Chapter Twenty Nine

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The two just stared at each other blankly for a few minutes. They weren't sure how to react other than to keep blushing. Miko grinned happily and pulled the two back into the house. She closed the door as the two continued to stare. She giggled and sat them at the table then went to finish breakfast.

"I'm so going to play match maker." She muttered and grinned. She finished and looked over at them. They were just staring at each other.

"Well say something!" She yelled and the two jumped then looked at her as they blinked a couple times.

"Oh... um... I... why am I here?" Andi muttered and looked around. Bulkhead blinked a couple times as if coming out of a daze. Miko rolled her eyes and put food in front of them. She sat down and waited as the two tried to think.

"Sooo Andi what do you do for a living?" She asked since Bulkhead wasn't talking at all.

"What? Oh..." she muttered and looked at the young woman. "I... um... I work as a nurse in-"

"That's awesome!" Miko interrupted. "Dad worked for the military and now he works on a special team. He's really good at whatever he does." She boasted.

"Oh I can tell." Andi said as she looked at him then blushed deeply. Was that out loud? Bulkhead blushed even more if possible and couldn't seem to find any words. Miko's smile slowly grew bigger and more mischievous. She knew how to play her cards.

"So dad." She said and looked at him. He blinked in surprise and gave her a look. He was embarrassed enough and didn't need help.

"D-don't you have school today?" He stuttered and stared at Andi. They couldn't seem to look away from each other. Miko smiled mischievously and set her elbows on the table then her chin in her hands.

"Nope. It's Saturday." She grinned as she watched the two.

Bulkhead didn't respond and didn't know why they kept staring at each other. It wasn't even awkward. Almost natural. Andi finally broke the spell as she stared at her plate of food. Bulkhead blinked a couple times then slowly ate.

Miko frowned and thought about what they could do. She had set Andis file on the counter so the two wouldn't be distracted. Andi couldn't think straight and slowly ate. She couldn't seem to focus on what she was supposed to be doing.

"Sooo... do you have a boyfriend?" Miko asked as she smirked. Andi blushed deeply and stared at her. What was wrong with this child?

"Miko!" Bulkhead said and looked at her in disbelief. "Can't you see your making the beautiful woman uncomfortable?" He blurted out then blushed again. Miko snickered and mentally high fived herself. Andi couldn't believe this was happening.

"You're doing just fine dad." She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

"D-don't you have homework?" He asked and looked at her. She scrunched up her face in thought.

"Maybe." She shrugged and he gave her a look as he silently begged her to go do it. "Ugh fine." She muttered and smiled mischievously as she kissed his cheek then walked off. Bulkhead stared at his hands as he continued to blush.

"I'm so sorry..." he mumbled and got up then took the dishes to the kitchen. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... I don't even know you..." he mumbled. Andi shook her head and followed after him.

"Don't be." She said as she smiled slightly and looked at him. He stared at her and smiled a little.

The two spoke for a full hour on different things. Getting to know each other better. Miko found them sitting on the couch when she came back in. She grabbed the file on the counter and put it on the coffee table as she sat by her dad.

"So what's this?" She asked as she smiled brightly. "And why are you here?" Andi blinked in surprise and blushed.

"Miko you really need to learn-" Bulkhead scolded as he reached for the file. He stopped suddenly as his hand landed on Andi's. She had been trying to grab it as well. They stared at each other and blushed more. Miko bit her lip from squealing. She just wanted him to start dating and have fun.

"Um... s-sorry...." he mumbled and quickly sat back. She stared at him and smiled a little as she picked it up. She took a moment to look at the pictures in the room. She noticed some of Peter- Optimus with a woman.

"Who's that?" She asked absentmindedly. She wasn't exactly sure how to tell them about this.

"That's a picture of my parents..." he mumbled sadly and looked at it. She stared blankly and looked at him then handed him the file.

"I'm not sure how to tell you this... but... your father... Optimus is alive." She said seriously. He stared at her blankly for a moment then his expression became dark. He set the file on the table and stood up as he pointed to the door.

"Get out." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth. "I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, but I won't have any part in it." He growled lowly. Andi blinked in surprise and grabbed her file then looked at him.

"I don't mean any harm. Your father is alive and I fear he's in trouble. I'm sorry... I hurt you..." she muttered. He glared darkly and clenched his fists tightly.

"I said get out!" He shouted as he fought back tears. "Don't you dare..." he trailed off and hung his head. She felt awful and looked through the file. She pulled out a picture of the one with Arcee and Cliffjumper.

"Does this mean anything to you?" She asked quietly. He glared at her then at the picture.

"Where did you get this?" He asked quietly and took it. "And yes... it's my sister." He mumbled.

"He gave it to me... well... sort of." She muttered to herself. She saw a picture of the cop and her eyes widened in surprise.

