Wendy's Friends pt 3 ~ Gravity Falls Series

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Episode(s): Time Traveler's Pig and a lil bit of Fight Fighters

3rd Person:

The Mystery Fair. A fair that Stan for some reason decided would be a good idea. Well, either way, the group was ready for the day!

Natalie and Reese wandered through the many concession stands and rigged games. Until finally they spotted...something.

Natalie's eyes lit up. "Woah. What the hell is that?" She asked pointing at the stuffed animal. "It's like...a cross between a panda, and a duck? Either way, I want one!" She gushed.

Wendy and Dipper laughed from beside her. "I just said the same thing." Wendy remarked. "Dipper was gonna win one for me." She added, putting her arm around the 12 year old.

Natalie chuckled, but sent a small glance towards Dipper all the same. "Well let's see it." She smirked.

Dipper gulped. "Oh...ha, y-yeah." He stuttered, walking to the stand. "One ball please." He declared as he handed the carnie some money.

He handed Dipper a baseball and stepped aside. "You only get one chance." He clarified. Dipper chuckled weakly, trying not to show any fear.

He took a deep sigh. He finally threw the ball, and it bounced off of the counter, coming back and hitting Wendy in the eye.

Wendy's hands flew to her eye as she yelped. "Does it look bad?" She asked, taking her hands down to reveal her bruised skin. "Oh my god, I'll be right back!" Natalie rushed, sprinting off. Dipper started panicking, and began apologizing profusely.

His rushed pleas for forgiveness were stopped when Robbie came over, holding a snow cone. "Woah! Here, just ease your eye into this freezy cone." He instructed, holding the cone up to Wendy's eye.

As Wendy pushed her eye into the cold syrupy snack, Robbie began to fiddle with his hoodie. "Hey, Wendy, I've been meaning to ask you something. We've been hanging out for a long time, and I was wondering, if you would want to go out with me?" Robbie finished, still messing with his hoodie nervously.

Wendy looked up at Robbie. "Yeah, I guess so." She replied shrugging with a small smile.


Reese whipped her head back to see ice scattered across the ground, Natalie standing there with a look of betrayal and hurt on her face.

She slowly turned and ran. "Natalie wait!" Wendy yelled as she rushed after the brunette. Meanwhile, Reese turned slowly to Robbie. "Robbie what the hell!! You know that Natalie has liked Wendy for years! How could you!!" She shouted.

Robbie gulped. "S-she should've said something before I did." He defended, still scared. "No. Forget it Robbie. If you ever hurt Natalie or Wendy ever again, I'll actually kill you. You're sick. Now leave." Reese commanded, towering over the emo.

Robbie nodded. His face showing pure terror, before he turned and ran away. "Okay, sorry Dipper, I have to go find Natalie. I have a feeling she doesn't want to talk to Wendy right now." Reese stated before dashing off to find her friend.

Reese eventually found Natalie sitting by the totem pole sobbing. She was muttering things to herself. "I should've done something. I should've made a move before him. God I'm such a coward." She whispered.

Reese sat beside her. "Woah, hey, it's okay. You're not a coward, you just weren't ready." She assured. "But Reese, I've had so many chances. I just didn't have the courage to ask her out." Natalie sniffed.

Reese rubbed her back comfortingly. "I know what'll make you feel better, let's go annoy Stan and then go on the Ferris Wheel, okay?" She asked.

Natalie looked up. "Yeah okay, let's go." She responded, rubbing her eyes and standing up slowly. "Let's go." She repeated as she pulled Reese to her feet.

~ The Reality In Which Dipper Didn't Miss ~

Dipper took a deep sigh. "Okay, let's do this!" He announced as he threw the baseball he was holding in the complete opposite direction. "Dude! You totally missed!" Wendy laughed.

Dipper raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Or did I?" He replied smugly as the ball came back and knocked over the milk bottles. "Woo!!" He and Wendy cheered.

