Chapter Thirty

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"You mean...?" Arcee whispered and looked at the others. They were all silent as they stared at Smokescreen.

The younger brother wheezed weakly and winced in pain. His siblings just stood there in total shock, except Bulkhead who had been told already. Bumblebee looked at Brooke who was trying to make Smokescreen comfortable. He watched her quietly then looked at the others.

"If someone tried to kill Smokescreen because he found out about dad... that nurse could be in danger as well." He said seriously.

"Not to mention she's currently the only one who knows where Dad is even located." Arcee said quietly. She felt bad now for slapping the girl and chasing her away.

Bulkhead's eyes widened in realization and he walked out of the room. He had gotten Andis number thanks to Miko, and was currently trying to call her. He didn't want her to get hurt.

"Come on pick up." He muttered and bit his lip, he called about five times. She didn't answer and he sighed shakily as he hung up.

He wondered if he should tell someone what they found out. He didn't know what to do but knew someone's life was in danger. His father's, if he really was alive, and a young nurse that was determined to help their family. He rubbed his face in irritation then went back into the room.

"You look worried." Bumblebee said as he furrowed his brow. The others looked at him and Miko bit her lip nervously.

"I have good reason... Andi won't answer her phone... and no one else knows where to go to find her." He said seriously. They realized he was right and they all fell silent. What could they do?


Andi looked around nervously as she went to the higher security area. She was worried about what they would do to Pete- Optimus. She had to at least locate him so she could get him out later. As she walked down the hall she heard someone singing. She furrowed her brow and looked at the solid metal doors. They had a small window that could be opened but not from the inside. As far as she knew. She got closer and heard the words to the song. The person that was singing was doing it slowly and sadly. It was actually creepy in these dark hallways.

"Ever since I could remember... everything inside of me... just wanted to fit in... Oh oh... oh oh..." the person sang sadly. She furrowed her brow not recognizing the voice and followed it out of curiosity.

"I was never one for pretenders... everything I tried to be... just wouldn't settle in... Oh oh.... oh oh..." he sounded a little bitter now. "If I told you what I was... would you turn your back on me? And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?.... I get the feeling just because, everything I touch isn't dark enough... If this problem lies in me..." she suddenly recognized the song and looked down the hall. She saw a small light coming from one of the windows on the door.

"I'm only a man with a candle to guide me, I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me..." He sang louder. "A monster, a monster... I've turned into a monster." She got to the door and peeked in to see Blitzwing. He was in a straight jacket and had his head bowed as he sang to himself. She furrowed her brow as she watched him.

"A monster... a monster and it keeps getting stronger." He said with a sinister tone. He slowly looked up at her and smiled wickedly. Her eyes widened in surprise and she stepped away from his view. She suddenly had a horrible feeling form in the pit of her stomach.


The room was eerily still as they all stared at their possible new leader. He furrowed his brow as he paced the room and thought. A woman lazily poured some chemicals together as she waited. She was the leader of the gang and they wouldn't move unless she said. None wanted to face her wrath. She swirled the liquid slowly in her vial as she stared at the pacing man.

"What's your plan now?" She asked as she sat by her second in command. He was leaning against the table with his arms folded as he glared darkly. The woman pouted and turned the man's face to look at her. The pacing man stopped suddenly and glared at them.

"Oh look Hardshell." She sneered and glanced at the other man. "Someone's jealous." She pouted making the second in command smirk.

"Shut up Arachnid." Starscream muttered and turned away from them. He huffed angrily and folded his arms as he thought.

"Oh don't be that way." She muttered and he looked back at her. She gave Hardshell the vial and she stood up. Starscream watched in disbelief as the man drank her concoction. Was he stupid?

"I think I know how to make things better." She sneered and looked at the other men around the room. "Take action now and set everything in motion." She smiled wickedly. Starscream watched her quietly then smirked darkly.

"Then do it." He said seriously and she grinned wickedly as she snapped her fingers. The men knew what to do and quickly took off. Hardshell watched them and snuck out as well. He glanced at his watch as he smiled slightly then it became sinister.