"I... I don't understand..." he mumbled and shook his head slowly. "If... if he's been alive this whole time... why hasn't he come back to us?" He whispered quietly as tears filled his eyes.

"I... I thought he... loved us..." he rasped quietly as a few tears fell. Andi stared at him then glanced at Miko who stared at her hands.

"He does love you... but there is so much for me to try and explain." She whispered and hesitantly stepped forward.

"That young man with the red hair... he came to the mental hospital. He claimed to be his son... but never came back." She muttered and furrowed her brow. Bulkhead shook his head as his tears fell slowly down his face.

"My brother... Smokescreen... someone tried to kill him." He muttered and narrowed his eyes. She stared at him blankly then looked at the picture. That explained a lot.

"I need to talk to the rest of your family... immediately." She said seriously. He nodded absentmindedly but didn't move. She watched him and hesitantly wiped his tears away.

"Bulkhead... he does love you." She whispered quietly. "He loves you all so much.... but... he... he doesn't know who he is." She whispered. He furrowed his brow and nodded slowly, trying to understand. He then led them out to the car. He called Arcee and told her to meet them at the hospital.


Bulkhead got out and gripped Andis hand as he led her inside. She blushed deeply and looked at her toes. Miko followed excitedly and ran into the room where the others were waiting. Arcee sat with Cliffjumper as Brooke stayed by Smokescreen, still gripping his hand. Bumblebee and Ratchet looked at them as they entered. They stared at the two and saw Bulkhead holding the girls hand.

"When did this happen?!" Cliffjumper yelled as he gestured to them. Bulkhead furrowed his brow then looked at her. He blushed deeply and let go as he rubbed his head awkwardly.

"I... uh... wanted her to keep up." He muttered and blushed more. Miko rolled her eyes and closed the door as the two came in.

"Riiiiiiiiight." Cliff said drawing it out as he rolled his eyes. Arcee smacked his arm playfully and glared at him. He chuckled quietly and kissed her cheek.

"So... who are you?" Ratchet asked as he furrowed his brow. Andi hesitated and looked at them as she hugged the file close to her. Bulkhead sighed forcefully and hesitantly set a hand on her shoulder.

"It's... hard to explain..." he mumbled and looked at them. "The best way to say it is... just dropping the bomb." He muttered. They all looked at him and then each other. Cliffjumper gasped dramatically and his eyes widened in surprise.

"You're engaged." He gasped and his mouth dropped. Bulkhead blushed and took his hand off Andis shoulder.

"W-What? N-No." He stuttered and looked at the floor with embarrassment.

"Knock it off Cliff." Arcee scolded and slapped his leg. He laughed quietly and shook his head. The room was deathly silent as Bulkhead fought back tears.

"Bulkhead?" Bumblebee asked quietly and stepped closer. "What happened?" He asked wondering if the nurse had hurt him.

"It'll be hard for you to... comprehend at first... but... dad is alive." He rasped quietly as a tear fell down his face. The room fell completely still and silent, except for the heart monitor.

"What?" Ratchet rasped quietly and backed into the wall. He shook his head slowly and gripped his head. "No... it's... how?" He whispered as his other hand gripped his chest. Bumblebee went to his side and set a hand on his shoulder. He fought back tears of hurt and looked at them.

"Who told you this?" Arcee seethed angrily as she stood up abruptly. Andi hesitated and stepped forward.

"I did... because I have the proof." She said seriously and held out the file. Cliffjumper took it and glared at her then looked through it.

"Liar!" Arcee screamed as tears filled her eyes. Andi jumped back and shrunk a little bit. She remembered what Steve said about this woman.

"It's true he is alive. He's-"

"Shut up!" Arcee yelled as she stepped towards her. "We don't need anymore pain in this family. Get out!" She screamed. Bulkhead blinked in surprise and stared at his sister.


"We don't need this!" She said as she choked back a sob.

"Please just listen to me!" Andi cried as tears filled her eyes. "You don't understand that his life is in danger. Please let me-" Arcee slapped her hard across the face, making her head turn sharply. The room fell completely still and eerily silent as they stared.

"Don't. You. Dare." She seethed angrily through gritted teeth as her tears fell down her face.

Andi just stared at her through her own tears then looked at the others. They were all still hurting. She felt ashamed of herself and foolish again. She stared at her toes then left the room without another word.

Bulkhead glared at them and left without a word as he followed the nurse. She was headed to the exit as she wiped her tears away.

"Andi!" He shouted and ran over to her quickly. "I'm so sorry about what happened... I... I-" she set a finger to his lips to silence him.

"I should be apologizing..." she whispered quietly and stepped back. "I'm going to get him... and bring him here." She said seriously. "I'd ask for your help... but I can see your skeptical now." She muttered bitterly. He looked down in shame and sighed quietly.

