Chapter Eighteen

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Bumblebee thought long and hard as he sat at his desk. He couldn't think of who he wanted on his team. He needed a team that could get places maybe the police couldn't. His eyes widened suddenly as he got an idea. He quickly started writing down a few names as he thought. After an hour of research, he quickly went to the office.

"I've got it!" He shouted as he burst into the room. Chief Burns jumped in surprise and looked at him.

"Got what?" He asked while the young officers sat down.

"The team. I know who to get for my team." He said as he smiled a little.

"Alright let's hear what you have." He said seriously and watched him pull out a list.

"First I want Jazz and Strongarm on my team." He said seriously.

"That's understandable." Chief Burns said as he watched him. He quietly wrote a few things down.

"Knockout because of his knowledge and medical expertise." Bumblebee said as he glanced at the computer. The man nodded slowly as he wrote.

"I would also like to recruit Fixit." He said seriously and looked at him. The man stopped and furrowed his brow.

"Who's Fixit?" He asked quietly and looked through the files of the officers.

"He was the survivor of the prison bus accident sir." He muttered. "He knows the most about these men, and I feel it would help us know what we're in for." He said seriously.

"He might not want to. But I agree with you." The chief said and wrote something else down. Bumblebee fought back a smile and glanced at the final name.

"I also want Grimlock on my team." He said seriously. Burns paused and furrowed his brow.

"The criminal in the hospital?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow. The young man nodded slowly and watched as he leaned back in his chair.

"You'll have to explain this one to me." He said seriously and furrowed his brow.

"Grimlock was involved in illegal street fighting. He actually didn't know it was illegal for a long time. Well... when the cops showed up I think that's when it dawned on him. He's a good guy and unfortunately... was easily misled." He mumbled and looked at the file. The chief stared at him for a long time then looked through the man's file.

"Why do you want him though?" He asked seriously before looking at him.

"It's... a similar situation with Fixit. Except on the other side of things. He was with the cons for a while as they did street fighting. He knows where they met and has street knowledge." He muttered and sighed forcefully. The room was silent for a while as he thought.

"There's.... another reason... isn't there?" Chief Burns asked. "But you're not going to tell me." He said seriously.

"No sir... it's a personal thing for him... I just know about it." He muttered. The chief nodded slowly and typed on the computer.

"This says that he was also charged with property damage. Hitting cars and such with bats." He said as he looked at him.

"Yes... that was with Knockout.... before he changed." He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"The people that he hurt had him work for them until he paid off the damage. According to the judge." Burns said as he scratched his head.

"Yes sir... basically community service. After street fighting he was in jail for about a week or two." Bumblebee mumbled sadly. He stared at his hands as he thought about the man. He was genuinely a good person, just misled.

"Alright... I'll see what I can do. But you have to keep a close eye on him. If he causes any trouble or damage... I have to haul him in. If I can even get it approved he'll be on a very thin line." He said seriously. Bumblebee nodded slowly in understanding.

"Yes sir. Thank you, I'll get them organized right away." He said and stood up. "I won't disappoint you sir." He said as he saluted and walked out of the room.

"I'm sure you won't." Burns muttered and smiled slightly then got to work.


It didn't take much to convince Jazz and Strongarm to join the team. Bumblebee knew he wouldn't have trouble with that. He asked the two of them to help him get the others to help. They agreed and the three headed to the hospital.

As they drove they talked about having their headquarters in a different place. That way they didn't make the station a target. Bumblebee wasn't sure where they could go that would be discreet. Somewhere the gangs wouldn't expect them to be.

Once at the hospital they looked around for Knockout, but didn't find him. They decided to visit the other two for now. As they walked into the room where Fixit was, they saw Ratchet checking up on him.

"How is he?" Bumblebee asked quietly as he approached. The other two kept their distance for now.

"Well... despite his injuries he's doing quite well and should be out soon." Ratchet muttered and glanced at them. He furrowed his brow and slowly stood up. "Is something wrong?" He growled lowly, suddenly becoming protective of his patient.

"Calm down Uncle Ratchet. We just want to talk to him. It's nothing to worry about I promise." He said seriously. The doctor narrowed his eyes then looked at the others.

"Very well." He muttered and walked to the door. "But if you upset him, you'll be sleeping for a month." He mumbled angrily and stepped out. Strongarm chuckled nervously and stepped back as he passed.

"He's joking, right sir?" She asked as she looked between the two of them.

"You wish." Jazz mumbled and smirked as he glanced at her. He then went to stand by Bumblebee as she blinked in surprise.

Fixit watched them quietly and they noticed he had a few bandages on his head, neck, and wrists. He looked better but still wasn't in great shape.

"How are you doing Fixit?" Bumblebee asked quietly and tried to smile. He hesitated and glanced at the door.

"It's okay we aren't going to hurt you." Jazz said seriously as he sat down. He felt if he was more relaxed, the man would be more comfortable.

"I-I-I'm alright..." he mumbled and smiled sadly. Bumblebee sat in the other chair and thought for a moment.

"Fixit I'm not sure how else to approach this... but we have a job offer for you." He said as he smiled slightly. The injured man looked away, and stared blankly out the window.

"Can't..." he mumbled and fought back tears. "I'm paralyzed... and I have grain- train- brain.... damage." He stuttered and narrowed his eyes. The officers were quiet for a few minutes. Bumblebee felt bad about what happened to the man.

