[part VII] The crooked figure_chapter 6

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"Don't go near her!"

Daniel stops SeongWu before he run to Si Hyeon.

"But she..." – SeongWu can't just stand aside and watch Si Hyeon's soul getting destroyed, but he also doesn't know what to do. He just can helplessly looking at her soul.

"Bakroe is a hard deal. You can't fight with it in this state."

"Then what should we do?"

Daniel slightly gives off a sigh.

"Close your eyes!"


"I don't want you to see what happen next. You must close yours eyes."

SeongWu frowns but still closes his eyes and turns his back.

Although Daniel is quite surspirse, he tries not to show it. He whispers.

"Please... do not look!"


SeongWu nods his head.

Then, SeongWu can only hears a ripping sound piercing through his ears. A burning blast blurst out on his back. A few seconds later, there is a burning smell that make SeongWu's nose feel a bit uncomfortable. And then, the whole place goes back to complete silence.

"You can open your eyes now." – a warm deep voice whispering in his ears.

SeongWu carefully lifts up his eyelids. The room is filled with dark smoke. When SeongWu can see everything clearly, there's only Si Hyeon's soul standing at the door. She still looks so pale but the child has been gone. It's seem like she can move freely now. SeongWu looks at Daniel with surprise and in an instant, he thought he see Daniel's eyes spark out a blue light. However, it's just gone in a second and his eyes turns back to its usual color.

What was that?!?

A blue flame fly over to Si Hyeon.

"Follow it. You can go back to where you belong." - Daniel says to her.

Si Hyeon nods then disappears with the blue flame.

"We found her. You should go back now."

"What about you?"

"I'm not done here yet. You just go back, I'll take care of the rest."

"Niel!" – SeongWu suddenly helds Daniel's hand – "I'm not as useless as you thought!"

"I've never thought that. But this place is dangerous, you..."

"You always says that but you never told why it is dangerous. You've never told me anything!"

Daniel can't say anything agaisnt it. He knew SeongWu is right. He has been hiding too many things from him. He can't ask for SeongWu's trust anymore. However, Daniel still can't bring himself to tell SeongWu the truth. Daniel remains silent

"You said "take care of the rest"?! You knew the cause of all these things?" – SeongWu keeps asking.

It's quite clear that SeongWu won't give up easily this time. Daniel has no other choice...

"Have you ever heard about the basement of this hospital?"

"The basement?"

Daniel pulls SeongWu over and walks out of the room and goes on with his speech.

"This place have been quite famous for all those foolish tourists and stupid challenge games, but the basement is something else. It've been locked and no one allowed to go inside. I was the one who locked it."


Daniel stops and turns around. He finally looks straight into SeongWu's eyes.

"When we get down there, no matter what you hear, don't answer!"


"I won't ask you to have faith in me anymore, but only this time, you have to listen to my words. Don't answer any voices or anything you hear down there. You can't trust anything in that basement."

SeongWu slightly nods.

"I trust you."

In the moment of those words, Daniel feels like the old days. He can feels that gentle smile and those sparkling eyes still looking at him from the past which he has always try to put behind.

I trust you.

Daniel takes a deep breath and goes to the basement.


At the end of the stairs, there's a rusty door. The lock and the chain has been unlocked and thrown into the corner.

"Someone's here."

Daniel frowns.

He pushes SeongWu back behind him and opens the door.

There's a candle light inside and someone is struggling on the floor.

Daniel and SeongWu get closer. An old woman is laying on the floor. She looks so old with her hairs almost all white. She holding on her chest and keeps struggling on the floor. Everything around her is a mess.


"Using such a dangerous spell since she's not even an expert." – Daniel taps on her shoulder and the woman seem to calm down a bit.

She stops her struggle and her body starts to relax.

However, after she calm down, instead of being graceful, she seem to be angry. She throws herself at Daniel and punching him. Her strenght doesn't mean anything but she keeps screaming.

"It almost done! Why did you save her? Why did you help that bitch??"

SeongWu can't understand anything she said since it's English. But looking at all those candles and the magic circle on the floor, he can figures it out. Maybe, she was the one who used the bakroe.

After a while, Daniel stops her madness.

"Enough!" – Daniel yells at her – "Who taught you that dangerous thing?"

"You don't need to know! I want that woman death! She deserved it!"

The old woman still doesn't quit it yet. It's hard to question anything, even her sanity.

SeongWu notices something in the middle of the magic circle. It's a small pocket. SeongWu opens it and finds a lock of hairs.

The moment SeongWu touches it, the image appears in front of his eyes... Si Hyeon's face.

She is smiling brightly and happily, unlike how she was in the hotel. He can feels he holding her hand, walking with her on the crowded streets, sitting beside her on the bank of Han river and enjoying streetfoods with her in the night market fairs. He can hears her calling out.