"Time to pay a visit to an old friend." He growled lowly and clenched his fists tightly. He knew what Arachnid needed him to accomplish.

Soundwave silently watched them from the shadows and furrowed his brow. He knew something was about to go down, and it wasn't good. He hesitated then slowly followed them. He needed more information. He needed a way to warn the others or stop these men.


Ultra Magnus was in his office with his team as they discussed what needed to happen. They wanted to bring down the rest of the gangs for good. He had called Jazz over to talk to him about the two teams, and their plans.

Wheeljack was too busy flirting with Windblade to pay attention. She couldn't decide if she was interested in him or not. Jetstorm and Slipstream watched their older sister with curiosity. The two boys looked at their father wondering how he would react. He wasn't paying attention as he listened to Ultra Magnus.

"Chief Burns wants us to do the best we can to take them out officially. His team is a bit overwhelmed with the gangs and the accidents they cause." He said seriously. "We need to-" He stopped suddenly and stared at Wheeljack then frowned deeply. He didn't know why the young man bothered him so much. Actually he did. It was because the man was simply reckless and headstrong.

"Care to join us in our meeting?" He grumbled as he narrowed his eyes.

"Nah its pretty boring. You say the same thing over and over when we have meetings." He responded and smirked cockily. Magnus just stared at him blankly for a few minutes then glared darkly.

He was about to say something when there was a knock on the door to their office. Ultra Magnus sighed forcefully and got up then went to the door. He glanced at the team before opening it. A man with a gun stood there with a few other men behind him.

"Hello Magnus." Starscream sneered as he smiled wickedly. The cops eyes widened in surprise, before he could say anything the gun went off.

Magnus grunted as he felt the bullet rip through his shoulder, his blood splattered the floor while he stumbled back. Windblade screamed in surprise and they all jumped to their feet. Drift and Jazz ran to the men and started to attack them. Wheeljack grabbed the two boys and Windblade then went to the other door. He yanked it open and looked down the hallway before having them go out.

"Get out of here and go to the other team." He said seriously. "They'll be able to protect you." He whispered.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Jetstorm asked as his eyes widened in fear. Wheeljack shook his head and went to close the door.

"You need time to escape." He said seriously and the two boys stepped back. Windblade narrowed her eyes then gripped the man's jacket. She pulled him closer and kissed him. Wheeljack blinked in surprise at her actions and wasn't sure how to react.

As quickly as it happened, she stopped then ran off with her brothers. Wheeljack watched them then grinned like an idiot. He then closed the door and locked it before damaging the doorknob. He then ran to the fight and tackled the gang members. Neither of them knew if they would get out of there alive.


Heatwave ran down the street as they answered another emergency. A building was on fire and someone was trapped inside. Chase was stuck on crowd control while Chief Burns worked on directing others. Boulder and Graham worked hard on trying to make sure the building didn't topple over. Blades and Dani watched with anticipation while they prepared to take the person to the hospital. Kade followed Heatwave into the building and looked around frantically.

"Cody I need you to be my eyes!" Kade shouted over the com. Their youngest brother stayed at the station to guide them.

"There is a stairway to your left and down the hall." Cody said as he looked at the floor plans. "According to the call the victim is on the third floor in the fourth apartment." He said seriously.

"Thanks Cody keep us posted." Heatwave said as they ran up the stairs. They only hoped they got there in time.

The two firefighters found the apartment and broke open the door. They saw the woman laying in the middle of the living room. Kade stared at her then picked her up and carried her out. They both ran out then took her to the paramedics. Blades and Dani worked on helping her while the other two went to put out the fire. After a little while the fire was out and the woman was conscious.

"Thank you so much." She whispered and coughed weakly. "I don't know what happened." She muttered and wiped a few tears away.

"I do." Heatwave growled lowly and walked over. "It was arson." He said seriously then furrowed his brow. "Wait... I know you." He grumbled as the woman stood up with the others.

"Well I've never met you before." She said as she stared at him. He narrowed his eyes then they widened suddenly.

