Chapter Twenty

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A few days later Bumblebee managed to get them to stop arguing. They also started to work together. Sort of. At least they acted like they didn't hate each other. They got a call from someone saying that Underbite was loose again. He was in the park when they finally found him. He had a girl cornered and was flirting with her. She was terrified of him and whimpered fearfully.

"Whoa... he gets out of prison and the first thing he does is flirt." Strongarm muttered and rolled her eyes.

"Strongarm and Jazz get the civilians to safety. Grimlock distract him while I get her out of there." Bumblebee said seriously.

"Oh I can distract." Grimlock smirked crookedly as he punched his hand.

Before they could say anything he ran at the man and tackled him. Bumblebee sighed forcefully and went to help the frightened woman. The other two worked on getting people to safety. They didn't notice a boy and his older brother watching.

"Wow... this is so awesome." Sideswipe said as he smiled. Russell watched intently as the two men fought. Grimlock smiled crookedly as he pinned the criminal down.

"Did you miss me?" He smirked cockily as he kept him down. Bumblebee ran over with handcuffs and scanned the area.

"Get off me you scum." Underbite growled threateningly and wiggled a little.

"Nope. Not happening." Grimlock said seriously and shoved him down. Bumblebee managed to cuff his hands behind him. He and Grimlock pulled the man to his feet.

"I ain't going back." He growled angrily and rammed into Grimlock then Bumblebee.

He kicked the officer when he went down, making him cry out in pain. The criminal smiled wickedly and kicked the other man. He then jumped and managed to get his hands in front of him. He laughed maniacally as he took off running.

He glanced over and saw a small boy then headed over as he ran. Sideswipes eyes widened and he grabbed his brother as he took off running. Underbite gripped the boys arm and yanked him back. He put an arm around his neck and the other on his head. He faced the cops running towards him, turning his back to Sideswipe.

"Nobody move, or I snap his neck." He seethed and tightened his grip. The team stopped suddenly and looked at each other unsure what to do.

Sideswipe stared blankly as his mind flashed back to that day. Sunstreaker smiling at him before the explosion. Then he was gone. He shook his head and clenched his fists tightly. He grabbed his skateboard and smacked it over the man's head. Underbite grunted and stumbled as he let the boy go. Russell ran behind his brother eyes wide with fear and surprise. Sideswipe tackled the man and started punching him repeatedly.

"You won't take my brother!" He shouted and continued to hit him. "I won't lose another one." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth, tears of rage filled his eyes.

"Ah! Get this lunatic off me!" Underbite yelled as he tried to cover his face. Grimlock yanked Sideswipe off and held him back. The others cuffed the man and pulled him away to the car. Sideswipe calmed down then looked at him.

"Aaaah!" He said and jumped a way. "You're one of the fugitives." He said in disbelief.

"Yep." Grimlock smirked crookedly as he let go. "The names Grimlock." He said as he smiled.

The others walked over and spoke with the two boys. Mostly Strongarm lectured them. Russell asked what they were doing. They explained the best they could, then let Bumblebee take over.

"Wow.... you guys are lame." Sideswipe mumbled and rolled his eyes. "Come on Rus, let's get out of here." He said and the boy quickly followed.

"You're welcome." Strongarm muttered bitterly and folded her arms. She huffed angrily and pouted. Bumblebee sighed forcefully and led the others back to the car.


Ultra Magnus looked at his clock as they made their way to the area. It had been almost two weeks now since he organized his team. So far things were going well. Ironhide glanced at him and furrowed his brow.

"Everything alright?" He asked as he drove. They had heard of some gang activity in the streets.

"Yes." He muttered then sighed forcefully and rubbed his face tiredly. "I just hope we can stop this gang... before something happens." He said seriously. Ironhide nodded slowly and pulled up to the small ice cream shop.

They spoke with the owner as they waited for the other two cars to pull up. Drift and Windblade walked over and took in the situation. A moment later Bulkhead and Wheeljack came over after parking.

The four newcomers looked around for any danger then asked people questions. A few more minutes passed and they met back at the car. Magnus, Ironhide, Bulkhead and Drift spoke about their next move. Wheeljack wandered over to Windblade and cleared his throat.

"So ya doing anything later tonight?" He asked as he leaned against the wall next to her. She furrowed her brow and looked at him.

"Besides work? I don't have time for anything else." She said seriously and fiddled with her jacket.

"Why? What are you doing?" She asked as she looked at him. He stared at her for a few minutes as he thought.

"Going anywhere with you." He smirked cockily making her blush. She looked away quickly and walked off.

"Too soon..." he mumbled to himself then furrowed his brow. They all stopped suddenly as they heard banging.

Everyone looked at each other then at the trunk of the car. They slowly walked over and surrounded it as the banging continued. Wheeljack frowned deeply as he looked at his car and pulled out the keys. He popped open the trunk and their eyes widened in surprise.

"Aw crap..." Wheeljack muttered as he slouched and moved his head back a little.

"Dude! Seriously!" The young teen snapped angrily as she glared darkly.

