Wendy's Friends pt 1 ~ Gravity Falls Series

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I did not make that fanart, just found it^^

⚠️This is not an "x reader" and it involves spoilers and some swearing⚠️

All credit of plot and characters goes to the creators of Gravity Falls(Alex Hirsch, etc.)

This is about me and my friend Reese(Reese_Rules) if we were apart of Wendy Corduroy's group of friends.

So it would be Wendy, Lee, Nate, Robbie, Tambry, Thompson, and then Me and Reese.

So this is part one, enjoy!

Based of Season 1, Episode 5: The Inconveniencing

3rd Person POV:

It was another normal day at the Mystery Shack. Dipper, Wendy, and Mabel were atop the roof, throwing pinecones, when suddenly a horn was honked from below them.

Wendy glanced down, and her eyes lit up. "Hey, it's my friends!" Wendy smiled. "Wendy!!" She heard from the car. "Hurry up Wendy! We've got a lot to do!" Came one more shout, most likely from Reese or Natalie.

"Uh, you guys aren't gonna tell Stan about this, are you?" Wendy asked, nervousness creeping into her tone.

Dipper took his fingers, zipping his lips in response. Wendy repeated the action to him. "Later, dorks!" She shouted, jumping onto a tree and sliding down to the floor, jumping in the van. And driving away.

~Time Skip~

The next day, they sat inside the gift shop. Wendy glanced at the clock. "Hey, look at that! Quittin' time! The gang's waiting for me." She explained.

Dipper rushed to make an excuse for hanging out with Wendy. "Hey, wait, uh, maybe I could. Or we could come with you." He chuckled lightly.

Wendy winced. "Ooh, I don't know. My friends are pretty intense." She explained. "How old did you guys say you are?"

Dipper cut in before Mabel could speak. "We're 13, so, technically a teen." Dipper chuckled nervously.

Wendy nodded. "All right. I like your moxie, kid. Let me get all my stuff." She spoke.

She walked out the door to see her friends. Lee and Nate holding Thompson upside down, while Robbie, Natalie, and Reese all attempted to throw jelly beans into Thompson's belly button.

Tambry just stood there on her phone. Today could be considered a normal day. "In the belly! In the belly!" Lee and Nate shouted as Robbie missed once more.

Then, as he was prepared to throw another one, a green jelly bean found itself launched into Thompson's belly button. Causing cheers all around. "Wendy!" The gang shouted.

Wendy waved. "Hey, guys, these are my pals from work, Mabel and Dipper." She gestured to the younger kids.

Mabel beamed. "I chewed my gum so it looks like a brain." She stuck out her tongue. Dipper chuckled nervously. "She's not much for impressions. Unlike this guy." He laughed, pointing to himself. "This guy..." he repeated.

Robbie rolled his eyes. "So are you like, babysitting or...?" He asked. "Shut up, Robbie!" Natalie yelled. "Yeah, Robbie, who said you needed to be a bitch?" Reese agreed.

Wendy rolled her eyes at the three of them. "Guys, this is Lee and Nate." Wendy stated, pointing to the two. "Tambry." Tambry said hi and continued typing.

Wendy continued. "Thompson, who once ate a run-over waffle for 50 cents..." Thompson whined. "Don't tell them that."

Wendy laughed. "Natalie and Reese, some of the biggest dorks ever." Natalie's jaw dropped. "Wow, Wendy, didn't know you thought so highly of us." She joked.

Reese chuckled. "Yeah, Wendy, when did we become such inspirations?" She laughed.

Wendy rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh ha ha. And then finally there's Robbie. You can probably figure him out." Wendy spoke.

Robbie shrugged. "Yeah, I'm the guy who spray-painted the water tower." He flexed lamely.

Dipper's face lit up. "Oh, you mean the big muffin!" He exclaimed. Natalie snorted and Reese let out a teapot wheeze.

Robbie dropped his jaw. "Um, it's a giant explosion." He sneered. "Heh heh, kinda does look like a big muffin." Lee laughed.

Robbie turned and glared at Dipper. "Let's hurry it up guys. I got big plans for tonight, huh?" Wendy ordered, gesturing to the car.

The group agreed. "Let's get outta here!" Lee cheered. "Get in the car!" Thompson ordered. "Ow-ow!" Lee shouted.

