Chapter Twenty Eight

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I really need to stop posting these late at night...


Andi stared at her brother in disbelief for a few minutes. She then stared at the other man. She frowned then pulled out her phone and showed him the picture.

"Do you know who this is then?" She asked quietly and looked at him hopefully. Steve thought for a few minutes then furrowed his brow.

"It's been a long time since I saw these two. They're bounty hunters and... well... I ran into them a lot. The woman is nasty and I suggest you stay away from her." He said seriously. "I know their names... but I can't figure out what they are." He mumbled.

She nodded slowly and put her phone away for a moment. She walked back over to Peter with her brother and sat down. She stared at him and noticed he hadn't taken his medication.

"Peter. You need to..." she trailed off and furrowed her brow. He looked at her then reached for the pills. She gently gripped his hand to stop him then took the pills back.

"Hold on..." she whispered quietly and gently gripped his hand again. She stood up and walked off with the medication. "Steve will you keep him company?" She asked quietly.

"Uh.... but he doesn't talk back." He said as he looked at her. She stared at him and smiled slightly.

"He appreciates it anyway." She said before walking off. Steve rubbed his head awkwardly and stared at the man. The two just stared at each other awkwardly for a full two minutes.

"Uh... hi." Steve said as he smiled nervously. Peter just stared at him blankly in response.


Andi had put the pills in her pocket and made her way to the medicine area. She peaked through the window then hid as someone approached. The person left the room and walked by, not seeing her. She quickly slipped into the room before the door closed. She hid again and waited for a few minutes. Her heartbeat quickened as she realized this was a bad idea.

She sighed shakily and went to the medicine cabinet. She quickly found his medication after going through his file. She frowned deeply at some of the drugs. They weren't fimailar to her in anyway.

She frowned deeply and continued to look through them. She took pictures of each bottle Peter was taking. She heard someone coming and quickly put everything back before hiding. The person went into the back room and she quickly slipped out.

Her heartbeat faster and faster as she went towards the record room. She looked around then found Peters file after some difficulty. She bit her lip and took pictures of each page then put it back. She sighed shakily and went back to her brother. It was almost time for her to go home now. She smiled slightly as she saw Steve was telling Peter all about his life. Well current life and crushes.

"Hey Peter." She said as she smiled brightly and sat by him. "We have to go but we'll be back in the morning." She promised and he smiled a little. Steve got up and went to check out.

Andi watched him go then furrowed her brow. She looked at Peter then around the room. No one was looking and she hugged him gently around the neck.

"Don't take the pills." She whispered quietly so only he heard. "Whatever you do... don't take them." She muttered and walked off. He furrowed his brow with confusion as he watched her go. But wasn't it supposed to help him?


That night, after the facility was locked up and the security was settled in, a lone man walked to the building. He stopped at the fence and stared before jumping over into a blind spot. It was extremely small and you wouldn't know about it, unless you'd been there before.

The man waited and checked his phone before darting from shadow to shadow. He made his way to the back door and unlocked it. He quickly entered the coded then reset it so it wouldn't actually go off. He waited and listened but didn't hear the security. He glanced around then headed to the main room.

He avoided the cameras and glanced at his phone. He realized the security was occupied. He smirked ever so slightly and went to the rooms. He didn't really care if he got caught, he hadn't yet. He got to the housing and unlocked the door before slipping in.

He found the room he wanted and looked around. He quickly slipped inside before the guard walked by. He sighed shakily and glanced at the sleeping man. He clenched his fists tightly and pulled a syringe out of his pocket.

He slowly approached Peter and stared at him before putting the needle into his neck. He listened to the man grunt as he injected the liquid. He glanced at the table and saw he hadn't taken his medication. He put the pills in his pocket then waited for the liquid to take effect. He smiled slightly then quietly went to the door. He checked his phone as it vibrated.

"Soundwave where are you?" Shockwave texted and the man frowned. He stuck the syringe in his pocket and left the room. As he started back a guard turned around the corner.

"Hey!" He shouted and lunged at him. Soundwave dodged and hit him in the back of his head, with the side of his hand. The man yelped and Soundwave took off running.

Another guard tried to taser him and he easily dodged. He twisted the man's arm and got the taser then shocked him. He was doing all of this with his arm still in a sling.

He twirled the taser and shocked other guards as they came. Easily dodging and avoiding any injury from them. He then made his way to the security room. He opened the door and stared at the young rookie. The young man's eyes widened in surprise as he sat by the monitors.

Soundwave dodged as the man swung at him. He grabbed his arm and pinned it against his back as he slammed him into the wall. The guard yelped and Soundwave shoved him into the chair before tying him to it with his sling.

"W-who are yo-ou?" The guard asked shakily as he typed quickly. Ignoring the pain he felt from his arm. He finished and plugged in a flash drive. It downloaded something and he looked at him as he asked again.

"A ghost." He muttered and punched him hard in the face. The guard went limp and Soundwave finished his work. He stopped suddenly as he saw the nurse from earlier that day snooping around. He downloaded it then started deleting.

