Chapter Thirty Nine

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Soundwave didn't spend much time in that building. He got Blitzwing fixed up then took off with him. They thankfully got out of there just before the villains came to. They didn't stop until they were sure they were safe from them. Blitzwing panted heavily as he leaned against the wall and slid to the ground. Soundwave looked around and furrowed his brow. He made sure they were well hidden in the abandoned building. He glanced at the injured man and knew he had to take him to the hospital. But knowing him he would freak out at the mention of one. He stood near the window and peered outside as he thought.

"We... need to... hurry..." Blitzwing rasped weakly and coughed a little. "If... you want to be a hero... we have to stop them." He muttered. Soundwave furrowed his brow and turned to face him.

"Ah don't give... me that look Sounds." Blitzwing said seriously. "I know you... want to be a hero. More than you've... wanted to be a crook." He muttered. The silent man didn't say anything and looked at the floor.

"Why should you be ashamed?" He asked as he sat up straighter and winced. "You've always wanted to be like your brother Heatwave." He mumbled. The other man didn't respond as he thought about his words.

"But hey... what do I know?" Blitzwing asked as he smiled painfully. "I'm just a crazy dead man." He said quietly. Soundwave stared at him blankly then shook his head. He walked over and knelt by his side then examined the wound.

"No... you're just as lost as I am." Soundwave whispered. "You can change as well... we can be something better." He said seriously.

"Who's going to believe us?" Blitzwing asked as he narrowed his eyes. "Two crooks go out and try to stop the war. Only for people to think they're there to cause more pain." He muttered bitterly. Soundwave knew he was right. People wouldn't look at it as if they were helping.

"Besides... word on the street is you betrayed the mafia." Blitzwing said seriously and looked at him. "You  have a price on your head now. Shockwave is looking for you and sent people to find you." He explained.

"I had a good reason to betray them." The man said as he narrowed his eyes.

"Ya? Is that reason worth your life?" The crazed man frowned. Soundwave didn't respond and glared at the floor.

"Like I said Sounds... who's going to believe anything we have to say?" Blitzwing asked as he hung his head. They were silent for a few minutes then Soundwave looked at him as his eyes widened.

"I know one person who will." He said as he smiled slightly and pulled out his phone. "Heatwave will always believe me... no matter what." He said as he dialed the man's number and put it to his ear.


Heatwave stared blankly at the smoking computer then glanced at the chair. They had gotten a tip to come here but it was empty. They didn't find anyone and he started to worry. What if they killed his little brother? And just when he was trying to change. The firefighter hung his head and fought back tears. He furrowed his brow as he heard his phone ringing. He pulled it out and stared at the blocked number. He furrowed his brow more and hesitantly answered it.

"Who is this?" He growled and listened for a moment.

"It's more logical to say a greeting, but I suppose you're more to the point." A fimailar voice said.

"Shockwave." His brother growled lowly and clenched his fists tightly. "What do you want?" He asked bitterly.

"I have a proposition. I'm sure you are aware that... our brother has strayed from his current life style." He said seriously. "Not only that but he has betrayed the mafia." He muttered with slight anger. Heatwave smirked cockily and couldn't help but feel a bit proud of his little brother. He was trying to do the right thing even if it was hard.

"I want you to find him and bring him to me." Shockwave said seriously. Heatwave raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Is your team that bad that you're asking me for help?" He asked sarcastically and rolled his eyes. Shockwave didn't respond and waited for a moment.

"Absolutely not." Heatwave said seriously and narrowed his eyes. "I won't hand him over just so you can manipulate him again." He growled lowly. The other line was silent for a moment and Shockwaves mouth twitched ever so slightly into a sneer.

"I had anticipated your answer to be as absurd as your attempts to save others." He said and sent him a picture. Heatwave growled angrily and glanced at the message that was sent.

His eyes widened as he stared at the image. It was of a sniper scope aimed at Smokescreen's head as he lay in the hospital. He could see Ironhide and Optimus talking nearby. The girl that loved the cop was sleeping with her head in her arms and she was holding the officers hand. Heatwave instantly thought about Dani and Blades. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly as he put the phone to his ear.

"Don't you dare hurt them." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth. "I'll-"

"Hand over our brother and I won't harm them." Shockwave cut in. Heatwave was silent for a moment and sighed forcefully.

"I don't know where he is." He admitted and glared at the empty chair.