The woman is startled after she heard SeongWu said that name. She turns around and immediately lose control at the moment she see SeongWu holding that small pocket.

"Put it down!"

She yells out and tries to rushes toward SeongWu but Daniel stops her.

SeongWu still holding the lock of hairs in his hand.

The images in front of him keeps changing.

He see that old woman, but she is laying down on the bed. Her face seem pretty pale but she still trying to put on a smile.

"You're back?"

She smiling while holding his hand. SeongWu can even feels the warmness of her hands.

"You don't need to do this. Why did you told me you're going die?"

There's a male voice. It's Aiden's voice, he guess.

"If I didn't do that, would you leave that woman?" – the woman talks back to him.

"I won't break up with Si Hyeon. I want to marry her!"

"You think she will accept our family? If she knows about our ancestors..."

"Enough is enough! I'm going back to Korea."


"I won't get involved into this family's witchcrafts."

Everything suddenly turns black. Then, a crashing and explosing sound bursts out in his ears.

SeongWu feels like out of breath. He collapses on the floor.


"I'm... ok..."

SeongWu regain his conciousness and looks inside the pocket. There's something else.

It's a piece of bone.

SeongWu think he knows whose bone it is.

The woman totally goes insane.

"Put it down! Stop it! Stop looking!"

Somehow, she knows about SeongWu's ability. She knows that he can see the things that she doesn't want anyone to see.

Daniel gets annoyed with all of her yellings. He snaps his fingers. His blue flames appear. They surrounding her and become something like a chain, lock her down on the floor.

Daniel goes to SeongWu.

"You sure you want to keep looking?"

Those images was so intense. SeongWu doesn't know if he want to continue. But, he can't give up now.

He takes the bone out of the pocket and holds it in his palm.

A funeral.

A heavy rain.

A broken mother.

The pain was too intense for SeongWu to handle.


Daniel takes the bone and hold him tightly, trying to console him.

"She..." – SeongWu looks at the woman with horrific eyes – "She used her own son to make the spell."

Daniel doesn't seem to be surprised. The woman looks like she already lost her mind.

"It was her fault... If it wasn't because of her... Aiden wouldn't leave... Aiden wouldn't... accident... it was her fault... She must die... She have to die... Aiden..."

The woman mumbling to herself.

"She blamed Si Hyeon-ssi for the death of her son." – Daniel explains her words to SeongWu – "She wanted Aiden-ssi's soul torment and kill Si Hyeon-ssi."

Daniel puts the bone and hairs back to the pocket. He checks the magic circle on the floor. One punch and the floor cracked out. Daniel lifts up a piece of broken tile, breaking the circle.


She screams and tries to stop Daniel but the blue flames keep her down. She can't even move an inch.

"Is this gonna help..."

"No! His soul has been completely controlled by the dark magic. Bakroe can't be stopped."


"But she won't be able to control it anymore."

The demonic laugh echoing inside the basement.

The woman looks around in a panic. The laughing louder and louder, until she hears it right behind her. She turns and immediately faces with a deep red eyes, flares up in the dark corner of the basement.

"Aiden, it's me! Don't you regconize your mother? Aiden!"

The woman begin sobbing and begging but the laughing stil echoing around. The red eyes get closer and the wooden child appears in front of her. Her eyes filled with tears and terror. Her lips are shaking and she can't make out any words at all.

The child gives out a mischievous smirk.

Daniel pulls SeongWu into his arms and hold him tightly and uses his hand to covers SeongWu's eyes.

However, SeongWu still can hear a horrific scream of the woman and a sound of broken bones. He doesn't need to look to figure out what is happening.

"Involving with those things would never bring anything good." – Daniel sighs.

The laughing gradually fading away. After a while, the basement goes back to complete silence. Daniel slowly let go of SeongWu.

In the corner, the woman laying down on the floor. Motionless. Breathless. Her arms and legs had been twisted in an unsual way and her blood flowing out all over the place.

"You should leave!"

Daniel pulls SeongWu up, but there's something still concern him.

"The bakroe will stop since she's death?"

"Obeah isn't like the other ritual, especially bakroe. It can't be destroyed."

SeongWu helplessly looks over the corspe of the old woman. She has paid for what she have done, but what about Si Hyeon?

"I have to go back to the hotel! Si Hyeon-ssi is in danger!"

"SeongWu, it's ok!"

"What do you mean?"

Daniel still remain incredibly calm. He doesn't even concern anything about what will happen if the bakroe is released.

"It can't be destroyed, but it can be locked."


"In here!"

Daniel takes that small pocket of Aiden's hairs and bone. He looks at SeongWu, somehow he seem to be nervous all of sudden.

"Can you leave?"


"I can't do it... in front of you..."


Daniel leans over to SeongWu's shoulder and whispers into his ears.

"There's something I really don't want you to see...."




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