When the guard woke up he furrowed his brow and looked around. His face hurt and he looked at the others. They were all sitting at the table with confusion. Had they imagined the whole thing?

They checked the security tapes but the man was no where to be seen. The only indication of him being there were the bruises they felt. Soundwave had deleted his existence from the hospital. They had no idea that he had been there every day, for two months, doing the same thing.


It had been a full day since someone attempted to kill Smokescreen. They were all exhausted from waiting for him to wake up. He didn't though. So they got to know his girlfriend and found out she was friends with Piper. They slowly warmed up to her and she soon relaxed.

As the day turned to night, Cliffjumper came by and spoke with them quietly. He picked up his sleeping wife and carried her home. She hugged him tightly around the neck and buried her face in it. He smiled slightly and gently kissed her neck to comfort her as they left. Bumblebee watched quietly and smiled ever so slightly. They were so cute.

Bulkhead looked at his sleeping daughter and sighed quietly. Miko had come by after school and curled up on the floor. He picked her up and put her on his back. She held on and rested her head against his back as he carried her home. Bumblebee smiled more as he watched his small family. He decided to stay as Ratchet headed home to rest as well. He sighed shakily as he sat by his brother and gently gripped his hand, being mindful of the IV. He looked up at Brooke and stared at her for a moment.

"You should go get some rest." He said seriously. She shook her head slowly and hesitantly sat in the other chair.

"I won't be able to... knowing he's here." She whispered quietly and gently gripped his other hand. She sighed shakily and glanced at him. Bumblebee smiled a little realizing how much she loved his brother.

"Alright... I won't make you leave." He muttered and stared at Smokescreen again. He saw his brother smile excitedly before it turned into surprise and shock. He winced as he heard the car hit him again and he shuddered.

He got up and walked down the hall as he shoved his hands in his pockets. He was trying so hard not to slip. He felt someone hug his arm and glanced at the person. He smiled sadly as he stared at Cassidy. She looked at him and rested her head against his shoulder. She couldn't speak, but she didn't need to. They understood each other just fine.


Andi and Steve went through the pictures throughout the night and hardly slept. There wasn't any information on the brother. Only a name and number. No picture or anything else. Andi sighed forcefully and rubbed her face tiredly.

"We aren't getting anywhere in finding Peters... Optimus' family." She muttered and buried her face in her hands. Steve stared at the pictures they had printed out and spread on the table. He furrowed his brow as he looked at the medicine bottles.

"These are really bad for him... if he's been taking them for so long... why isn't he dead yet?" He asked quietly. "I mean... he shouldn't be alive." He said seriously.

"Maybe one of these medications are what's keeping him alive... but... he's going to be really messed up." She muttered and trailed off. He stared at her then looked at the picture. He concentrated as he thought then his eyes widened in surprise.

"Ah yes!" He shouted as he jumped and punched the air. Andi jumped in surprise and looked at him. He quickly flipped through the pages of a phone book.

"Bwhahahahaha!!" He laughed and pointed at the page as he stayed standing. "I found em!" He shouted. She just stared at him blankly for a few minutes.

"What?" She asked hesitantly and looked at where he was pointing. "The movie theater?" She muttered and raised an eyebrow.

"Whaaa?" He asked and looked at the page for a moment. "No..." he mumbled and flipped through some more.

"Look look look." He mumbled and pointed to a name and address. She furrowed her brow and looked at him.

"What's so important about him?" She asked quietly.

"He's the only one I remember... I mean... I remember his name but... I've never met him. I just thought about it..." he mumbled and looked at the floor. She smiled brightly and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said as she squeezed him. He laughed quietly as she kissed his cheek.


Miko slowly opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. She furrowed her brow and sat up. The house was so quiet without her uncles around. She frowned deeply realizing she was on the couch. She looked over and saw her father on the floor. Her eyes widened in surprise and she knelt by his side.

"Dad? Dad are you okay?" She asked as she shook him. He grunted quietly in response and opened his eyes.

"Miko... what's wrong?" He asked quietly and looked at her.

"You're on the floor." She said as she hugged him tightly. He sat up and held her closer.

"I'm fine sweetie." He whispered quietly. "I just passed out." He chuckled softly and stood up. She smiled and went with him to the kitchen.

After a few minutes there was a knock on the door. Bulkhead shook the flour out of his hair, or tried to, and went to the door. He opened it and blinked in surprise as he saw a nurse. She looked exhausted as she stood there with a file.

"Are... are you Bulkhead?" She asked quietly and smiled tiredly. He stared at her blankly for a moment then blushed deeply.

"Um... yes." He muttered and rubbed the back of his head shyly. Her eyes widened in surprise and she smiled hopefully.

"Hi I'm Andi." She grinned and held out her hand. "I know this might sound weird but... I-"

"Ooh! Are you dad's girlfriend?!" Miko grinned as she hugged her father's arm. He blushed deeply and his expression became unreadable. Andi blinked in surprise and blushed as well.

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