"Then find him." His older brother said simply. The younger stayed silent as he continued to glare holes in the floor.

"I am simply trying to save him from making a catastrophic mistake." Shockwave said seriously.

"Oh? And what is that?" He growled lowly and glanced to the phone. Chief Burns stood nearby and watched him intently.

"Our brother wants to be something he isn't capable of being. You." Shockwave said bluntly then hung up. Heatwave stared blankly at nothing in particular as he listened to the dial tone. He slowly looked to the chief as he blinked a couple times. He didn't know where to even start.


Bumblebee stared blankly at the screen as he thought about what to do. He needed to help somehow, but they had just been informed that the other team had no success. Though they had found the building. The young officer narrowed his eyes and stood up then grabbed his jacket.

"Fixit, Raf stay here and keep me posted on what's going on." He said seriously. "Grimlock come with me." He said as he walked out. The two men looked at each other then the bigger one walked out. The two men headed down the hall and passed the siblings who were waiting for the team to get back. The brother stood up and narrowed his eyes.

"Where are you going?" He asked and walked over. Bumblebee stopped suddenly and looked at Rodimus.

"We're going out to help." He said seriously. "I'd ask you to come with me if you want..." he trailed off as he thought.

"I will...." Rodimus said seriously as he looked at him. "After... I see my dad..." he whispered and stared at the floor. Bumblebee watched him intently and gently gripped his shoulder.

"Let me know when you're ready... and Fixit will let you know where to find us." He muttered and glanced at Strongarm for a few minutes. She was just staring blankly at the wall.

Bumblebee thought about when they searched for his father after the explosion. Was it better to find the body, or not at all? He sighed shakily and looked at the two before leaving. Grimlock was silent for a while as he followed his friend. He got in the car and glanced at him as he started to drive.

"Where are we going?" He asked and furrowed his brow.

"To the hospital." Bumblebee said seriously and glanced at him. "We need a temporary team, and I know who to recruit." He muttered. Once at the hospital they quickly went inside and to Smokescreen's room.

Bumblebee stopped at the doorway and watched his father as he spoke to Ironhide. His father looked up then excused himself before going and talking to his son. Ironhide watched quietly then glanced at the young woman that was slowly waking up. She looked at him then furrowed her brow once she recognized him.

"Hey dad..." she whispered and stretched as she sighed forcefully. He walked over and sat by her side then glanced at the doorway.

"How ya doing kid?" He asked as he looked at her tiredly. She sighed shakily and gripped Smokescreen's hand as tears filled her eyes.

"Will... will he be okay?" She asked quietly and looked at him. He glanced at the young man then at her. He didn't know what to say and simply hugged her tightly. She buried her face in his chest and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Just... just tell me... he'll be alright..." she whispered quietly and he set his chin on her head. He hugged her closer and sighed forcefully. The man listened to her cry silently and he was slowly taken back to another time.


 "I'm sorry..."

Ironhide quietly left and got back into the squad car. Ultra Magnus stared at the wheel for a few minutes before glancing at him.

"I'm not doing that again." Ironhide muttered as he stared at the tear stains on his uniform. Ultra Magnus didn't respond and pulled out of the driveway.

"I'm going to find the punks that did this and make them pay." Ironhide growled angrily as he glared out the window. His partner simply nodded as he narrowed his eyes and gripped the wheel.

As they headed down the road the station called and asked if someone was close by to answer a call. There was another car accident. Ironhide looked at Magnus then picked up the radio and answered. He listened for a moment then said they would be there. He looked at Magnus and nodded as the two rushed over. He stared blankly straight ahead as he thought about what to expect. Nothing could prepare him for this.

He got to the wreckage and stared blankly at the victim. A man he knew lay on the road. He was already dead though. Ironhide slowly walked over and crouched by the victims side. A paramedic walked over with the man's ID.


"I know who he is...." he interrupted and hung his head. "I know him..." the officer muttered sadly and clenched his fists tightly. The man didn't respond and spoke with Magnus instead.

A little later Ironhide found himself standing at another doorstep. Two in one day. He stared blankly at his tear stained shirt and tried to brush it off. He stopped as the door opened and he stared at a young boy. The boy smiled brightly and he felt the pain in his heart again. Why did he do this?

"Hide!" The boy yelled happily and grabbed his hand. Ironhide shook his head as he fought back tears again that day. Why did these kids have to lose their parents? All because of the mafia. He led him into the main room and called for his mother.

