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There stood the man who ruined my entire childhood and killed my mother with his own hands. If anyone sees him they wouldn't be able to guess what a criminal he is. He still looks the same with six feet height and built body. Only age of indication is grey hair which he didn't bother to hide.

"Good to see you again Y/n" he didn't seem surprised. He knew I would come for him. "I expected you soon though. You took longer than I expected" he smiled at me which made me fume in anger. "Hello Father" I spat at him making him laugh a little. "That's the point honey. I am not your father"

"Cut the bullshit" I raised my hand to get my gun but stopped at his next words. "You are not our daughter" he is lying. He is just trying to distract me but he doesn't know I am not going to listen to his words anymore. "I don't care" I grabbed my gun from my waist and loaded it. "Either way you are going to die in my hands"

"I don't mind that" he drank the remaining drink from his glass and throwed the glass on the ground. It shattered in to pieces just beside us. "I accepted my fate the day I killed my wife" I raised my gun to his face. "Why did you kill her then?" something told me he truly regret killing her. "I had no choice. She wanted to reveal the truth the world"

"What truth?" Jimin asked him sternly. "What we were doing in the lab. She wanted to expose it to the world" he looked at me. "She wanted to tell you the truth that you are Derek daughter" gun from my hand slipped at his words. "You are lying" he shook his head. "Derek and his wife are your biological parents. Your mother died when she gave birth to you"

"Stop with your lies. I have done my research before finding you. I know Derek wife isn't my mother" Namjoon told us he was raised in that house till he came to lab and he didn't have any siblings. "Derek wife is not your mother. He was married before marrying Rosa" Rosa is Namjoon mother. "Your mother name was Tatia. She was a small town girl and we met her when we went to Rome on a mission"

"They fell in love and when she learned about Derek profession she left him. But he was so obsessed with her that he forcefully brought her back here and kept her locked in his palace" he sighed as he was recalling the memories. "She got pregnant but she was too weak. She couldn't survive the labor. Once you were born he told me to get rid of you as you were girl"

"What about Rosa then?" as far as I am aware Namjoon is older than me. It means Derek must have cheated on Rosa with my mother too. "Their marriage was a business deal and they didn't love each other" I laughed at his words. "Your world is so fucked up" he looked me fondly which disgusted me. "I know"

"I took you back with me to home. After marriage we tried a lot but we couldn't have children so we decided to raise you as our own" so they weren't my true parents. "I informed Derek about it as I couldn't lie to him and live. When he learned that kid wasn't his he came back to me and asked me to train you"

"I didn't had a choice then he threatened to kill my wife" I clenched my hands glaring at him. "The same wife who you killed?" he is blaming it on Derek but he is equally responsible for everything. "I was too deep in that by that time. I had to kill her to save myself"

"You disgust me" I punched his face making him land on the floor. He hissed when he made contact with glass which was on the floor. "No matter what you say will not change the fact how much we all suffered and how many people you killed" I took the gun from the floor and pointed it at him. "I don't care about the truth Cole. I only have one motive now"

"Stop Y/n" Jimin pushed my hand away before I can shoot him. "Watch out" he pulled me towards the cover and then I realized Cole men has started shooting at us. "How did they came?" there is no way that they can get up this early. We took the cover and started shooting them. "They are not the same people"

"We need to leave now" Jimin roared at me. "I will cover for you" he gave me the cover while I walked towards the stairs. "What about Cole?" I looked at Cole who was groaning in pain lying on the floor. "Is he shot?" Jimin got to the stairs and looked at him. "I think so" we quickly moved out of the house as we didn't have enough time to observe. Jimin used last smoke bomb to get us out of the house.

"Hyung we are out of house" I informed Jin hyung and got in the car with Jimin. Whole ride we kept quiet. I don't know what to say or do at all. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact what I heard. The man I hated the most ended up being my father. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize we were driving towards the airport.

"Jin hyung told me it is not safe to stay here anymore. We are leaving right now" I removed my gloves and jacket. I deposited all the guns and weapons in the bag which was on backseat. "Wear this" Jimin gave me his extra jacket. It was Black and blue shaded which would help me mingle with others. I wore his jacket and let my hair lose.

By the time we reached airport one of our member was waiting at the entrance. He will dispose the weapons and car for us. We handed him the keys and walked in to the airport.


Our ride was quick I wasn't paying attention to anything. "Are you ok?" I nodded my head at Jimin question. "Jin hyung said everyone is gathered at your house so we are going there" I forgot Jungkook and Namjoon were going on mission too. I was surprised at the sight of them when I entered the house. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Derek was one step ahead of us. He knew they were coming and he ambushed them" Namjoon and Jungkook were badly injured. They had few factures too. "Derek gave us an ultimatum to bring you back to him" Jungkook told me making me clench my fists. "I will make sure to finish him before he can think of hurting anyone again" 

Author Note:

Hello readers... So next chapter is here. This is story is coming to end too. This is the first story I wrote in such a short time I guess. Anyway enjoy the story.

Have you all heard Golden album? what is your favourite song from it. Jungkook did a superb job that is hard to chose one song though.


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