Wendy's Friends pt 2 ~ Gravity Falls Series

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Me and my friend got to spray paint Robbie's muffin!!

Okay! Pt 2, the episode for this part is

Season 1, Episode 7, Double Dipper

A lot of this is credited to Reese_Rules seeing as the plot for the beginning is in their book "Since When Do I Fall In Love" go check it out

And they gave me ideas for this so thanks bae

⚠️Swearing, Small Anxiety Attack and Underage Drinking⚠️

3rd person pov:

As Mabel and Dipper prepared decorations downstairs. Reese and Natalie were helping Fern get ready.

Fern dug through all of her outfits trying to find something. "What am I going to wear?" She exclaimed.

Natalie laughed. "Well, you must really like Dipshit if you're stressing this much about an outfit." She teased. "Nat, his name is Dipp—OW." Reese cried, bumping her head on the doorframe. "Why do these doors have to be so small?" She complained rubbing her head.

Natalie snorted. "I don't know Alice, eat any cookies marked 'Eat Me' recently?" She remarked. Reese just glared and turned to Fern.

Natalie laughed. "What about this one?" She asked holding up a pastel orange dress with magenta flowers and a flowy skirt. It had ruffles on the collar that made sort of a slight V-neck and two noodle straps that went over the shoulder while the ruffles hung just below the shoulder.

Fern's eyebrow raised. "Isn't it a bit dressy?" She asked skeptically. Natalie's jaw fell open. "Bu—but...BUT FERN!" She whined. "Fern. Have you SEEN our outfits?" Reese asked.

She did a bit of a twirl. She was in a white button up and black jeans. She had a bowtie on and a bit of mascara to. To complete the look she had on her black converse high tops.

Fern still looked skeptical. "And, have you seen what Natalie's wearing?" Reese gestured to Natalie's outfit.

It was a simple knee-length pastel blue dress. Somewhat puffy but still quite simple. Covered in intricate white lace designs. She was wearing light blue eyeshadow and light mascara. She had topped off the outfit with her old sky like Vans, which she had cleaned before hand.

Fern raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, I'll put the dress on!" She laughed. She grabbed the dress and walked into the closet to put it on.

As she was straightening(haha not me lol) it out, she heard commotion from her room. "REESE!" Natalie screeched. "It took me two hours to get that mascara on you!" She whined. "Oh my god, calm down, mother." Reese muttered.

Fern chuckled and walked out of the closet to see Natalie digging through her bag for something. Reese tapped her on the shoulder and handed her a tube of mascara.

Natalie sighed and grabbed the mascara, forcing Reese to sit on the small desk in the room. "That dress really brings out your eyes, Fern." Reese complimented.

Fern smiled and thanked her. "Reese, sit still!" Natalie begged. "I don't need more makeup on!" Reese countered. "You look fine with or without it on." Natalie muttered, sighing.

Reese's eyes widened. "Woah, woah, woah, hey. Just because you want to impress her, doesn't mean you should beat yourself up about your appearance okay?" She claimed, grabbing Natalie's shoulders.

Natalie sniffed. "Okay. Stop trying to make me cry, my makeup will come running down my face." She laughed quietly, pulling Reese into a hug.

They pulled away and turned to Fern. "Let's go clear the dance floor shall we?" Reese asked, holding out her hand for Fern. Fern smiled and took her hand. Natalie took her other hand and they pulled her out of the room and down the stairs to the dance floor.

Fern quickly glanced around. "Do you know where Dipper is?" She asked the friends. "I think he's working the ticket booth with Wendy." Reese answered.

Fern nodded. Natalie touched her shoulder. "If you go out there, send Corduroy in." She stated winking. Fern laughed and gave her a thumbs up, heading outside.

Natalie sighed and leaned against the wall, starting to bite her nails. "Hey, stop, look at me." Reese started. "You look great." She assured. Natalie smiled softly. "You too." She replied.

Natalie looked back to the dance floor, spotting Lee and Nate. "Oh look! Nate and Lee, let's go!" She said, dragging Reese over. "Hey guys!" She smiled.

Lee and Nate looked over and smiled. "What's up?" Nate asked. "Nothing much, how about you?" Natalie responded. Nate smiled. "Just hanging out. I don't think we have enough money to leave..." He chuckled nervously.

Natalie laughed. "We've got you covered." She assured the boys. She looked around, spotting Wendy. "Well, you guys have fun, I'm gonna go talk to Corduroy." Natalie blurted, hustling off, suddenly bumping into Dipper.

She stumbled back and grabbed Dipper's shoulders to steady him. "Wow, sorry dude." She apologized. "Wait, I thought you were with Fern outside?" She speculated.

Dipper chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I was...just had to use the bathroom." He clarified. Natalie shrugged. "Okay dude." Just as Dipper was turning to leave Natalie noticed that the classic Pinetree on his hat had been replaced by a 5.

She looked into the cup of fruit punch she was holding and tossed it into the trash, blinking a few times. She straightened herself back up and glanced around, Wendy nowhere in sight.

Natalie sighed and headed back to the other group. "Couldn't find her?" Reese asked. Natalie shook her head and smiled lightly. "But that's okay, because I can just hangout with you." She assured, wrapping her arm around her friend. "If I can get you tipsy you owe me 20 bucks." Natalie betted, smirking.

Reese smiled. "Let's go get drinks!" She agreed, dragging Natalie over to the drink table. They arrived at the drink table, both grabbing some Orange Sun(siajaal only one person will know what this is, but oh well).