Dipper went to get into the front seat, but was quickly stopped. "Sorry, kid, I'll ride shotgun, all right?" Robbie prompted.

Natalie called from her seat in the back. "Don't worry Dipperdots, you'll get to hang out with me and Reese!" She assured.

Dipper sighed and climbed in the back of the car, next to Mabel, a row behind Natalie and Reese.

Thompson turned the keys of the car. "Okay, just, before we go, my mom said you guys aren't allowed to punch the roof anymore, so..." He explained nervously.

Everyone looked at each other. "Thompson! Thompson! Thompson! Thompson!" Everyone yelled as they punched the roof in unison.

Thompson sighed and began driving. Reese turned back to the younger kids in the back. "So, are you kids excited?" She asked.

Dipper chuckled. "Yep, super excited." He assured. Meanwhile Mabel took a red marker from Dipper. Scribbling out the words 'you stink' and replacing them with 'you look nice today'

She laughed. "This is gonna blow someone's mind." She remarked. Dipper rolled his eyes. "Mabel, please." He scoffed, elbowing her lightly.

Mabel took this as an opportunity to further embarrass Dipper. "What? Am I embarrassing
you in front of your new..." She started. "GIRLFRIEND!!"

Dipper's hand flew to Mabel's mouth. Natalie immediately turned around. "Back off, she's mine." She threatens. "Who?" Dipper asked innocently. "Wendy, obviously Dipshit!" Natalie whisper yelled. "You know she's not into girls right?" He smirked. "She's not into twelve year olds either." Natalie mocked, sticking her tongue out at him.

She felt a jab to the rib cage, and turned to face Reese. "He's a child, calm down Nat." She whispered, still somewhat laughing at Natalie's comment. "I know." Natalie replied grumpily.

Thompson finally came to a stop. "There it is fellas, the condemned Dusk-2-Dawn." Wendy explained. Lee chuckled. "Whoa!"

Mabel smiled. "Neat-o!" She cheered. Dipper looked around. "Wh-why did they shut it down?" He nervously laughed. "It's, like, a health code violation, or...?"

Natalie laughed. "Try murder!" She gushed. Reese nodded. "Some folks died in there." She agreed. "The place has been haunted ever since." Lee grinned.

Mabel smiled. "This town has such colorful history!" She beamed. "Wha... Are you guys serious?" Dipper squeaked.

Wendy laughed. "Yeah! We're all gonna die!" She cowered in imitation. "Chill out man! It's not as bad as it looks."

Natalie hoped down off the fence, brushing herself off quickly. Reese reached the top. "I'm king of the rock!" She shouted.

Lee's hand brushed over her ankle and she yelped, falling off the fence, at Natalie's feet. "Some king of the rock." She teased. Reese brushed herself off and stood up, sticking her tongue out at Natalie.

Now, everyone had climbed over the fence except Lee, who was climbing up, waiting for Dipper to jump down. "Come on, Dipper." Wendy called.

Dipper hesitated. "Okay okay! Just gotta get a good foothold." He gulped. "Dude, your sister did it!" Robbie taunted, causing Natalie to whack him in the chest.

Mabel ran around in circles on the ground. Lee climbed to the top of the fence. "Hey, you know what. Just...there you go." He chimed, throwing Dipper of the fence. "Ha! Sorry dude." He laughed, jumping down.

Reese whined. "Why couldn't you throw me over the fence Lee?" She complained. "Because I choose life." He laughed, giving her a playful punch to the arm.

Nate laughed. "Good job throwing the kid off the fence, genius!" He exclaimed. "Your moms a genius." Lee quipped back.

The gang walked up to the window, peering around inside. "Wow! This place is amazing." She rejoiced.

All the friends 'oohed' and 'ahhed' in amazement. "It looks so old." Natalie uttered. "Look at all those magazines." Reese beamed.

Robbie walked over to the door, trying to open it. "I think it's, it's stuck." He concluded. "Let me take a crack at it." Dipper declared.

Robbie rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah. I can't get in, but I'm sure Junior here is gonna break it down like Hercules!" He sneered.

Wendy frowned. "Come on, leave him alone. He's just a little kid." She huffed. Reese agreed. "Yeah, shut up, Robbie." She glared. Natalie secretly flipped Robbie off.

Robbie stuck up his hands in surrender, noticing Dipper on the roof of the building. "Kid, what are you doing?" Tambry inquired.

