Chapter Sixteen

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A week went by and things started to get out of hand. The escaped prisoners were running around committing crimes, and the police officers couldn't keep up with them. Their peaceful city was getting worse. They already had a threat of a few gangs forming. They didn't need this.

Gangs had been an issue ever since Megatron and the mafia died. A year after the incident, rival gangs appeared out of nowhere. It was as if they were trying to gain power and fill Megatron's spot. The police were able to fight them back even though they still came. But now that their leaders were free, it would start all over again.

Chief Burns stared blankly at the paperwork on his desk. He was so overwhelmed by the crime, the media, and the mayor. He was having one of those days where things don't look like their getting better. His phone vibrated and he looked at the text.

Can't find Cody. -Kade

He sighed forcefully and rubbed his face tiredly. He didn't need this right now and silently hoped the youngest was alright. He texted the other two and they responded a little later. Neither of them could find him. He texted the boy and worked as he waited for an answer.

At the hospital. -Cody

He stared blankly at the message then his eyes widened in fear. He stood up abruptly and looked around as he grabbed a few things.

"Magnus!" He yelled in a panic and ran to his office door. He ran out with his coat in hand and his eyes wide. Everyone stopped suddenly from what they were doing and looked at him.

"Magnus!" He yelled angrily and the man ran over with Bumblebee.

"Sir what's happened?" The older man asked. They could tell he was stressed and something sent him over.

"I don't know. I got a message from-" He stopped suddenly as his phone dinged again. He looked at it hoping for more information.

Sorry it sent before I finished. I'm at the hospital talking to Ratchet. -Cody

Chief Burns sighed forcefully and rubbed his face tiredly. Everyone stared at him as they waited for orders. He groaned quietly and went back into his office. Magnus looked at the others and narrowed his eyes.

"Don't you all have something to do?" He asked seriously before he and Bumblebee went into the office.

"Sir... is everything alright?" Bumblebee asked quietly as they walked in. Magnus closed the door and looked at the chief. The man was sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. He chuckled bitterly and shook his head.

"Cody sent me a message and I thought he was in trouble.... I feel I'm starting to overreact with certain things..." he mumbled. The two looked at each other then at him again.

"How's the Rescue team handling all that's going on?" Magnus asked seriously as he sat down.

"They're.... doing fine. I'm thinking about making a few other special teams. It was Optimus' idea in the first place..." he chuckled sadly and fell silent.

"Sir... I believe one special team should be enough." Magnus said seriously. "But if you do need another I am volunteering." He said. The Chief smiled slightly and nodded slowly.

"Thank you... I'll keep that in mind." He muttered and set his head in his hands.

"If it helps at all... I can put a team together as well." Bumblebee said quietly and the two looked at him.

"I don't believe it's necessary." Ultra Magnus said. "You should be more experienced to accomplish that task." He muttered.

"I'm afraid I have to agree." Chief Burns said as he looked at him. Bumblebee only nodded slowly and the two were dismissed. Bumblebee went back to his two partners as he thought about what they discussed.


Chase was silent as he drove to the scene of the crime. A car accident had been caused and his team went to help. He looked at Chief Burns and furrowed his brow.

"Sir... I don't mean to be rude. But shouldn't you be at the office?" He asked as he looked back out the window. The man looked at him then smiled slightly.

"I left Magnus in charge. Besides I needed to get away from everything..." he mumbled and frowned as they got there. He jumped out after parking and studied the scene.

"Boulder! Graham!" He shouted and looked back at them. "Make sure that telephone pole gets turned off before the lines snap!" He yelled. The two nodded and took off.

"Chase crowd control! Kade and Heatwave take out the fire!" He said seriously and they immediately got to work.

"Dani and Blades get the injured to a safe area!" He shouted then went to help. The team worked on their assignments but as they got close they realized something. This seemed intentional.

"I don't like this." Heatwave muttered as he put the fires out.

"You don't like anything." Kade scoffed as he helped. Heatwave didn't respond other than a low growl. They got the flames out then helped get the people to safety.

"Has anyone else noticed these guys all have matching tattoos?" Dani asked as they brought in the last one.

"What do you mean?" Chief Burns said, he stopped suddenly and looked at her.

"These guys all have matching tats." She said seriously and showed him the ink on the back of their necks. He furrowed his brow at the unfimailar design.

"What is it?" Kade asked in disgust as he scrunched up his face.

"Looks like a face." Blades mumbled and cocked his head. "A scary... bug face." He said nervously.

"Does it look fimailar Chief?" Heatwave asked as he narrowed his eyes. The man shook his head slowly and glanced at Chase.

"Call Knockout. He might know... even though he doesn't like to live in the past... We still need his help with this." He said seriously. The other cop nodded slowly and went to call him. The engineers and firefighters went to the wreck to see what they could do.

A group of people started yelling about something. Chief Burns went over and calmly spoke with them. They were angry that this happened and blamed him. They said he wasn't doing his job right. Chase got off the phone and glared as he went over to them. One man got passed the line and ran towards the injured. The two cops ran after him yelling at him to stop.

"Don't you dare save their lives!" The man yelled angrily and pulled out a gun. Blades and Dani looked up at him. Their eyes widened in surprise and fear. He glared darkly when they didn't move away and fired at them.

"Dani!" Chief Burns shouted as tears filled his eyes.

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