[part VII] The crooked figure_chapter 8

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Daniel takes SeongWu to the airport and buys an earliest ticket for him to go back to Korea. SeongWu sits quietly on the bench while Daniel running around and taking care of everything. Once in a while, he takes a look around with his emotionless eyes. His phone rings, but it seem like he doesn't care or maybe he doesn't even notice. People around starts to get annoyed by the noisy sound from his phone. Daniel quickly runs back to him.

"SeongWu, what's wrong? Your phone..."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

SeongWu looks up to Daniel but his eyes are so cold and distance. Daniel is shocked and yet doesn't know how to react. He takes the phone out of SeongWu's pocket. It's Minhyun.


"Daniel? Where's SeongWu?"

"SeongWu... he can't talk to you right now. What do you want?"

"You told us that you already deal with that bakroe thing."

"Yeah, so?"

"Si Hyeon-ssi... she commited suicide!"


"Just after you and SeongWu left, Si Hyeon-ssi suddenly gone mad. She kept screaming and tried to run away as if she was chase by something terrible. The hotel staffs and securities couldn't stop her. She ran out of the hotel and got hit by a car. She died at the scene."

Daniel still remains silent. Minhyun somehow understand what its mean and yet he wants to confirm it.

"You knew things would be like that, right?"

"Uhm" – Daniel lower his voice.

"Then what did you do at that hospital? Why did you said Si Hyeon-ssi would be safe?"

"I already told you, bakroe could not be destroy. I could only dealt with half of the spell. She will be safe... after she died."

"What do you mean?"

"It was part of the spell. After she got killed by the bakroe, her soul would become its food. Her soul would be devoured and torn apart into pieces by the bakroe until nothing was left. But now, she is free from the bakroe and won't be bother by it anymore. That's all I can do."

"You mean that... Si Hyeon-ssi is now at peace?"


"You sure?"

"It's up to you to believe me or not."

"Well..." – Minhyun sighs – "I don't have time to argue with you. The hotel staffs already called the polices. I have to talks to them. You take care of SeongWu."

"I don't need you to tell me that."

Daniel hangs up the phone and puts in back into SeongWu's pocket.

"SeongWu" – he calls out his name.

SeongWu doesn't reply. He just silently staring at Daniel.

"I already bought a ticket for you. But you'll have to wait about 2 hours, do you want to eat something?"

"I'm tired"

"Then just take a nap, I'll wake up you when the time comes."

Daniel sits next to SeongWu, let him leans on his shoulder until he fall asleep. Daniel gently strokes SeongWu's soft hairs. His warmness somehow makes Daniel feel at ease. Maybe SeongWu just tired. Maybe he just need some rest and he will be back to normal.

"If you're worry, I can go and check." – Hanna suddenly appears and sits on the bench behind Daniel. She knows Daniel is still worry about SeongWu's strange behaviour.

"Then go!" – Daniel lower his voice. He don't want to wake SeongWu up.

Hanna disappears in an instant. No one seem to acknowledge their conversation or even realize Hanna's existence.



In the basement of the old hospital.

Hanna standing in front of an old rusty iron door. The lock and chain was back and the door has been secured but Hanna still has uncomfortable feeling. She doesn't know well about the past of "that" but she knows Daniel wouldn't locked "that" in here for no reason.

Hanna looks in the corner. There is a sould of an old man. His face looked so pale and it even seem like he is fading away.

"You had been here a really long time, right?" – his energy already running out.

He nods his head. He doesn't even have enough energy to make a sound.

"That thing... the thing inside this basement, have you seen it?"

He shakes his head.

"Is it still... in there?"

The old man doesn't answer. Suddenly, every single souls in the basement turn their head and staring at Hanna. All of those empty, lifeless, emotionless eyes keep staring at her but Hanna doesn't care much about them. They can't harm her anyway.

Hanna takes a deep breath and walk through the iron door.

Everything inside are still the same as they were when Daniel left. There are still a broken magic circle on the floor and candles lying around. Even the woman's dead body is still here.

From the darkest corner of the basement, a child entity screams aloud and throws itself toward Hanna.

"What a fierce spirit!" – she doesn't care much about that bakroe. It can't hurt her anyway.

The bakroe seem to be angry and starts making sound like a small roar.

"Look! I don't give a f*ck about you so move aside. I'm here for "that thing"."

Hanna carefully check around the basement but she can't find any traces of "that".

"You should feeling lucky that you didn't locked in here with "that thing"!" – Hanna turns and look into the bakroe – "Or you would be eaten already!"

Hanna finds an small amulet that was hidden in a corner. There're still a small trace left on it. She takes an amulet down, turns into a blue flame and disappears.





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