"Arachnid." He gasped and the others moved to his side. "You set the fire, didn't you?" He growled angrily.

"Maybe, maybe not." She sneered as she folded her arms. She discreetly pulled out one of her deadly blades. Heatwave narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly. He turned a little to see where Chase and the chief were. She took that moment and raised her blade to strike him.

The young pilots eyes widened and he stepped in the way. Time stopped as everyone heard his pained grunt. Heatwave looked at the woman's surprised expression and Danis horrified one. Blades stared at the knife that had plunged straight into his heart. He watched the blood soak his jacket as tears of pain filled his eyes. Arachnid quickly let go then took off to disappear. Burns yelled at some officers to chase her and they quickly did. Heatwave caught the pilot as he fell backwards then carefully lowered him to the ground. Dani started to panic as everyone else gathered around their teammate.

"Hang in there... Blades please..." she whispered quietly as tears fell down her face. He just lay there limp as it started to rain a little. His head rested in Heatwaves lap as he faded.

Dani tried to work but knew there was nothing she could do. She gripped his hand and burst into tears as she rested her forehead against his. She shook horribly as the others knelt around them in a circle.

"Don't leave me... please..." she whispered quietly and he weakly gripped her hand.

"Dani..." he rasped weakly as he looked at her. It was hard for him to speak but he wanted to tell her. "I... I love... you..." he rasped quietly and inhaled painfully. She sobbed silently and gently kissed his forehead.

"I... I love you too Blades... I always will." She whispered quietly and he smiled weakly before his hand dropped and he went slack. They stayed there in silence as his blood mixed with the rain. The shock of what happened filled their hearts and minds. Dani hugged him tightly and sobbed uncontrollably into his shoulder.

"No!" She screamed into his jacket as she shook with grief. Heatwave stared blankly as he watched the scene. He slowly looked to where the woman had run and he narrowed his eyes. She had killed someone they all cared about. Right in front of them, in cold blood. He felt his rage slowly rise as he fought back tears of anger and hurt.


Hardshell made his way to the quaint little home. He had a mission and didn't plan on failing. He looked around to make sure no one was watching, then he knocked on the door. He heard someone yelling something then open the door a little.

"Yes?" The little boy asked as he furrowed his brow. Hardshell stared at him blankly for a few minutes then crouched down a bit to be at his level.

"Hello, what's your name?" He asked as he smiled kindly. The boy watched him and didn't see any harm.

"I'm Orion." He said as he smiled brightly and stood taller.

"That's a nice name. Is your mother or father home?" He asked and glanced at the road. There weren't any cars, just a ten speed bike. The boy was about to answer when a teen answered the door.

"Orion I told you to wait for me." He said gently and the boy sighed forcefully.

"Sorry Jack." He muttered and ran inside to play. Hardshell slowly stood up as his expression became blank.

"Can I help you?" Jack asked as he narrowed his eyes. He didn't like the looks of this man, nor did he have a good feeling about him.

"Yes actually, I'm an old friend of Arcee's and came to visit her." He said seriously and put his hands in his pockets. "Are you the babysitter?" He asked as he smirked.

"I'm a family friend." Was all he said as he narrowed his eyes. "I suggest you leave." He muttered and closed the door. Hardshell put his foot in the door to stop it and stabbed a knife into the corner of it. Jack did his best not to freak out or pale at the blade that was now in front of his eyes.

"We can either do this the hard way, or the easy less painful way." He growled lowly and shoved the boy back. Jack stumbled and watched in horror as the man came into the home. Hardshell closed the door then locked it. He growled lowly and twirled the knife in his hands.

"Where is Arcee?" He growled lowly and looked at the two children. They ran to Jack and hugged him tightly as they whimpered fearfully.

"Leave them out of this." The teen said seriously and knelt on one knee to hold on to them. He never broke eye contact with the other man. Hardshell growled lowly at his defiance then clenched his fists tightly. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at Jack's head.

