Pretty Smile pt 2

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Part 2!

Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader

Summary: Being Suzie's older sister leads you to Hawkins, Indiana, where you meet someone who will change your life

Warnings: swearing, fluff, possible spoilers for season 3

"You also have pretty smile"


I grinned. This was gonna be an interesting two weeks.

Y/N's pov

Oh how much of an understatement that was. My first week was spent just hanging with the kids and getting to know each one of them. Along with screaming songs with them at the top of my lungs. Some of those included Material Girl, Back In Black, Don't Stop Me Now, and 867-5309/Jenny, as well as others.

~ Week Two, Sunday ~

The first day of my second week started by being invited over to Steve's house for movies because some of the kids' friends were visiting for the week, and they were doing a sleepover that night.

I got over there and knocked on the huge double-door. They swung open a second later and I was greated by a beaming Dustin.

He welcomed me inside and we started talking. "Y/N, it's good you're here, we were actually just ta—"

"DUSTIN IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP RIGHT NOW," I heard Mike interrupt from the living room.

I laughed and walked in to the living room to see the two other boys I knew, Max, and two new kids talking.

I turned towards the new girl. "Hi, you must be El. I've heard lots of good things about you. I'm Y/N," I introduced myself extending my hand. "You're very pretty," she replied, shaking my hand.

I blushed and thanked her, smiling. I looked over at the new boy. "Will?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm Will. It's nice to meet you, Y/N." He smiled.

I looked around the living room and didn't spot the mom of this group. "Hey, where's Steve?" I asked Dustin.

He pointed to the kitchen. "He's making food and talking to Robin." I nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

I walked in to see Steve and Robin whisper shouting at each other. "What's up dorks," I interrupted, almost giving Steve whiplash as he turned to look at me.

He smiled softly. "Hi Y/N," he uttered. "What'd I miss? Dustin said you were making food."

Robin piped up this time. "He's trying to, and yet failing miserably. He almost burned the popcorn."

I laughed. "Wait really? Didn't know you were such a cook, Stevie," I joked. Steve rolled his eyes. "Oh, ha ha, Y/N."

Steve pulled out a few sodas, chip bags, and some popcorn and brought them to the living room.

3rd Person POV

The group of friends all sat on couches and chairs. El and Mike were curled up on a loveseat to the left. Dustin and Suzie on the one to the right. Max and Lucas on the floor to the right of the couch. Will on the left side of those two. And the three older kids on the couch.

The movie began and Steve offered everyone blankets, to which they all accepted. Everyone was comfortable, and so they paid attention to the movie, the snacks, and the fact that they got to hang out with each other.

By the time the movie had ended, all of the younger children had fallen asleep, and Robin had bid them goodnight and left. Steve yawned and started to stand up.

Before Y/N could process what she was doing, she pulled him back down onto the couch. "Stay?" She whispered to him, trying not to wake anyone up.

He smiled softly and nodded. They both made themselves more comfortable and fell asleep.

~The Next Morning~

The sun shone through the curtains of the living room, causing the two 19 year olds on the couch to wake up. As they opened their eyes they realized they were laying down next to each other, and were wrapped in each other's arms.

Y/N quickly sat up, her face a light shade of red. Steve's face was also tinted, and his eyes kept darting around the room.

He looked around and saw that the younger kids were still asleep, causing him to sigh of relief.

Y/N looked at him with a raised brow. "If they saw this they would never let us live it down." He explained softly gesturing to the kids.

Y/N nodded. "Okay, let's get up and start making food, they'll be up soon." She smiled, stretching and standing up.

Little did they know, Dustin Henderson was laying there in the armchair, smirking to himself.

Dustin knew that Y/N liked Steve because she wouldn't stop talking to Suzie about him, and Steve wouldn't shut up about Y/N.

So now it was Dustin's job to get them together. But first, breakfast.

~ Week Two, Tuesday ~

Y/N's POV:

Today, I was taking the kids to the arcade because Steve was working. I got everyone in my car and drove over to the arcade, parking and ushering them all inside.

I smiled. "Okay, go wild, kids." I said, shoving a few of them. They ran off to go play Dig Dug and I spotted Nancy and Jonathan.