"It doesn't matter. It would be an honor to have you work with us." He said seriously and the man looked at him. "We won't ask too much... we just need your help catching these criminals that escaped." He muttered. Fixit thought for a few minutes then smiled a little.

"I'll to... do it..." he said knowing he probably wouldn't get a chance at working again. Bumblebee smiled and carefully gripped his shoulder.

"Thanks Fixit." He said and they spoke for a while as they got to know him a bit better. They soon left and decided to visit Grimlock next.

As they stepped out of the room they saw Ratchet sitting in a chair listening to a young boy. Bumblebee nodded once and walked away to the other room. Strongarm watched the two for a moment with a confused expression. She quickly went to catch up with the others.

"Who was that?" She asked as they walked. Bumblebee and Jazz exchanged looks. She then realized it was the Chiefs son that was sitting with him.

"Just... a friend." The officer muttered as Jazz nodded slowly.

"Okay but I'm pretty sure that's Cody... are you going to tell me why?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes and folded her arms.

"It's... not important." Jazz said seriously and looked at her. "We don't need to know every little detail about people." He muttered. "Some things are better left for the individual to explain." He mumbled. She kept silent and followed them to the room.

Jazz and Bumblebee stopped to talk to the nurse that just came out of the room. Strongarm got impatient and wandered into the patients room. She stared at the girl that was sitting by Grimlock in the chair. The man was still cuffed to the rails and stared at the girl. He would tug on the cuffs occasionally as if testing them.

"Ma'am I have to ask you to leave the room. This is a dangerous criminal." She said as she furrowed her brow. The young woman narrowed her eyes and slowly looked at her.

"What did you say?" She asked angrily as she clenched her fists tightly. She stood up and her expression became dangerous. Grimlock watched her and tensed as he tugged more.

"You heard me ma'am. You need to leave this room immediately." She said seriously and stood straighter. Piper growled lowly and walked over to her. She realized she was an officer and couldn't smack her like she wanted to.

"Don't. You. Dare. Call my brother a criminal again." She seethed angrily through gritted teeth.

"Despite what you think. He is-"

"Get out!" She screamed angrily and shoved her back. Not caring if she got into trouble.

"Ma'am I am a officer of the law. I will put you under arrest for assaulting me." She said seriously and pulled out her cuffs. Grimlocks eyes widened and he struggled to get free.

"No! Don't you dare!" He yelled angrily and struggled more. Piper looked at him and quickly calmed down.

"Stop you'll hurt yourself!" She said. Bumblebee ran in with Jazz and Ratchet close behind. The doctor and Piper went over to calm the man.

"What did you do?" Jazz asked as he narrowed his eyes. Strongarm huffed angrily and folded her arms.

"Simply following the book." She muttered bitterly. Jazz sighed forcefully and led her out of the room to talk to her. Bumblebee pinched the bridge of his nose. He wondered if this was worth the hassle.

"What did I tell you about upsetting my patients?" Ratchet growled lowly and glared at him. Bumblebee calmly walked over and looked at them.

"Grimlock it's okay. We aren't going to arrest or hurt her." He said seriously. He knew the man was extremely protective over his sister. Considering what happened to them when they were younger.

"Don't you dare." He growled angrily through gritted teeth, and clenched his fists tightly. "I won't let you put her in that horrible place." He seethed.

"I'm not going to." He said seriously and glanced at the girl. She watched him quietly then sat down which calmed the man a little. Ratchet watched intently and decided to monitor for a moment. Once he was calm Bumblebee explained the situation to him.

"So... you're saying... that if I work for you... I won't have to go back?" Grimlock asked with confusion. Bumblebee smiled a little and nodded slowly.

"As long as you do what I say." He said seriously. Piper seemed to relax more as she let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding.

"Okay." He muttered and shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. The officer blinked in surprise. He didn't expect that to be so easy.

Ratchet chuckled quietly and finished his report before heading out. Bumblebee spoke with Grimlock for a few more minutes then went to find the others. He gave Strongarm a look then went to find Knockout.

They found the medic in the pediatric area. Bumblebee told them to stay put. Mostly for Jazz to watch Strongarm. He spoke with a nurse who told him were to go, but Knockout was walking over already. He had a clipboard and was writing something. His wild hair made him look more attractive. Strongarm blushed a little as she watched him then stared at the floor.

"Like the redheads do ya?" Jazz teased as he wiggled his eyebrows, and nudged her with his elbow.

"W-Whats that supposed to mean?" She stuttered and looked at him. He winked and shrugged as if he didn't know.

"Hey Knockout I have a proposal." Bumblebee said as he smiled slightly.

"Hmm... did she say yes?" He mumbled not really paying attention as he filled something out.

"What?" He asked as he blushed deeply and looked at the others briefly. "N-No." He muttered as Jazz snickered.

"Too bad." He mumbled and handed the lady a form. "Get that sent asap." He said seriously.

"Knockout I have a proposal for you." He said as he watched them. The medic looked at him and furrowed his brow.

"Hmm...?" He muttered with confusion and blinked in surprise.

"Ugh.... would you just join the team I'm organizing?" Bumblebee asked as he face palmed. Knockout shook his head and blinked a couple times.

"Ya sure... what is it?" He asked and they quickly explained what it was. He nodded slowly and folded his arms.

"Trippy." He said as he smirked cockily. "I don't see why not." He muttered. Bumblebee grinned happily and told him where they were going to meet. They had decided on an office building in the area they would be over.

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