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Not everything just happened at school even at home. It's my birthday that day. My mom make a lot of foods, we sit on the table and eat like a normal dinner. Then I suddenly look outside and see a little girl with brown hair looking in my house. I think that is just a poor girl need some food so I get a plate with some rice and meat for her. When I walk outside she wasn't there anymore I check at the bushes but couldn't find her. I think I have a hallucinations (so weird :v)
I don't often go out with my friends. I like to go for a walk by my own especially after dinner. I walk down the street every lights has gone out only streets lights. I walk to the park it's at night so maybe no one here now. But no at the bench I see someone, a man wearing yellow jacket and a white mask. I think I just gonna walk past him. When I get close to him, he stand up and look at me. He might thinks that I was trying to do something to him, but no. I just stare at him, I see that he is wearing a white mask, a jacket. I' don't want him to think I am a thief or something so I said "I'm just walking" then he asked me "Do you want to sit ?". I kinda scraced at first but he seems very harmless so I agree it. We don't say anything then I reconize there is something in his pocket a squar thing. So I asked:
Violet: Is there something in your pocket ?
(He takes out, it's cards)
???: Wanna play ?
Violet: Sure.
We start to play card together for a while. Then I look at my phone it's already 11 o'clock, mom probaly worried so I say I need to go home then I stand up. He suddenly ask me.
???: What's your name ?
Violet: It's Violet. What about you ?
Tim: Timothy, just call me Tim.
Violet: Are you new around here, Tim ? I haven't seen you before.
Tim: (He just keep silent)
Violet: Well then how old are you ?
Tim: 22 (years old). And you ?
Violet: Oh, I'm 18 (years old). Well goodbye. Nice to meet you.
Tim: Bye, Violet.
I come back home in silent. Nothing happen after that.
But it seem like everytime. I walk to the park and I see him there. I talk with him every single time. I meet he, closely we become friends. I asked him "Why you always sitting here ?". He said:"I'm waiting for my friend". I wonder who is that.

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