I ran up to them. "Hey guys, didn't know you enjoyed the arcade." I greeted, waving. Jonathan laughed. "Yeah, we heard that you were gonna be here today, and Steve—"

Nancy elbowed him. "We wanted to get to know you better." She smiled sweetly. I raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly. "If you say so." I joked.

The teens began discussing, and somehow the conversation ended up at Steve. "Wait, wait, wait. So you two used to date, and he was an asshole." I questioned. Nancy nodded. "But after that he took time for himself and got a lot better." She added.

I took a deep breath. "Holy shit. I know so much more now." I said. "Kinda makes me like him more..." I muttered.

Jonathan's mouth fell open. "You like Steve?!" He practically shouted. My eyes widened. "Shut up Jonathan!!" I hissed, glaring at him.

Nancy smirked. "So it's true then?" She asked. I just turned and narrowed my eyes. I looked down at the ground and slowly nodded. "Oh my god! Well now we have to get you two together." Nancy cheered.

I rolled her eyes. "He doesn't like me like that." I muttered. "What'd you mean?! He won't shut up about you!!" Dustin exclaimed, popping into their conversation.

I whipped around and faced him. "Oh my god, Dustin! Don't give people heart attacks, it's not cool dude." I said playfully punching his arm. "Well it's true." Dustin stated

He glanced around and then leaned in a bit. "Steve talks about you all the time. He thinks you're pretty. And you're kind. And he thinks you're good with kids." He muttered to me.

A light blush dusted my cheeks. "Really?" I asked skeptically. "Totally!" He assured. I smiled. I can't believe he felt the same way.

~ Week Two, Friday ~

Three days. I had gone three days without bringing up the conversation we'd had at the arcade. But me and Suzie were leaving tomorrow, so I had to say something.

I dug around in the closet for an outfit, and when I finally found a cute t-shirt and some shorts, I grabbed my keys and drove over to Steve's.

I knocked on the door, and it swung open. Steve smiled at me and invited me inside.

I walked in and glanced around. This was my last time seeing this house. I cleared my throat and blinked a few times.

Steve brought me to the couch and we sat together. After a few moments of silence I spoke. "Steve, I have something really important to tell you."

He gulped. "I have something to tell you too, but you should go first." He insisted. I nodded quickly and cleared my throat.

I took a deep breath a stated my thoughts. "Steve I really like you. And I know that's crazy because I've only known you for two weeks, but it's true. You mean so much to me and I really enjoy your company. You are so good with the kids. And you're so sweet. And not to mention attractive. I mean your hair is amazing, and you have a gorgeous smile." I rambled. Stopping when I realized I had probably talked for too long.

His eyes widened. I looked at the floor in fear, scared he didn't feel the same way, or that I had screwed things up. A small smile quickly spread across his face. "I like you too, Y/N. Everything you said about me applies to you. You also have a pretty smile." He replied.

My head snapped up and I looked into his honey brown eyes. Searching for any hint of a joke. But he was being serious.

A wide smile made its way onto my face and I pulled him in for a hug. "You mean a lot to me, Harrington." I muttered. "You too, y/l/n."

~ Week Two, Saturday ~

Me and Suzie got the rest of our stuff packed in my car. We both sighed. We were going home, but we were leaving behind friends. We piled into the car and drove over to Dustin's place.

We pulled into the driveway. We got out of the car, and knocked on the door. Mrs. Henderson invited us inside, and we saw the party in the living room.

I waved. "Hi, guys." I greeted, my voice cracking. They all smiled. "Hi." I heard from Steve. "We're gonna miss you guys so much!" I whined, pulling everyone in for a group hug.

I heard Dustin sniff. "We'll miss you too." He said. We pulled away, and I let him and Suzie go say proper goodbyes. I walked over to Steve and smiled softly.

He returned the favor. "I'll really miss you Stevie." I declared. "Try not to burn anything down while I'm away." I joked. He laughed sadly. "I can't wait for your next visit, Y/N." He assured. "I love you."

I gave him one more hug. A very long hug. I pulled away and looked at him. I gave him a small peck on the cheek and pulled away. "Bye everyone!" I called, waving to the party.

They all waved back and bid us goodbye. Me and Suzie got back in the car and started driving away.

I came into Hawkins to see my little sister's boyfriend. The next time I come will be to stay permanently.

I. Loved. Writing. That.

Anyways the end. Mysterious-ish ending. And it's fluffy. Hope you enjoyed it!

~ Natalie Soot

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