Chapter Seventeen

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When the man pulled out the gun, Blades paled while he took aim. The pilot tackled Dani to the ground just as the gun went off. It had looked as if she had gotten shot though.

Heatwave was closest and tackled the man to the road. The man struggled to get free and shot at him. Kade shielded his father as the gun waved around. Graham and Boulder worked on keeping people back. Chase ducked as he fired at them again

"You can't arrest me!" The man yelled angrily as he was pinned to the ground. Heatwave growled lowly and put his hands behind him.

"It's called citizens arrest, ya idiot." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth. Chase jumped back up and ran over then cuffed the man. The fireman helped keep him down and they looked at the two paramedics. The others stood up and held their breath.

Dani slowly opened one eye and looked at Blades. His eyes were squeezed shut as he shielded her. She stared at him blankly for a few minutes then blushed deeply.

"Uh... Blades." She muttered and shakily gripped his shoulder. He opened an eye and looked around then at her. He stared into her eyes and smiled nervously.

"You're okay." He said happily and she blushed more. He hugged her tightly and smiled bigger. "I was so worried." He muttered.

"You're always worried Blades." Kade scoffed, but he was also relieved his sister was safe. The young pilot blushed deeply and helped her up. He then shifted uncomfortably and tended to the wounded again.

"It's... because I care..." he mumbled but didn't look up as he worked.

Chase and Heatwave pulled the shooter up and shoved him into the back of the squad car. Chief Burns walked over to Dani and hugged her tightly. He felt his team was in more danger with all these criminals around. Maybe he did need a special team to hunt them down.

"Chief it's becoming too dangerous for us to even be out here." Heatwave said seriously. The man looked at him as he kept hugging his daughter. He knew he was right.

The police force hadn't been able to keep up with the crime. The gangs were getting more out of hand, and they would attack the paramedics if they tried to help their enemies. It wasn't safe. He remembered what Magnus said and nodded slowly.

"I'll get this figured out." He muttered and helped them get everything accomplished.

Once back at the office he thought about what happened. He narrowed his eyes and made a few phone calls. He spoke with Cliffjumper and asked if he knew of any good bounty hunters. He said he did and they talked for a while. He then called more people and told them to come to the station. He was quiet for a long time then called Magnus and Bumblebee into the office. He stood up and walked around for a few minutes.

"As you know things have changed for the worse. Crime and gang activity have gone up, and no one is safe anymore." He mumbled and thought of Dani. He almost lost her today. They nodded slowly in agreement and glanced at each other.

"Ultra Magnus, I have arranged a team for you to work with. I called around and they will be here soon to get organized." He said seriously and handed him a file. The man nodded slowly and read over the file for a few minutes. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the man.

"Sir I respect your decision but I am not working with them." He said seriously. Chief Burns furrowed his brow with confusion and looked at the file.

"You haven't even met these two." The chief said as he pointed to a few.

"I don't mind working with them sir. But I refuse to work with this idiot." He muttered and pointed to a name. "Wheeljack is not fit to help us in this important task." He said seriously.

"That's not true." Bumblebee said as he narrowed his eyes and stood up suddenly. Chief Burns frowned deeply and told them both to sit down. He got up and cleared his throat.

"This is the team I've assigned you." He said seriously. "You'll take half the city while Bumblebee takes the other half. I don't have your team set up yet. I was thinking about taking Chase off the rescue team, have him help you." He muttered.

"With all due respect sir." Bumblebee said as he looked at him. "Chase is more valuable with the rescue team. I've seen him work with them, and he does so much good there." He said and smiled slightly.

"I agree... but I don't have a team for you." He said sadly. "It was hard enough finding these people." He muttered. Magnus stayed silent and looked at the file.

"May... I organize my own team?" Bumblebee asked as he glanced at them. The room was silent for a while as the chief thought.

"I... suppose. But I do ask that you tell me who they are before making the team." He said seriously. Bumblebee nodded slowly and smiled slightly. He saluted and left to get right on it. Magnus furrowed his brow and closed the door. He looked at him and sat down again.

"I don't think that's a good idea sir. Letting him make his own team." He said seriously.

"And why is that?" Chief Burns asked as he looked at him.

"He's not.... mentally stable." He muttered remembering when he was off the force. The man narrowed his eyes and sat back in his chair.

"He was drugged by a doctor that worked for Megatron in the past." He said seriously. "I respect him and Smokescreen, as much as I respected their father." He muttered. The officer stared at his hands and fell silent again. Chief Burns expression softened a little. He knew the man was having a rough time.

"Magnus... I know things have been hard... especially after... your mother died." He said gently.

"It's... been a month.... I should be over it by now." He mumbled and fought back tears of hurt.

"You're only human. It's okay to be upset about this." He whispered. Magnus didn't respond and cleared his throat again.

"I'll do this task at the best of my abilities." He muttered and stood up. "Thank you sir...." he rasped and nodded then went to meet his team.

He was silent as he walked down the hallway and thought. He was losing people that were close to him. He felt he wasn't doing enough to protect them or help them. He smiled sadly as he remembered his last moments with the only one that seemed to care about him. His expression went blank as he entered the room and looked at the team. His team. People he had to protect.

"Alright listen up." He said seriously as he put on his mask. "My name is Ultra Magnus and I will be the captain of this team. You will listen to what I say and do as you're told. We are going to be catching criminals that have recently escaped. Do as I say and you will have a smaller chance of getting hurt." He said seriously. He looked at each of them and remembered their names.

"I will read off your names so the others will know who you are." He said as he scanned them. "Ironhide will be our weapons specialist, he also knows more about the cons then we do. Drift and his daughter Windblade are the bounty hunters of the team. I have been informed about their reputation. Bulkhead is the military and engineer consultant. Then there's-"

"Wheeljack at your service!" The man said as he smirked cockily. "I specialize in blowing things up." He grinned. Magnus sighed forcefully and looked at the file again. This was his team.

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