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Chapter Eight: Morning Routines&Displeasing Greetings
Previously on ETND:
"Thank you papa." Lucy whispered, watching as her father continued down the hallway. With that said, Lucy made her way to her study, ignoring the fact that her mom wanted her in the dining room.

"Virgo-san, would you like to help me study?"

"Anything for you hime-sama."
Lucy sighed, setting her pencils and pens for the night.

"Thank you for helping me study Virgo-san, please sleep well." Lucy smiled, pushing out from her chair to bow.

"Anytime hime-sama." Virgo bowed to Lucy, leaving the room.

Lucy smiled gently, picking up a picture frame of her and Lisanna when they were little. As her eyes scanned over her pictures in her study, she found one of her parents and her when she was little. Her finger lightly swiping the dust off.

She set the picture down, frowning ever so slightly. Her mom was so evil to her. She shook her head, she's just stressed. But what about? Lucy sighed shaking her head, thinking stupid of herself to make an excuse for such awful behavior and walked out of her study, locking the doors.

Her feet found their way to her room, and once Lucy entered she shut the door, throwing her hair in a bun to read her favorite book for the fiftieth time. As she read, she kept thinking about how magical an experience is when you read, and how so many connections can whirl through your brain with no problem at all.

As it neared to her bedtime, she gently set the book down on her nightstand, turning the light off as she did so.

She slept soundly that night, dreaming of how things were like when she was little, and how much different they might be when she grows up. She thought of how fortunate she was to have all the things she was given. But most importantly, she thought of how wonderful her career would start out because of the path she was taking.

The next morning, Lucy did her normal routine, throwing on a loose shirt, some capris, and her adidas sneakers, pairing them with a pearl anklet. Lucy then proceeded to put her long blonde hair into a perfect pony tail, then clipping in a ribbon.

As she came down the stairs, Virgo greeted her, setting Lucy's school items on the banister.

"Good Morning hime-sama, breakfast awaits, and your ride will be waiting when you finish." Virgo smiles sweetly.

"Thank you Virgo-san." Lucy beamed, walking into her dining room.

"Good Morning Lucy, did you sleep well?" Jude asked his daughter smiling.

"I did, thank you for asking father." Lucy sat in her chair, scooting foreword to the table.

"Lucy! Manners!" Layla scowled, "We have guests coming shortly!"

"Guests?" Lucy asked, "Who will be attending?" Lucy dabbed her mouth with her napkin, chewing her eggs.

"The Dragneel's."

Lucy choked on the little egg she was nibbling, "I'm sorry, who!"

Layla glared furiously, kicking Lucy under the table, "Manners! I'm not going to repeat myself again."

Lucy scoffed shaking her head, "I really must be going,"

Layla stood up quickly, grabbing Lucy's arm, "Don't talk to me that way! I'm your mother!"

"If you're my mother than act like it! Until you start showing Virgo-san respect, I will not treat you fairly." Lucy pulled her arm away viciously. "Don't you ever lay a finger on me again. Don't lay a finger on anyone for that matter."

Lucy's eyes grew fierce, it had been the first time in a long one that such a fate had crossed her, and too that, she ran out of the kitchen, grabbing her belongings, her hand meeting the door knob, only to be greeted with the worst person imaginable to her.

Natsu Dragneel.

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