Dipper began punching a vent on the roof. "Go Dipper! Punch that metal thing!" Mabel cheered. Dipper punched the vent cover so that it fell into the vent, and walked into it.

Everyone's faces wore a look of shock. "Hey Dipper, take it easy!" Wendy faltered. "Who wants to bet he doesn't make it?" Robbie asked. The door opened behind him and Dipper walked out.

The group of friends cheered. "Ha! Great job Dipshit!" Natalie said, giving him a friendly punch and walking inside. "Indeed Dipperdots, thanks dude." Reese grinned.

Lee was next. "Good job inviting this little maniac!" He declared. "Your new name is Dr. Funtimes!" Nate joked.

Wendy gave Dipper a high-five. "Nice work!" Mabel laughed. Giving Dipper a friendly punch to the arm. Dipper grinned and skipped into the store.

Everyone looked around. "Do you guys really think it's haunted?" Thompson speculated. "Na! Thompson are you kidding me?" Nate assured.

The teens continued to wander around. "Whoa man, it's even creepier than I imagined." Wendy chirped. Mabel wiped some dust from an old change slot and licked her finger. "Yep. It's dust."

Lee laughed. "Hey dude, where do you think they keep the dead bodies?" He joked. Nate shoved Lee. "Shut up, man!" Natalie rolled her eyes. "You both are idiots."

Wendy wandered around and found a light switch. "Guys, check it out! You think these still work?" She pondered as she flipped the switch, illuminating the store.

The teens cheered in excitement and things broke out into chaos.

Natalie and Reese walked over to a corner where they began to talk in hushed tones.

Natalie picked up a dusty magazine and flipped through it. "Dude, I'm telling you, Lee likes you! It's so obvious." She insisted. Reese shook their head. "No way, he's definitely into Tambry." She argued.

Natalie rolled her eyes. "Nope, that's Nate." She stated as she started to flip through another magazine. "Well how do you know?" Reese questioned. "I overheard Nate telling Robbie that he likes Tambry." Natalie shrugged.

She continued. "And Dipper has the hots for Fern." Reese raised an eyebrow. "Evergreen?" She asked. "Yep, he's trying to cover it up with the Wendy thing, but we both know I have powers." Natalie assured.

They were called away when they heard a scream. They walked over to see Dipper standing in front of the ice machine. "What was that? I thought I heard some lady screaming back here." Lee joked.

Nate laughed. "You freakin out, kid?" Dipper smiled weakly. "Uh, no. I'm cool. Everything's cool." He assured. "Then what's all this about?" Robbie asked, gesturing to the spilled ice on the floor.

Dipper gulped. "That's uh, um uh...hey look! Dancy Pants Revolution! The game that tricks people into exercising!" He rushed.

The teens mumbled in excitement and walked over to it. Thompson climbed onto the machine and began to dance. "Go Thompson!" Reese and Natalie shouted. "Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" Lee and Nate cheered on.

Natalie turned to Reese and Lee. "You're both so tall....it's tall relationship goals if you ask me." She shrugged, causing Lee and Reese's faces to turn red immediately.

As Thompson continued to dance, the teens spread out once again, beginning to do their own things.

As Reese and Natalie got further from the group, Natalie received a swift thwack on the chest. "What was that for?!" She whisper shouted. "Oh my god. 'Tall relationship goals' are you kidding me?" Reese groaned.

Natalie stifled a laugh. "What?! You're both into each other, you just need...a little shove." She teased, shoving Reese.

Meanwhile, Robbie took a quarter in his hand, using it to scratch out a lottery ticket. He dropped the quarter and it rolled over behind some shelves.

When he went to go pick it up he realized that there were outlines on the floor, that looked exactly like the bodies of the people rumored to have died.

His eyes widened. "Whoa guys, you might wanna see this." He called. His friend made there way over, all gasping and muttering in shock.

Robbie looked to the group. "Dude, I dare you to go lie down in it." He dared. Lee laughed. "Good idea!" He pushed Nate forward. "Go lie down in it."

Nate laughed. Reese and Natalie cheered him on. "I'm a dead body, look!" He said, walking over to the markings.

Dipper gulped. "Wait! Maybe let's not do that." He hesitated. The group looked at him. "This guys scared!" Lee teased. Dipper's eyes darted around. "All I'm saying is, why tempt the fates? I mean.. What if this place really is... haunted?"

