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"Wah. Italy is so beautiful" Jimin awed making me look at him. "Are you ok?" I asked him as he was acting like a teenager. "Yes I am damn happy" he grinned getting inside the car. "After all this is my first trip with you" I rolled my eyes at his cheekiness. "Don't get too cozy" I warned him and got inside the car. "And it is not like you are both alone. Don't forget I am here too"

"How can I forget it?" Jimin mumbled earning a snap on his arm from Jin hyung. "Don't be rude to your elder" Jimin grunted at him. "Ok old man. Whatever you say" Jin hyung burst in anger hearing him. I laughed looking at them fight like that. Jin hyung and Jungkook always used to fight like this and now Jimin is added to this list.

Currently we landed in Italy and we are driving to our hotel. Jin hyung agreed to help me and we decided to travel together as I might need his assistance more than we thought. But Jimin insisted on tagging along which made quite ruckus. After two hours of argument we finally decided to travel together.

Namjoon and Jungkook are also going on mission tomorrow. We thought it would be best to attack both the places at same time. If by chance Derek and Cole are still in contact then Derek will not have time to react. Jin hyung already found Cole location with the help of Hoseok. Today we are going to confirm and get him tonight.

"Yah how can you say that? Do you think only your role is important? Do you know how hard we work to save your asses?" I got startled by Jin hyung voice. "Hyung stop it. We are not alone in the car" I shushed him when I saw the cab driver was giving us weird glances. "Tell that to this brat" Jin hyung growled making me glare Jimin. "Jimin stop it"

"But -" he tried to reason with me but my one look made him shut up. We soon reached hotel and walked towards our rooms. "We have two rooms so I will take one and you both share other one" I told them giving the key. "Why do I have to share with him?" they both said on the same time. "Because I am a girl?"

"I don't care"

"It's not like we slept together before"

"Yah Jimin" I shouted at him making Jin hyung shocked. "You both what?" I sighed tired of their fighting. "It's not like that hyung"

"You -" he pointed his finger at me. "You better explain to me" I was about to answer him but Jimin cut me off. "It's not like she is a kid. She is an adult and she can do everything she wants" Jimin might have thought it will calm him but it did the opposite. He burst in to anger and started shouting at both of us.

I dragged them in to my room when I realized they were creating a scene. Everyone on the floor was watching us and it made me want to hit them both. "Will you two stop?" I hit both of their heads in irritation. "We are here on mission and not to fight among ourselves" my words made them silent which I was thankful for. "I don't care whether you like it or not. I am going to other room and I expect both of you to get ready in twenty minutes"

"If you are not ready then I will complete this mission on my own" with that I slammed their door shut and got in to other room. I got fresh up and changed in to comfortable clothes. We decided to meet in their room. I walked downstairs and to my surprise both of them were already dressed up and waiting for me.

"So I was checking the details again just to confirm" Jin hyung explained in all serious. "Cole is at the bar right now. I think he will be going back to his home in few hours" he must be sick enough to drink whole day in bar. "I traced his location and this is the address" I took the laptop from Jin hyung. "We will get him from his home tonight"

We still have five hours before dinner and I think it is enough for us to get prepared. "What is the plan?" Jimin asked us. "There is no plan. We attack and capture him" I told them serenely. "Have you lost your mind?" Jin hyung yelled at me. "He has huge security and it will be suicide mission to get in without a plan"

"I know but I don't care" he sighed at my words. "I understand how you are feeling but this is not right" he thinks I am worked up because he is my father but I am not. The truth is I don't care about that man anymore. "Trust me on it hyung" I looked at him to show how confident I am. "Just switch off the cameras for us. I will take care of the rest"


Jimin and I got ready to visit Cole house. Jin hyung will stay back in the hotel and monitor us while we both go to his house. "Are you sure about this?" Jimin asked me when we got in our car. "Positive" he hummed and started the car. I clenched my hands together when I realized I am going to face the man who made my childhood living hell. He was the reason I am living like this.

"You will be fine. Just remember I am here with you" Jimin grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. "I know" he smiled at me hearing my words.

"We are here" we both placed the ear pieces in and decided to put on a camera in case he confesses anything. We thought it would help us building evidence. It was Namjoon idea and he contributed to the cameras too. "All ready?" Jin hyung asked us both and we replied yes to him.

We sneakily entered from the back door and got inside his property. His people were scattered all over his property. "Jimin now" I signaled him and he instantly took out the smoke bomb from his pocket. He rolled them both sides and walked towards the back door of house. I followed him quickly inside and opened the front door. I rolled three more bombs towards the main gate.

It wouldn't kill them but it will knock them out for at least an hour. I think it would be enough time for us to finish our work. "He isn't here" Jimin said after checking all the rooms on the ground and first floor. "Have you checked rooftop?" he shook his head. We both made our way upstairs.

He was leaning on the railing with a drink in his hand. "Good to see you again Y/n" he didn't seem surprised. He knew I would come for him. "I expected you soon though. You took longer than I expected" he smiled at me which made me fume in anger. "Hello Father" I spat at him making him laugh a little. "That's the point honey. I am not your father" 

Author Note:

Hello readers... So what do you think he means by not her father? Comment your theory below and don't forget to vote while reading.


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