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After I go to the hospital, I feel so sad for my mom, for what I have done. So I got detention I have to stay home, It's not so bad. Then I heard my school organizes a trip for every students and how do I know that? If my school have a special information the principal will send a letter to each students's house so that everyone can know. I don't really want to go. Seriously, I don't think anyone want me to go. After having a problem with Layla, no one want to speak with me. I don't blame them, they just don't understand how I feel. In the evening, my sis come and talk with me

Vivian: Hey Vi! What's are you doing? I got some pie It's your favorite. Want some?
Violet: I don't wanna eat right now.
Vivian: *sigh* Can you stop blaming yourself, please? You know how much selfish Layla is. Mom has told me what the doctor said. You will getting better soon.
Maybe it's just a first step of making friends in the class. Look Vi, you have to know this world is not like what we see but that doesn't mean we cannot change it.
Get yourself into the world and you will see what is the problem that bring to you and you need to solve it.
Violet: But what if I cannot do anything about it?
Vivian: Of course you can do it you just need to think harder and everything will be solve. Here I have this for you (she gives me her necklace). Take it keep that with you.
Violet: Isn't this your necklace? Dad gave you on your birthday I cannot take it. That is the only thing you have from dad.
Vivian: Nobody live forever but I want you to keep it that when you go anywhere when you are alone and you look at this you will remember me and mom.
Violet: Thank you. You always so nice to me but I cannot even give anything for you.
Vivian: Don't mention that. We are sister we help each other. I gotta go now see you later. (She goes out of the room).

My sister always courage me everthing but that still cannot make me feel any more better. My school has organized a trip to explore the East Forest but still rent a hotel for us to stay. I didn't want to go, I know that no one would talk to me since what happened even Hannah. But after that day I receive a small letter from someone. It says:
     " come with us on that trip.
        it will be FUN.
                         From a friend. "
I thought this letter is from Hannah. She probably want me to come wth her so I ask mom some money and go get a ticket for that trip.
5:00a.m in the morning everyone is standing in the school yard while waiting for the bus. I run to my friends.
Violet: Hey did you guy send me the letter?
Hannah: What letter?
Emily: What are you talking about ? We thought you not gonna join so we didn't come to your house but now you're here.
Violet: What? Then who send it?
Mrs Rosaline: Listen carefully students, I want you to have your partner with you everytime. Now let's begin the trip.

I don't have any partner so I seat alone at the end of the bus. It's been so long since we began to go.
Everyone is sleeping only me awake. Sitting sadly I keep holding my sis's necklace and suddenly a cold wind fly thought me. Then I heard a voice, a girl's voice come from next to me.

???: What a beautiful necklace you have.
Violet: ( I turn my head to the left I saw a girl with long dark hair sitting next to me) What the? Who - Who are you? I don't know you.
???: Let's be friend first. Hi my name is Lulu, nice to meet you Violet.
Violet: How do you know my name?
Lulu: A friend told me. He said you are a nice lady so I come to see you. I'm not going to tell you about who is that?
Violet: What do you want from me?
Lulu: Nothing I am just your friend. Or maybe your imaginary friend. I have to go now I will see you later when you finally get to the hotel. Byeee.

After that she vanished in the air no more see and the bus stop at the hotel. Who is she by the way? Some kind of ghost?
                    The end.
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