"Can you blame us?" He whispered quietly and squeezed his eyes shut. She hesitated then gently kissed his cheek.

"No." She whispered and he looked at her as he blushed deeply. "That's why I have to do this..." she muttered. She hugged him tightly as tears fell down her face. She let go then walked out of the building to bring their father.

"But I do believe you..." he rasped quietly as he watched her go. He furrowed his brow slightly wondering if that's really why Smokescreen was hit.


Peter stared blankly out the window as he thought again. He felt stronger than usual and flexed his fingers. He blinked a couple times and moved back a little as he stared at the glass. As if seeing it for the first time. He furrowed his brow and looked around the room. He felt like he was waking up from a dream, or a nightmare.

He glanced at a pill tray with his name on it. He reached for them out of habit but stopped suddenly. Andi said not to take them. The name on the tray seemed wrong. He closed his eyes and concentrated as he cleared his mind. The crazy man had called him something when they spoke. He thought for a few minutes and zoned everything else out. It slowly came to his mind.

"Optimus..." he mumbled to himself as he opened his eyes slowly. He frowned deeply and looked around slowly. It was as if he was coming out of a daze. He felt someone sit by him and ignored them for a moment.

"How are you today brother?" A man asked as he gently set a hand on his shoulder. Peter- Optimus furrowed his brow as he listened. He didn't have a brother. Did he?

"On strike again?" The man chuckled quietly and smiled slightly. Optimus slowly looked at him and his expression became unreadable. He stared at the all too fimailar face, that was now twisted in his mind.

"Starscream." He growled lowly and with a raspy voice. The man stared at him blankly for a few minutes.

"I beg your pardon?" He asked unsure he heard him correctly. Optimus smacked his hand away as his expression became dark.

"How long have I been here?" He growled and slowly rose to his feet. Starscream paled realizing that he remembered, or came to his senses.

"You don't know what you're saying dear brother." Starscream said nervously as he stood up quickly. He knew the man couldn't have that much strength in him.

"Where. Is. My. Family?" He seethed angrily through gritted teeth as he clenched his fists tightly. He stepped towards him making the other step back in surprise.

"I don't know what you're talk-" Optimus punched him hard in the face making him fall to the ground. Starscream blinked in surprise and yelped as the old cop grabbed him by the jacket.

"You're going to pay for what you've done to them." He seethed angrily and punched him harder in the face.

The security ran in and tackled Optimus to the ground. Starscream wiggled away and stood up as he dusted himself off. They pinned the older man down and forced his hands behind him. His nose was bleeding from being smacking into the floor.

"What's going on?" The head doctor asked as he ran over.

"Peter attacked me out of nowhere. He punched his own brother." Starscream said as tears filled his eyes.

"You're not my brother." Optimus seethed angrily through gritted teeth. He felt a rage like none other directed towards the man.

"He's a danger to himself and to others." The head doctor said sadly. "But he... he was so peaceful..." he mumbled. Andi ran into the building and stopped when she saw them. She stood by the doorway to the main room and stared blankly.

"Oh no..." she whispered and shook her head slowly. The security kept his arms behind him as they hauled him off.

"I... I'll have... to get stronger medication for him..." Starscream muttered as he covered his face and choked back a sob. Andi rolled her eyes knowing now that it was fake.

"Don't worry... we'll do that." The doctor muttered and gripped his shoulder before walking off. Andi glared darkly and went to work. She had to get him out once security relaxed. She just had to do something.


Arcee kept silent as the others spoke quietly with each other. She was still angry about the nurse. The audacity of some people nowadays.

Brooke was half asleep as she held Smokescreen's hand. She had her head on her other arm as she slept. Brooke felt something move and slowly opened her eyes. She stared at her hand and saw his fingers twitching. Her eyes widened in surprise and she gasped quietly. The others looked at her and quickly gathered around him.

Smokescreen grunted weakly and slowly opened his eyes. They smiled brightly and tears fell down their faces. Smokescreen blinked tiredly and looked at them.

"Be... e..." he rasped weakly and coughed quietly. "I... ha... ve... to... te... ll... you..." he whispered his voice hoarse. Bumblebee shook his head slowly and gently gripped his hand.

"You need to rest brother." He said seriously as they watched him. Smokescreen shook his head very slowly and blinked tiredly.

"N... ow..." he insisted and Bumblebee nodded slowly. He rested his forehead against his since Smokescreen was struggling to be louder.

"What's so important that you have to tell right now?" He asked quietly as a few tears fell down his face. Smokescreen smiled weakly and closed his eyes.

"Da... ds... al... ive..." he rasped quietly and looked at him. Bumblebee stared at him and slowly stood up straighter.

"What did he say?" Arcee asked with a look of concern. He shook his head slowly in disbelief.

"He... he said that... dad's alive." He muttered. Their eyes widened in surprise and they looked at each other. The nurse was right after all.

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