The group booed and whined. "Yeah, take it down a notch, Captain Buzzkill!" Robbie mocked. "I thought I was Dr. Funtimes." Dipper faltered.

Robbie rolled his eyes. "Well, you're acting like Captain Buzzkill! Right?" He said, turning to the group. They nodded and grumbled in agreement.

Reese and Natalie scooted closer to Dipper. "Don't worry, you'll always be Dipshit to us." They assured.

Tambry pulled out her phone. "Status update: trapped in store with insane 9-year old." She spoke. Dipper's eyes widened. "I'm not a 9-year-old!" He lay down in the markings. "I'm 13! Technically a teen!" He shouted.

The markings lit up and the lights flickered out. "Dipper! Get up!" Reese shouted. "Holy shit—" Natalie muttered under her breath.

Tambry's figure illuminated and she disappeared. Dipper picked up her phone. "Status update: AAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!"

Dipper dropped the phone in shock. Soon the security camera screen flickered on and she started screaming. The teens screamed back.

They all freaked out. "What are we supposed to do!?" Nate stammered. "I don't know man! I don't know!" Lee screamed back. Robbie stepped up. "Let's just go already!"

They all started running for the door. "Thompson!" Wendy yelled. Thompson was still playing Dancy Pants Revolution. Wait! I've almost got the high score!" He shouted. He disappeared and reappeared inside the game. "Uh? What?" He questioned. The game started encouraging him, throwing arrows down upon him.

Wendy's eyes widened. "Thompson!" She shouted. "Oh god. Let's go let go!" Natalie shouted. They all ran towards the door when they suddenly shut. "What the?" Wendy questioned, trying to pry open the doors. "It's locked again!" She shouted.

Robbie ran forwards with the cash register. Throwing it at the door, it disappeared with a bright light.

Dipper frantically flipped through Journal 3. "Everybody, wait! Whatever's doing this has to have some kind of reason! Maybe if we can figure out what it is, they'll let us out of here!" He explains.

Robbie rolled his eyes. "Uh-Uh, they'll let us out of here!" He mocked. "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense."

Natalie spoke up. "He has a point Robbie!" She stated. "Yeah right, I'm sure the ghost just wants to talk about his feelings!" Lee replied sarcastically.

He disappeared, suddenly becoming part of a cereal box. The toucan on the front spoke. "I'm bonkers for eating you alive!" He exclaimed holding up a spoon. A stabbing noise following shortly after.

Reese's eyes widened. "LEE!" She shouted. "Okay, okay.. I'm with you kid! 100%, man!" Nate exclaimed.

Mabel rose above everyone, her eyes glowing. "Welcome." She spoke, her voice deep and demonic. "Shit—Mabel!" Natalie and Reese yelled. "It's kinda like ghostbusters." Reese exclaimed. "You're right." Natalie replied. The two began singing the ghostbusters theme song, quickly disappearing.

The two reappeared on the magazines sitting in their stands, screaming as one of the headlines changed to: "Crazy Teenage Girls Trapped Forever in Magazine"

Wendy freaked out. "Natalie! Reese!" She yelled. "Welcome to your graves, young trespassers." Mabel laughed.

Wendy gulped. "We're super sorry for hanging out in your store!" She trembled. "Yeah! Can we just go now and leave forever?" Dipper begged.

Mabel stopped. "Well... okay. You're free to go." She said, the doors opening. "But before you leave, hot dogs are now half off. I know it might be crazy, but you gotta try these dogs!" She rejoiced.

Nate and Robbie yelled, running for the doors. They slammed shut. "Just kidding about the hot dog sale!" The demonic voice yelled again.

Nate gulped. "Just let us out of here already!" He shouted. Mabel crossed her arms. "I don't like your tone!" She shouted, and Nate dissolved, reappearing as a hot dog.

Nate screamed. "No! I'M A HOT DOG!" He cried. Possessed Mabel laughed. "It begins!@ everything lost gravity, and floated towards the ceiling. "Welcome to your home for all eternity."

Dipper and Wendy dodged flying shelves and made their way into an empty ice machine. "What do they want from us?!" Wendy stressed. "Revenge, I guess?" Dipper replied.

