Chapter Nineteen

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A week later, Bumblebee was at their new headquarters. He had set everything up and they were ready for their task. He just had to wait for the others to come. Jazz brought Strongarm over a few minutes later.

"So... are we the first ones here?" He asked as he scanned the room. Bumblebee looked up from his task and smiled slightly.

"No actually. Fixit was here before you two. He's in his office setting things up." He said as he looked towards the said room. Fixit came wheeling out and smiled brightly.

"Hello!" He greeted happily as he stopped by them. He still had a few bandages, but seemed to be doing better. Strongarm wondered how he could be so happy after what happened to him.

"Hey Fixit how are things?" Jazz asked as he smiled slightly and shook his hand carefully.

"Better now that I have a purpose." He said seriously and looked down a little. Bumblebee furrowed his brow then walked over and gently gripped his shoulder.

"Come on, how about we show these Rookies around?" He asked as he smiled slightly.

"Who are you calling a Rookie?" Jazz teased as Strongarm frowned. Fixit laughed happily and wheeled off.

"Try to keep up Rookies!" He yelled and disappeared. Jazz chuckled and followed after him. Strongarm glanced at Bumblebee before going with them.

A few minutes later they found out where everything was and discovered they each had an office. They were talking about what they would do first. Fixit had already made a list of the criminals and had files on each one.

"This place isn't half bad." Someone said as they walked in. They all turned to see Knockout looking around the building. Strongarm blushed deeply and looked away as she fixed her hair.

"Knocks!" Jazz yelled and hugged him tightly. Bumblebee laughed as he walked over to them.

"Ah! Don't call me that!" He yelled and pushed him away. He shivered in disgust and fixed his outfit. "Don't hug me either." He muttered and glared.

"Come on I'll show you the medical area." Bumblebee said and they walked off. Strongarm watched quietly and blushed more when Knockout waved at her.

"Calm down Rookie." Jazz teased as he winked at her. She looked at him and glared darkly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said seriously and pouted as Fixit snickered.

"Knockout is takin." The officer muttered and walked to the computer as he watched the other man type.

"What? By who?" She asked then blushed and looked away. "Not that I care." She muttered. Jazz and Fixit exchanged looks then glanced at her.

"I heard she was really sweet." Fixit said as he smiled slightly.

"You've actually met her before." Jazz said seriously and looked out the window. Strongarm blinked in surprise and stared at him in disbelief.

"I have?" She asked as they heard the door open.

"Yep. In fact she's right behind you now." Jazz said and grinned mischievously. Strongarm furrowed her brow and looked behind her. Piper and Grimlock were walking down the hall as they spoke.

"Oh... her." Strongarm muttered as her expression became bored and disappointed.

"Hey Jazz!" Piper grinned happily and hugged him tightly. Grimlock grinned and patted him on the back.

"Nice to finally meet you're boyfriend." He said and Piper blushed deeply as she let go.

"Uh... no Grim... he's not my boyfriend." She muttered and rubbed the back of her head nervously. She hadn't had the heart to tell him yet. Grimlock looked at her with confusion.

"Then who-"

"Hey Piper! Hey Grimlock!" Bumblebee said as he grinned happily. Knockout froze at the doorway as he and Grimlock saw each other.

"You." Grimlock growled angrily and narrowed his eyes. He grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him into the wall.

"Gah!" Knockout yelled as he winced in pain. "Let me explain." He said quickly as the bigger man growled lowly.

"Not happening." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth and raised his fist. Piper and Bumblebee grabbed the man and tried to pull him back. The young woman held on to his raised arm.

"Grimlock stop!" She yelled as Jazz jumped in to help.

"I won't let him manipulate me or anyone else again." He seethed.

"Grimlock stand down!" Bumblebee said seriously as the three of them managed to pull him away.

"He's on our side. Remember when the tower blew up? Knockout helped us get rid of the Decepticons." Jazz said seriously as the man watched him. Piper let go and hugged Knockout tightly.

"He's your boyfriend?!" Grimlock roared and blinked in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me?!" He shouted.

"Because of this!" She shot back and gestured to him then the others. He blinked in surprise and seemed a little hurt. Bumblebee sighed forcefully and looked at everyone.

"Still think this is a good idea?" Jazz asked as he looked at him.  Bumblebee shook his head slowly as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"We can do this." He muttered and smiled sadly. "I least I hope so..." he mumbled. He took a moment to think about what his father would do.


A week went by and they struggled to work together. Most days ended in disaster and a criminal getting away. Bumblebee started making them do drills and work together as a team. He couldn't have anymore problems out in the field.

Grimlock and Knockout kept getting mad at each other. It didn't help that the two had been enemies since High school. Knockout had bullied him through most of that time and even after.

Fixit got irritated with Strongarm on several occasions. Jazz didn't help at times and Piper didn't get along with Strongarm at all. Bumblebee watched quietly as they all argued with each other. He was silent for a while then slowly turned and walked out of the building. They didn't notice and continued to argue.

"This is ridiculous!" Jazz yelled angrily as he glared at them. "All of you shut up!" He shouted and they fell silent. "Now... what were-" He stopped suddenly and looked around. "Bumblebee?" He asked and the others realized he was gone.

Bumblebee walked down the street with his hands in his pockets as he hung his head. He just let his feet carry him somewhere.

What was he thinking?

Putting a team together was a bad idea, he just wanted to help the city. But he wasn't his father. His phone vibrated and he stopped to look at it.

"Hey Bee. Sorry I haven't been around, been on vacation with my family." He smiled a little and realized he was at the park again. He sighed forcefully and sat on a bench as he stared blankly at the green grass.

"I know. Just enjoy yourself." He texted back then sighed quietly. He missed her.

"Thinking about you. Is everything alright? You've been silent for awhile." He smiled a little at her texted.

"I just... I'm trying to get a new assignment to work."

"That bad?"

"Yes.... I just... I need you..." he felt stupid but it was true. He needed someone to just talk to and hold in his arms. He rested his head in his hands as he thought.

"I'm sorry I can't be there right now. I wish I was. Just know that I love you Bee." He smiled again. She always made him happy and made things better.

"Thanks love. Have fun and enjoy your vacation. You deserve to have a break from this crazy place." He looked up and stared at the people as they played.

"I'll do my best. Love you." He smiled and closed his eyes for a moment.

"I love you too Cassidy." He texted and smiled more. He kissed her text message then chuckled softly. He sighed quietly and leaned back on the bench. He closed his eyes as he felt better.

"I love you with all my heart Cassidy." He whispered quietly. He smiled to himself as he thought. He knew how to get them to work together now.


I don't own the fabulous character Cassidy Weathers. She belongs to Bumblemus_Prime

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