Natalie grabbed Reese's arm and dragged her over to a corner. Reese took a sip of her Orange Sun while Natalie peered around the room. "I still don't see Wendy." She frowned. "Here, you can have mine, I'm driving us home anyways." Natalie suggested, handing Reese her drink. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom." She explained before slipping away.

Reese stood in the corner with the drinks. Lee came over to her and decided to strike up a conversation. "Well, didn't know you were a big drinker." He teased, looking at the two solo cups. "I'm not." Reese retorted, already slightly tipsy, another perk of Orange Sun—at least for Natalie.

Lee raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, okay sure." He laughed. Reese folded her arms and turned to face the dance floor. "Well can I at least have a dance?" Lee asked, holding out his hand.

Reese looked at his hand in her peripheral and her cheeks slightly flushed. "Why not." She agreed, taking Lee's hand and letting him lead her to the dance floor.

Meanwhile, Natalie was tucked away in the corner, slightly swaying to the song that played through the big room.

The music was loud, people were everywhere, and honestly, it was slowly getting to her. It brought back memories, and they weren't pleasant.

~ Flashback brought to you by social anxiety ~

Music blasted through the small house. Sweaty, intoxicated bodies moved around her. Sage came up to Natalie. "Hey, come dance with me, it's not healthy to just sit around all night." She urged, trying to get Natalie to do something.

In return, Natalie just smiled weakly and shook her head. "I'm okay, I promise, Sage." She assured. Sage sighed. "No, you're getting up." She grabbed Natalie's hand and dragged her to the center of the dance floor.

Natalie tried desperately to pull her hand out of Sage's grasp. Her breaths getting shorter and quicker, tears clouding her vision. "Sage, let go of me." She cried.

Despite the loud noises, it felt as if there was a deafening silence throughout the house. As if every pair of eyes was on her. She finally ripped her hand away and ran, out of the room, out of the house, and got into her car, driving off to a small field.

She stopped the car and got out, sitting on the roof and looking at the sky. The sun had sunk far below the horizon and the stars had exploded across the sky.

Natalie took the moment to just take everything in. Tears were still pricking at her eyes, and thoughts invaded her mind.

'Everyone saw you'
'Your social anxiety is so bad that being with your friend in a group of people makes you cry'
'Maybe if you weren't so shy, you wouldn't be this upset'

Natalie hadn't realized it, but tears had started falling down her cheeks. She hadn't talked to, or even seen Sage after that. She had moved not shortly after. She tried to wipe her tears as she felt to couch sink next to her.

And then a voice all too familiar comforted her. "Are you okay, Natalie?" Wendy asked. "Hey, I'm here for you, it's okay." She assured, pulling her in for a hug.

Natalie's arms wrapped around Wendy and she sniffed. "Thanks Wendy. I...I really appreciate having a friend like you." She thanked, pulling away. "You wanna go get something to drink?"

~ Time Skip brought to you by friend-zoning ~

The ending of the night was slowly coming to be. Everyone had left except a few new found friends of Mabel, Natalie, Wendy, Reese, Lee, and Soos. Natalie had successfully gotten both Reese AND Wendy tipsy, and successfully had a good time.

Lee and Natalie had dragged Reese and Wendy over to where Dipper and Fern were dancing with Mabel, Candy, and Grenda. "Mind if we join you?" Natalie asked.

Fern smiled. "Not at all." She answered. "What's with those too?" She asked gesturing to Reese and Wendy. "They're a bit...drunk, we're taking the opportunity to dance with them." Natalie answered.

Wendy scoffed. "I am not drunk!" She protested. "Then why are you dancing with me?" Natalie retorted. "Because you're my friend, idiot." Wendy replied.

Natalie's smile somewhat faded, but her mood still stayed positive. "Oh well, let's dance!" Lee exclaimed, dragging Reese to the dance floor. "Soos! Play, the song." Fern requested.

Soos nodded. "On it, dawg." He have a thumbs up and began playing the music. Natalie's eyes lit up when she discovered which song it was, and she dragged Wendy onto the dance floor.

Running just as fast as we can
Holding on to one another's hand
Trying to get away into the night

And then you put your arms around me
And we tumble to the ground and then you say

"I think we're alone now!" Natalie, Reese, and Fern sang together. "There doesn't seem to be anyone around. I think we're alone now. The beating of our hearts is the only sound." They belted.

As everyone dragged their partner around the room, occasionally falling over or taking pauses to just kind of sway. At the end of the night, Natalie took everyone in her car and drove them all home, before returning to her own. Tonight, was a night to remember.

The End of pt 2!

For those wondering about the anxiety attack scene(which won't be many but oh well)((also idk how well written that was, trying to put that feeling into words is weird)) I had an experience similar to this maybe two weeks ago. I was at a social event, and my friend suggested we go sing a song in front of the entire group, and I said no, but they tried to drag me up to the front, and my trust issues kicked in, my eyes got kinda...blurry with tears, and my breathing got very quick and short. Anyways, so I went to a separate area where a few more kids were hanging out, and this cute little kid started chasing me and another kid around for fun, and that adrenaline rush might've been the only thing stopping me from literally sobbing in front of a bunch of 9 year olds. So that's all, and now I've gotten to 2040 words just explaining, so thanks for the listen, and I really hope you enjoyed that chapter!

~ Natalie Soot

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