Wendy took a deep breath. "What did we do wrong?" She gulped. "Okay, let's try to figure out the pattern here. Why was each person taken? Tambry was texting, Thompson was playing a video game, Lee was being sarcastic, Natalie and Reese were fangirling; it doesn't make any sense!" Dipper shouted.

Wendy closed her eyes. "Yeah! I mean, those are all just normal teenage things." She stammered, opening her eyes.

Dipper's eyes widened. "Wendy, say that last part again." He explained. "Normal teenage things?" She asked.

It looked as though a lightbulb lit up inside his brain. "Of course! Stay here until I get back!" He shouted crawling out of the freezer.

Dipper crawled to the center of the ceiling. "Hey ghost!" He shouted. Mabel turned around. "I've got something to tell you! I'm not a teenager!" Two ghosts appeared and dropped the floating items onto the roof holding Mabel's hair.

The ghost named Pa smiled. "Hohoho! Well why didn't you say so?" He asks, dropping Mabel into a pile of candy. "How old did you say you were?" Pa wondered. "I'm...I'm twelve, technically not a teen." He answered.

The ghost names Ma replied this time. "When we were alive, teenagers were a scourge on our store!" She explained. "Always sassafrassin' costumers with their boomy boxes and disrespectful short pants!" Pa continued. "So we decided to up and ban them!"

They seemed to be reaching into their memories for this. "But they retaliated with this new fangled rap music." He shuddered. "The lyrics, they were so, hateful!" Ma cried. "It was so shocking, we were stricken down with double heart attacks!"

Ma brightened up quickly. "That's why we hate teenagers so much! Don't we, honey?" She exclaimed, nuzzling her husband. "But they're my friends, isn't there anything I can do to, help them?" Dipper explained.

Ma and Pa looked at each other. Pa looked back at Dipper. "There is one thing. Do you know any funny little dances?" He asked. Dipper gulped. "Uh... is there anything else I can do?" He asked nervously.

Pa bursted into flames. "NO!" He shouted. Dipper sighed. "OKAY OKAY OKAY! Um... Well, I do know...the Lamby Lamby Dance. Bu-but I can't really do it, without a lamb costume!" He stated, crossing his arms over his chest smugly.

Pa snapped his fingers and Dipper appeared in a lamb costume. "Oh, well... there it is." He sighed.

"Wellllllll....who wants a lamby lamby lamby? I do! I do! So go up and greet your Mammy mammy mammy. Hi there! Hi there! So march march march around the daisies..."

Dipper took a deep breath. "Don't don't don't you forget about the babies!" He finished with jazz hands, giving the ghost a huge wink.

Pa clapped. "That was so fine, girly dancin' boy! Your friends are free." The ghosts disappeared and everything regained gravity, falling back down. All the teens were back and Dipper was back in his normal clothes.

Mabel groaned. "Ugghh... I'm never gonna eat or do anything ever again." She whined.

Reese ran up and gave Lee a huge hug. "Awwww, you guys are so cute." Natalie exclaimed, causing Reese to pull away at light speed. Lee and Reese's faces left beet red.

Lee looked around. "What-what happened after everything went crazy?" He asked Wendy.

Her eyes widened. "You are not going to believe it! The ghosts appeared, and Dipper had to..." Wendy saw Dipper silently pleading her with his eyes. "Uh, and uh, Dipper just grabbed a bat, and just started beating ghosts down, left and right, and the ghost got all scared, and ran away like a couple of little girls, it was insane!" She finished, turning to Dipper and zipping her lips.

He smiled and zipped his lips. Everyone left the store and got in the car, practically all of them passing out. Reese and Natalie sat in the back, still a row before Dipper and Mabel. "Well, next time we hangout, why don't we do something that doesn't involve ghosts." Natalie joked, still kind of traumatized.

Reese agreed. "Yeah, next time we should go get Greasy's together!" She recommended. The twins agreed and they began the journey back to the shack.

They dropped the twins off at the Mystery Shack and drove off, going to drop everyone at their own houses. Natalie and Reese bid the group goodbye and headed to Natalie's house for the night, where they passed out on the couch, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban playing on the TV. What a night.

The End.

LONGEST STORY YET! I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY, if you want to see another version of this basically, go check out my friend Reese's book "Since When Do I Fall In Love"

Look out for the next part of this series, and I'll see you all later nerds!


~ Natalie Soot

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