"What is it Breakdown?" She asked as she walked in and smiled brightly. "Oh hello Ironhide." She grinned though it faded as she saw his expression. "What's wrong?" She asked and glanced at the red head by her side. The officer glanced at him and smiled sadly as he watched him suck his thumb. The small boy was about the age of Bumblebee.

"Ma'am... I..." he mumbled and took off his cap. "I... I'm afraid to tell you.... it's about your husband Jared." He said shakily. She shook her head and covered her mouth.

"No... please..." she whispered quietly and the two boys looked at her.

"Mom... my?" The smaller boy asked and looked up at her. "Wa won?" He asked and stared at the officer. Breakdown glanced at his brother then his mother and the officer. He gripped the man's hand and Ironhide looked at him as he fought back tears.

"Will... will he be okay?" the boy asked as tears filled his own eyes. Ironhide hesitated and glanced at the young mother as she fell to her knees and sobbed uncontrollably. She already knew.

Breakdown stared at her and he shook his head then looked at him again. His little brother Knockout hugged his mother and sobbed silently with her.

"Just... just tell me... he'll be alright..." he whispered as tears fell down his face. Ironhide hung his head and the boy sobbed as he hugged the officer tightly. The man didn't respond and simply hugged the boy.


"Just... just tell me... he'll be alright..."

Those words echoed in the man's head repeatedly as he stared blankly at the wall. He listened to the hospital noise as he stayed leaning forward a little in his chair.

Everything just seemed to stop around him as he remembered that distant memory. He felt tears prick at his eyes as those words continued to repeat in his head. He felt someone sit by him and gently set a hand on his back. He didn't respond as he heard his name being spoken, but it sounded distant.

"Knockout?" He blinked a couple times as he fought his tears. He slowly looked at the person and saw Piper. She set her other hand on his cheek and turned his head to face her.

"Hey... what's wrong Knocks?" She asked quietly and wiped a tear away that betrayed him.

"I... I remember my dad..." he whispered quietly. She frowned deeply and brushed some hair out of his face.

"The one that worked for the mafia and gave Breakdown that scar?" She asked quietly slightly confused.

"No..." he mumbled and shook his head slowly. "That man was never my father." He muttered bitterly.

"I mean my real dad... the one Breakdown always told me about." He said and sighed shakily. "He died... when I was a boy... and I worked for the very people that killed him." He said through gritted teeth as his tears fell. "I don't know why I'm remembering this now... but I am..." he whispered.

"I worked for the man that killed my father... and later killed my brother..." he said through gritted teeth as he choked back a sob. Piper carefully hugged his head just under her chin as he sobbed.

"You didn't know..." she whispered quietly and rocked slowly as she rested her head against his.

"I killed my brother..." he sobbed silently and hugged her tightly.

"No... no you didn't... you've felt guilty for this for far too long... you need to let it go baby... just let this guilt go... please. It's eating you up inside." She whispered and hugged him tighter. Knockout nodded and tightened his grip on her.

"I... I can't..." he rasped quietly. "I've tried... but I can't..." he whispered. Piper shook her head and gently kissed his a couple times.

"Yes you can love." She said as she hugged him tighter. "Yes you can." She said seriously.


Blitzwing slowly opened his eyes and looked around the room. It was getting dark and he didn't realize he had fallen asleep. He tensed when he also realized he was alone. He furrowed his brow and winced as he shakily got up. The room was silent and got darker as the sun went down. A few minutes later he saw Soundwave walking in. He knelt by the man's side and looked him over.

"Where ya been?" He asked quietly and furrowed his brow. "Out getting me a pizza?" He teased. Soundwave raised an eyebrow then motioned to the window.

He helped the man up and they walked over to the opening. They looked outside and saw city hall at the end of the street. The street lamps slowly started to go out down the stretch of road. At the other end from city hall, a few cars parked across the street so no one could go in or out. The alleyways were blocked by other cars and some fires started in a few barrels. Blitzwing stared blankly at the scene then looked at the silent man.

"So it begins." He said seriously and saw the gangs fill out into the street.

"And we're in the war zone." Soundwave whispered and gripped the edge of the window sill.

"So.... this is where we stand and fight." Blitzwing said seriously and for a moment sounded like Megatron. The communication specialist looked at him and stared for a moment. He nodded slowly and looked at the street. The next question was how could they stop them.

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