Chap 3: MY ANGER

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Tim and I become close friend, like we meet everynight at the park, talk about everything. I don't usually see him at daytime actually never see him maybe he doesn't like to go out in the morning. I thought everyday I face to the world is still fine but not today. I'm not sure that was me or... not
At class, I only play in a small group. We don't play with the other group, they don't like us. We don't want to mess with them but they want to. That day, me and my friend are talking about lessons. Suddenly, Layla who is the leader of the other group come and bother us again.
Layla: Hey!! You guys are getting over out space. Step back.
Ann: But we don't even do that right now. Are you blind?
Layla: Haha. Am I blind? I'm not. I see it right in front of my eyes.
Violet: Can you just stop messing with us?
Layla: I guess no.
Violet: If we get in your space then we're sorry.
Hana: What are you doing, Vi? It's not our fault. Why you have to sorry her?
Violet: Well I just did. Now we say sorry leave us alone.
Layla: Huh you think you've finished. No look at your face always quiet, kind to everyone but behind that face is just a liar.( Then she slaps at my face)
Rose: Hey. What are you doing? How dare you to do that? Don't think she like that then you can do whatever you want to her.
Violet: Rose stop it.
Layla: Haha look at her, don't you see? She is weak, useless, a freaking physco.
Violet: ( I was too angry and cannot control myself) Big mistake Layla.
Layla: What??
I grab her neck and pull her to the wall I see there is a scissors on the desk then I take it and put it on Layla's face.
Layla: What are you doing? Let me down you freak.
Violet: Scream if you want to because no one will help you now.
(Then I make a scar on her face I really didn't mean to do that)
Ms Tina: ( walk into the class) Ms Johnson, stop it right now!! Put Layla down!! You two, in my office, now.
At the office, I don't say a word my mom is here too. My teacher just keep yelling at me.
Ms Tina: You made Layla scared do you know that Violet. I think I have to work at the right way.
Mom: Please there's gonna be a mistake about this what if Layla is the one started first.
Ms Tina: I really want to believe that Violet isn't the one did that but you see she just keep quiet how do I know now?
Mom: Vi, do you have anything to say with us?
Violet: No mom.
Ms Tina: Well then Violet will be detention for 5 days not allowed to go to class. Now you two can go.

When we arrive home, I quickly go upstairs and stay there all day.
After a few hours.
Vivian: Mom are you sure she's okay? She's acting really weird now.
Mom: I don't know how will I talk to her. After dad's dead, she just become someone else, she cannot be herself anymore. I think I'll take her to the Pyschologist tomorrow. I'm so worried for her.
Vivian: She will be find, mom.

In the next morning, my mom takes me to the hospital.
Doc Taara: Hello my name is Doctor Taara. What is your name young lady?
Violet: It's Violet.
Doc Taara: Your full name?
Violet: Violet Irish Johnson.
Doc Taara: Very good. So do you know why you are here today, Violet?
Violet: ( I don't say anything)
Doc Taara: Okay so can you tell me what happened yesterday?
Violet: It's her fault. She deserved it. But how do you now what happened yesterday?
Doc Taara: Well I just know. So do you have any reason why you have to acting like that? Like make a scar on that girl's face?
Violet: I know what I have done is wrong but I can't control myself.
Doc Taara: Do you remember your dad?
Violet: He is a wonderful man ever. He make the family full of happiness. I love him so much. But now he has gone and nowhere can find him. Far away from mom, my sis and me.
Doc Taara: Do you have friend?
Violet: Yes I have but not many only a few.
Doc Taara: Do you go out with them everyday?
Violet: Not often. I spend most of my time at home because I don't feel interesting to go outside, maybe not with someone I want to go with.
Doc Taara: Hmm... well I think we'll be stop here today. You wait here I will go and speak with your mom.
Then she steps outside.
Mom: How is she, doc??
Doc Taara: In my conclusions, I think that she has been hiding herself inside, she's stuck but right now she might has mild autism. You should   spending more time with her, talk with her that might help. Now I need to go.
Mom: Thank you Doctor. Have a nice day.

Nothing happen after that mom doesn't say anything and so do I.
I do remember what the doc said to mom that I'm stuck and I need someone to talk with. I hope that I can find out the right person to help me or even never find out.
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