Dipper grabbed one of the panda-duck crossovers and handed it to Wendy. "Thanks man!" She said, wrapping an arm around Dipper and messing with his hair.

Natalie's jaw clenched, but her smile was still bright. "Hey Wendy, Ferris wheel with me and Reese?" She asked turning to the red head.

Wendy thought for a second before answering. "Yeah, I guess so." She shrugged. Natalie smiled and grabbed Wendy and Reese's hands, dragging them towards the large spinning contraption.

They hopped on the machine and began to climb up. Natalie took a deep sigh. "God, I wish it weren't so hot, rain would be amazing right now." She complained.

Reese laughed. "Haha you wish. Well too bad, Nat." She teased, punching Natalie's shoulder. Natalie laughed. "Whatever. Anyways, Wendy you got any crushes among the group?"

Wendy thought for a moment before answering. "No, I don't think so." She decided. Natalie nodded solemnly. "Yeah...Reese has one." She said wiggling her eyebrows.

Reese's eyes widened. "Natalie, I swear to god. If you don't shut your mouth I'll push you off this ride." She threatened.

Wendy chucked. "Well, you can't just leave me hanging!" She exclaimed. "Who is it?" Wendy wiggled her eyebrows. Reese face palmed and crossed her arms over her chest.

Natalie laughed. "Awww, Reese I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry." She pouted. Natalie poked Reese's cheek, causing the blonde to turn and attempt to bite the finger.

Natalie jerked her finger back and yelped. "Okay, okay!! No need to get aggressive." She rolled her eyes. The ride made a few more circles before the girls had to get off. "Okay, bye Wendy!" Natalie waved as she and Reese started heading back.

This could be how it happened, but we all know, somethings aren't meant to be~

~ End of Time Traveler's Pig ~

~ Fight Fighters ~

"Dipper what the hell!!! You can't fight Robbie! He may be weak, and an idiot...but he'll still beat your ass!" Natalie scolded the 12 year old. Reese nodded. "He may be a pasty emo, but he surprisingly has some strength." She warned.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "I'll be fine. Besides, I have Rumble." He assured. "YES! RUMBLE WILL HELP FIGHT!" The 2D man shouted.

Natalie had worry written across her face. "Dipshit, listen, Rumble is gonna take it too far, besides, you can't fight for Wendy, she's not a prize to be won! She has feeling, and emotions, and she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself." Natalie rambled.

Dipper scoffed. "Natalie, it'll be fine. Besides I'm not fighting for Wendy. I'm fighting Wendy's boyfriend because he called me weak." He clarified.

Reese cut in this time. "Dipper, if you do this one or both of you could get seriously injured, besides, what would Wendy think about you two beating each other up!" She scolded.

"Wendy's not here, so we don't have to worry about that. Just let me do this and then I'll be done." Dipper said, walking out of the Shack to go find Robbie.

~ Time Skip to end of Fight Fighters ~

Natalie and Reese arrived in the golf cart, watching as the trees around them burned. "Damn it, Dipper." Reese muttered.

Natalie finally spotted Dipper and Robbie, completely beat up, Wendy in between them. "You weren't fighting were you?" She asked. "I hate it when guys fight."

Dipper rushed to respond. "No! We were stopping some other guys from fighting." He lied. Wendy smiled. "Glad to see my two favorite boys getting along." She stated happily, kissing Robbie on the cheek and leaving.

Natalie clenched her fist at her side. "He lied." She whispered. "He lied to her face, and yet, he's still one of her favorites." Tears pricked her eyes.

"Yeah, but hey, you're my favorite person ever, and I bet Wendy loves you too, she just doesn't know it yet." Reese assured, putting her head on Natalie's shoulder. "Let's go." She stated, as the two walked away.

~ The End ~

Took way too long, had no motivation for a month or so. But here it is finally. Enjoy, it's crappier then my other two.

~ Natalie Soot

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