"Get them into the bedroom then lock them inside. They'll be safe that way." He sneered and cocked the gun. Jack carefully picked up the terrified children then spoke calmly as they went to their room. He continued to comfort them even as he sat them on the bed.

"Can you two play in here for a few minutes?" He asked quietly and they nodded slowly. He smiled sadly and hugged them both tightly. "Lock the door and hide." He whispered quietly so only they heard.

He then got up and Hardshell led him to the living room. Orion closed the door quietly and locked it. Peregrine held on to her stuffed tiger then crawled under the bed as she sobbed silently. Orion followed and hugged her tightly as he thought.

"Don't worry... I'll protect you." He whispered quietly and looked around. He heard the man yelling and Jack grunting as he got hit. Peregrine covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Stay here..." he whispered and she nodded as she whimpered fearfully. Her brother bit his lip then went to the door.

He waited for a few minutes then opened it and snuck out. He hid behind the wall and peaked around the corner. Jack was on the ground coughing as he clutched his side. The scary man had the fire poker, he was using it to hit the boy.

"You're silence isn't going to save anyone." The man growled lowly. Jack didn't respond and just lay there limply.

Orion watched then looked across the hall to his parents room. He waited until the man's back was turned, then quietly ran to the other side. Hardshell furrowed his brow and looked to the hallway but didn't see anything. Jack did and he punched the man in the back of the knee making him fall.

Orion got into his parents room and quietly closed the door. He heard the man yelling angrily and hitting Jack again. The small boy whimpered fearfully and looked around. He found the phone his mom left behind and quickly grabbed it. He then went back to his room without being seem. He locked the door again and hid with his sister. She hugged him tightly as he called his dad. He didn't answer and tears filled the boys eyes as he called again. His father answered after the third ring.

"Peri? Are you playing with mommy's phone again?" He asked as he smiled brightly. "You know you-"

"Dad help." Orion whispered, his voice full of fear and desperation. Cliffjumpers smile faded instantly and he became serious.

"Orion what's wrong?" He asked as Arcee looked at him.

"Dad... dad please help." He said as tears fell down his face. He was starting to panic now that he had his father on the line. "There's a bad man here and he's hurting Jack." He said as he choked back a sob.

"Are you safe?" Cliffjumper asked and Arcee became more worried. She looked at him and tried to listen to her son.

"Yes.... we're hiding and Peri is with me... I don't know what to do. Dad I'm scared." He whispered.

"I know... just calm down. Mommy and I are on the way." He said gently and they headed to the car. Arcee quickly told her siblings what was happening as Cliff went to the car.

"Please hurry." He whispered and heard the door burst open. They both fell silent as they listened to the man walk in.

"Orion?" Cliffjumper asked quietly after hearing the loud bang. Arcee got into the car and looked at him with concern. He didn't respond and slammed his foot on the gas pedal.

Hardshell looked around the room for a moment, then under the bed. He saw the two children with a cell phone, their eyes wide with fear. He narrowed his eyes and grabbed the boy then drug him out of hiding.

"Daddy!" Orion screamed as he dropped the phone. "Daddy help us please!" He shouted as he sobbed uncontrollably. Peregrine screamed as the man grabbed her as well. All that could be heard on the other end, were their cries and frantic screams for help.

"Orion! Peri!" Cliffjumper yelled as he heard the children crying. The other end fell silent and he drove faster. They waited for what felt like an eternity. They heard movement again as the phone was picked up. Cliffjumper heard someone breathing on the other end.

"Who is this?" He seethed angrily through gritted teeth. "If you've harmed my children, I'll kill you!" He shouted. Hardshell smirked as he listened to the man's rage.

"Tell Arcee, Tailgate says hello." He sneered then hung up.

Cliffjumper paled and dropped the phone. He glanced at Arcee who stared back. He could tell by the look in her eyes, that the kidnapper would never see the light of day again.


It's been what? A month since I updated this last?

I apologize if this is a bit overwhelming and really long for some of you. But a lot is going to happen in the next couple chapters.

Hope it was worth the wait. XD

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