[part VII] The crooked figure_chapter 7

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SeongWu finally decided to wait outside of the basement.

Although he is curious about what happening inside but somehow, he still have his faith in Daniel. Something in his heart told him that he can trust Daniel no matter what happened or how much doubt he felt about everything.

He leaning on the old wall. On the other side, the door still closing shut and no sound can be heard. The surrounding is so silent that SeongWu can even hears the sound of his own heart, beating really fast. He waiting patiently.

5 minutes...

10 minutes...

20 minutes have passes....


Suddenly, something hit the door so hard that it almost broken down.

SeongWu startled. He nervously looks over the door.

The rusty door still managed to stand still, but the hit was so strong that it forced the door to open a little bit. SeongWu can peak a bit of blue light coming from inside. He unconciously steps closer to the door but then, when he is only a few centimeters away from the door, he hesitiated. The thing inside the basement, maybe can help to answer a lot of his questions about Daniel, but he is afraid. He scared that the answer may not something he can bear with.


A cold breath blows into SeongWu's neck. But when he turns around, there's nobody behind him. No human, at least.

Above the old dirty stairway, there are a lot of wandering souls. However, they are just standing there, watching SeongWu from afar with their nervous eyes.

"You don't have to look for me."

A male voice echoing right at SeongWu's ear. It was so clear that it felt like someone was standing right beside him. That cold breath comes again and makes SeongWu shudder. He turns to check again but his body is paralyzed by unspeakable fear. The chill get down to SeongWu's spine. He can feel it. He can feel someone is standing behind him, putting their cold hand on his shoulder.

"I was always here. I have been waiting for so long..."

SeongWu want to ask who it is but he remember what Daniel said before.

No matter what he hear, do not answer.

SeongWu closes his eyes, pretending that he doesn't hear anything.

"You're still listen to his words, huh? It's unexpected."

The cold voice sounds like it is mocking on SeongWu.

SeongWu's eyes still remain closed. He trying to get that annoying sound of his head but the voice doesn't stop.

"I know you can hear me."

"I've been here for so long... since Daniel locked me here."

SeongWu frowns. His curiosity rises again. Daniel locked someone in here? Why?

The mysterious entity somehow know what SeongWu is thinking.

"If you're so curious, you can ask... Ask me. I'll tell you everything."

"Or you can open this door."

"Open it. And see it with your own eyes."

"Don't you want to know what Daniel is hiding from you?"

SeongWu's hand once again reaches out to the door unconciously. He really want to know Daniel's secret. He want to know what Daniel always tried to hide from him.

While SeongWu is drowning in his own thought, a loud scream suddenly comes out. It is so loud that it hurts SeongWu's ears. He is startled and opens his eyes.

Right in front of him, a pair of golden eyes, shining through the dark, spark up just like the vicious predator who is overjoyed at catching its prey.

"Got you!"



"SeongWu! SeongWu!"

SeongWu woke up by the call of Daniel.

Daniel helps him get up and flicks off all of the dust caught on his clothes.

"What... happened...?" – SeongWu asks, confusingly.

"I should be the one to ask. What happened with you?"


"SeongWu..." – Daniel starts to get worry – "You... didn't hear anything, did you?"

SeongWu still a bit dizzy. He turns to the locked door.

"Have you deal with it? That bakroe..."

Daniel frowns. SeongWu doesn't answer his question.

"SeongWu, you..."

"That thing won't come back again for Si Hyeon-ssi, right?"

"Uhm." – Daniel nods his head and put the weird feeling aside – "It'll be locked in here for hundred of years at least. And that should be enough for Si Hyeon-ssi live her life peacefully."

"That's good to hear..."

SeongWu answers with his weak voice. His eyes keep looking around as if he not really pay attention to Daniel or their conversation.

"SeongWu, are you ok?"

"Uhm, fine."


Daniel turns SeongWu's face toward him, He looks deep into his dark eyes and easily notices something isn't right.

"Let's get out of here!"



When Daniel brought SeongWu back to the hotel, he's still looks quite confused. He keeps looking around curiously, as if it's his first time seeing everything around him.

They go back to their room. Minhyun greets them at the door.

"You're back." – Minhyun looks over to SeongWu and easily recognize something strange about him – "SeongWu, are you ok?"

"How's Si Hyeon-ssi?" – SeongWu ignores Minhyun's question.

"There was a strong wind, Si Hyeon was shocked but then she slowly calm down." – Jaehwan says – "She fall asleep and it seem like she was at peace. Did you get rid of that thing?"

Daniel nods his head and looks at SeongWu.

Jaehwan doesn't seem to realize anything strange about SeongWu. However, both Daniel and Minhyun know there's something unsual about SeongWu. He seem to be distracted and ignores all the questions. But, Daniel doesn't feel anything else. He can't feel anything "inhuman" or "unclean" follow SeongWu. It's just SeongWu acting strange.

"SeongWu, maybe you should go back." – Minhyun says.


"If the problem is done, you should go back and take a rest. You doesn't look good at all."

"I'm fine. I'm ok."

"Jaehwan and I can take care of Si Hyeon-ssi. She is safe now." – then, Minhyun turns to Daniel – "Take SeongWu home!"

Once in a while, Daniel totally agree with Minhyun. Whatever is happening, it surely affecting SeongWu and Daniel do not want things to get worse.

Althought Daniel still can't understand what happened to SeongWu, but he just want to take him far away from this place as soon as possible.




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