught his brain. Along with that evil laugh, there's something keep banging on the door from the inside. Whatever behind that door, it is trying to break through Daniel's blue flames to get out of the bedroom.

The voice is no longer sound like SeongWu's. It's twisted into some kind of monstrous voice.

"Niel! Have you forgot it? You destroyed my place! You destroyed everything!! EVERYTHING!! Even.. even William!! YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING!!!"

Daniel's face turns pale. He doesn't care about anything else and grabs the doorknob and pulls out the door.

In an instant, everything goes back to silent. No more laughing, no more talking, no more yelling. Everything goes back to completely silence. Inside the bedroom, SeongWu fell unconcious on the floor. His dark hairs was all wet by the cold sweat.




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