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"Hit it now" I shot the dummy hitting target for all the bullets. "Duck and shoot" I ducked behind the bush and started firing at the moving targets. It's been a week since we came back from Italy. We thought Derek might attack us but he didn't. We have been preparing ourselves for his attack but it didn't happen.

We know Derek is planning something and we thought we should utilize this time to train. Surprisingly we all had different kinds of talents and Jungkook father told us to focus on our key facts. Namjoon was helping us train physically as he was best in that area it seems. His training was a bit different and stern comparing to others. It could be due to his police training or maybe he has been trained by Derek when he was kid.

"Let's take a break of ten minutes" we all sighed in relief and gathered around small table in the room. Jimin took a water bottle and passed it to me. "You are all pretty good at it" Namjoon commented sitting beside Jimin. "We are but Taehyung is the best sniper I have seen so far" Jimin answered him. "I didn't know that. I thought Taehyung is only expert in forensic"

"Jimin forbid me from going on field missions so I had to stick to lab work" Jimin might have been worried about danger he could be in if he goes out. I smiled inside when I realized how caring he is towards his loved ones. "What about you then?" Namjoon asked Meera curiously. "I have seen her work sometimes. She has this charm which can make anyone do what she wants" Taehyung shuddered making Meera grin wickedly. "Remind me not to get in your bad terms"

"I think we form a pretty good team" Jimin said making me agree. "Yup. I second that" Meera nodded her head. "I third that" we all laughed when Taehyung said it. "We should focus on getting better though. Derek is not someone we can defeat easily" we didn't get any update about Cole either. But I have a hunch he is with Derek. I didn't believe the sob story he told me.

I know it is true that I am Derek daughter but I am sure he is not sorry for killing my mother or other cruel things he did. He won't die so easily too.

"Let's continue our practice" Jimin and Taehyung groaned making me laugh. "I will see you guys later" I told them leaving them to continue training. Since Namjoon and Jungkook are injured we decided to let them rest. Meera and Taehyung are being trained more as they lack in physical fights. I had to work on tasks behalf of Jungkook too so I train when I have time.

"Hi hyung" I called Jin hyung when I reached his work room. "Hey Y/n, here is the file you asked me for" I told him check if we can get anything on my real mother. We wanted to see if we could anything on Derek from his personal life. From the story Cole told us I am sure Tatia meant a lot to him. So we started digging about her information. "Hoseok is still working on it"

"This is what we got so far" I took the file and thanked him. I have to deliver a package to one of our client. Initially we planned our members to deliver it but he asked to meet me. We are not sure who he is or how he knows me but I intend to find it now.

"I am going to meet that guy" I informed him before walking out of the house. I got on my bike and drove towards the location he has given me. He shared his live location ten minutes back and told us to meet there. Jungkook and Jimin wanted to come with me but I told them no. This guy wanted to meet me alone and I know it could be trap too but I think I can handle it.

I stopped the bike and double checked the location. I was surprised to see what was in front of me. "You came" I got down the bike and walked towards the old man. "I didn't expect you to come alone though" I frowned when I realized he isn't what I thought of him. I thought I was going to meet a man maybe in his thirties who might be in a gang but the man standing in front of me is an old man probably in his sixties with bald head and lean figure.

"Here is the package you wanted" I handed him the box which he asked us to retrieve from the lockers in one of station security. It wasn't that hard to bring it but it could be difficult for common people. "It isn't mine. This belongs to you" I stopped mid air and looked at him confused. "Let's talk while walking"

"Shall we?" I looked at him for a minute when he started walking inside cemetery. This man is weird. "Are you coming?" I sighed walking towards him as I don't have a choice. "How do you know me?" I asked him directly without beating around. "See for yourself" he signaled me to check on my right. I didn't realize we walked inside and were standing in front of a grave.

"How?" the words written on the grave made me choked. "Who are you?" I clenched my fists and glared at him. "He is your grandfather" I heard another voice from behind. I pulled my gun out and pointed it at him. "Hazel" he grinned making me load my gun. "One more step and I will blow your brain"

"He is not here to harm you my kid" I glanced at old man keeping my focus on him. "He is a freaking cop" I hissed at him and Yoongi chuckled at me. "Yes but he won't harm you" old man lowered my hand and took the gun from me. I let him take it when I saw how sure he was. "Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on here?"

"I guess you are not as smart as I thought you are" Yoongi taunted me. "You will see that when I kick your ass" I hissed at him. "Yoongi" old man warned him making him nod his head. "Tatia was my daughter" he turned towards me. "I know about her relation with Derek when she was in village but I wasn't ok with it. When she disappeared I thought she eloped with him as he made it seem like that"

"Few months later I got a letter from your mother that she has been captured and kept there against her will" he paused looking at her grave. "I tired finding her but I was too late. I came to know that both you and your mother died in delivery" I could see tears in his eyes. "I started working with police and journalists to expose Derek bad deeds but he killed the journalist I was working with"

"You mean you know Jungkook mother" I mumbled in disbelief. "I have been in touch with his father all this time. Recently I learned about you and I wanted to meet you" this is all too much. "Why didn't he tell me about this? How do you know him?" I asked pointing to Yoongi. "I was an orphan and raised by your grandfather"

"I learned about your family when I was in high school. I wanted to help him so I started working on your case" he mean by Raptors and Sixers. Namjoon told us how sharp he is and how much he hates both of our groups. "They were killed by Derek" I answered him making him hum in reply. "I know about it"

"We thought Sixers are part of it but later we found out that he has special group which is not part of Sixers" I looked at both of them. "What do you want from me now then?" I am sure they have motive in approaching me. "We have plan to kill Derek and we need your help in doing that"

Author Note:

Hello readers... Hope you all enjoy reading this chapter and don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote.

Happy belated birthday dear @mynamtulasi


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