"Miko?!" Bulkhead yelled in surprise and blinked a couple times. She looked at him and smiled nervously as everyone stared.

"H-Hey dad." She stuttered as Wheeljack helped her out.

"Forgot you were in there kid." He said as he smirked. Acting as if it was no big deal. They had told the girl about their adventures every night. Mostly Wheeljack did.

"And what could have possibly compelled you to bring the girl?" Ultra Magnus asked as he narrowed his eyes. Wheeljack thought for a moment and looked at the sky.


Earlier that day they had received a call to meet Magnus at the location. Wheeljack and Bulkhead had been at the house. The man watched his friend head out to the car, then followed.

"Yo." Wheeljack stopped suddenly and looked at her from over his shoulder. "Can I come with?" She asked as she smirked.

"Why not?" He shrugged and smiled slightly.


Magnus narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly. He couldn't believe the man. Ironhide watched quietly and could tell Bulkhead was going to lose it. He found that the most unusual. The young father was always calm and collective. Except now.

"You... you.... you." Bulkhead seethed angrily through gritted teeth as he clenched his fists tightly.

"Now calm down Bulk." Wheeljack muttered and gave him a look. Miko glanced around and fixed her hair.

"Reporting for duty sir." She said as she saluted at Magnus and stood straighter. The air was silent for a few minutes as they stared at her.

"I don't think-"

"You've endangered my daughter!" Bulkhead yelled angrily. Everyone jumped at his outburst and looked at him. Wheeljack blinked in surprise at his friend. He'd never gotten mad at him before. Even Miko was surprised.

"Dad... I just... I..." she hung her head and sighed quietly. She looked at him sadly then at the ground.

"Maybe we should-" Wheeljack was interrupted by a gunshot. The bullet hit the car and bounced off.

"Take cover!" Ironhide yelled. He picked up Miko who shrieked in surprise. They quickly rushed into the small shop while the others hid behind the cars. Ironhide slid under a table and kept Miko down.  He pulled out his gun and went to try and help.

The young girl covered her head as more shots were fired. She looked towards the door and bit her lip.

"I have to help...." she muttered and carefully moved to the back of the building. The others looked around for the shooter but couldn't see him. They kept trying to look but got shot at.

"How are we supposed to find this guy?!" Wheeljack yelled angrily as he looked at the mirrors. Magnus glared as he scanned the area. They were trapped.

Miko looked down the alleyway to the street where her father and the others were pinned. She listened to the shots and looked around. She saw a glint of metal as the man fired again. He was the alley in front of her. She hesitated then looked around for a moment.

She crouched behind a dumpster to give her cover. She picked up a piece of wood and an empty bottle. She wasn't sure what to do but had to give them a chance. She knew this would be stupid.

She took a deep breath and stood up. The man fired again and seemed to be out of bullets. She took the opportunity and threw the bottle at the man. He grunted in surprise and stumbled a little.

"Hey ya coward!" She yelled and he whipped around. He stared at her in surprise then smiled darkly and walked towards her. She gripped the beam and glanced at the others. She couldn't see them. He reloaded his gun as he advanced and chuckled darkly.

"Hold still so I don't make a mess toothpick." He sneered and worked on his gun.

"You better watch your mouth or you'll meet my fist." She threatened. He narrowed his eyes and got closer. She swung the long piece of wood as hard as she could. It hit him in the head and he stumbled back as it broke. He stared blankly at her then clenched his fists tightly.

"Why you little-" He cried out in pain suddenly as Ironhide shot him with a taser gun. The shooter fell to the ground and the team quickly surrounded him. Bulkhead ran over and narrowed his eyes.

"Dad I-" He hugged her tightly as he squeezed his eyes shut. All he could think of was her getting killed. She blinked in surprise and hesitantly hugged him back.

"You're so grounded." He muttered as tears filled his eyes. He smiled a little though knowing she was alright.


A city over.

A man sat by the window as he stared out it. He ran his fingers along one of his many scars, this one was on his cheek. No one knew how he got them and he finally stopped asking. He stopped talking all together. No one seemed to hear. A man walked over and sat across from him.

"How are you doing?" He asked as he looked at him with concern. The man stared at him blankly with glazed over eyes. He watched him intently then looked out the window again.

"I see you're still being silent...." he mumbled and hung his head. "Look... brother... I know you want to leave. But you can't until you get better." He said seriously. The man didn't respond and sighed forcefully as he closed his eyes. His brother shook his head slowly and fought back tears. He slowly got up and walked to one of the nurses.

"You sure you're giving him the right medication?" He asked quietly.

"Yes sir we are." She said seriously and led him away to talk about it.

The man at the window stared at his brother as he walk off. He looked around to make sure no one was watching, then pulled a picture out of his pocket and stared at it. He had protected it because he felt it was the only thing he had to his memories. The picture was burnt on the edges and one side. It was a picture of a woman and a man smiling as they hugged each other. The woman held baby shoes in her hand. He smiled a little and turned it over as he read the faded writing.

"You're a Grandpa."

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