Chapter Thirty Eight

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The sound of water dripping filled the room as the man slowly gained consciousness. He realized he was tied to a chair and he furrowed his brow with confusion. He looked around slowly and saw a desk with computers. Across the room was a makeshift lab. He realized that's where the water was coming from. Though it wasn't water and looked like a black chemical. He looked at the ropes and found his arms were tied behind him. He had rope around his chest and some tied his legs to the chair. Where was he? He didn't remember blacking out.

"Ah our guest is finally awake." He looked behind him and saw Starscream. He kept his expression blank as the man approached.

"I apologize for having to... restrain you, but I don't trust you yet." He sneered as he walked over to the computer. He sighed quietly and leaned against the desk.

Soundwave felt someone behind him and he looked over his shoulder. He saw Hardshell and Arachnid on either side of him. He stared at Starscream again and clenched his fists.

"Where's the flash drive?" The leader asked and looked at his captive.

Soundwave tried not to show any irritation or anything. The fact that Starscream was trying to be like Megatron was bothersome. The man had no idea what their old mafia leader meant to the communication specialist. He had been like a father to him. Not the best role model but he was all he had in his time of need.

"Well? I'm not a patient man." Starscream snapped angrily. Soundwave stared at him blankly for a while.

"What?! I am not stupid. I can tell you're tied up. Hardshell get the flash drive." He muttered and glared at the floor. The man chuckled darkly and gripped the captives throat.

Soundwave kept his expression blank and stared the man down as he searched his pockets. Hardshell sneered as he found it and walked to the computer. Soundwave hung his head in defeat and listened to them snicker.

"You lose Soundwave." Starscream smirked and put in the flash drive. He waited for it to load and sat back in his chair. The screen loaded slowly then he furrowed his brow as a few notes played.

"When you try your best, but you don't succeed..."

"What the heck is this?!?" Starscream screeched as he tried to turn off the loud song. Soundwave kept his head low and smirked ever so slightly. His virus was working. He listened to Starscream yell angrily as the song played.

"When you get what you want, but not what you need..."

"Shut up!" He shouted and clicked random buttons. Hardshell walked over to try and help the leader. They worked at it a little and Soundwave had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

"Stuck in reverse-" Starscream sighed forcefully as it turned off and worked on trying to get to the files.

"Now. Let's work together and see what exactly the police have planned." He said seriously as he sat down again and tried to act as if he was in command.

Soundwave kept his expression blank and looked up a little. He watched intently as he thought. He sat up straighter and gave an air of command as he stared at the other two at the desk. Starscream furrowed his brow and looked at him.

"What is it now?" He growled angrily and furrowed his brow. "You think you're all that but you're not." He sneered and stood up then walked over as Hardshell worked. He gripped the captives throat again and smiled wickedly.

"You're going to work for me and do everything I say." He sneered. Soundwave narrowed his eyes and acted as if he was actually going to say something. Starscream tightened his grip and smirked darkly.

"You don't speak, remember?" He sneered again. Soundwave narrowed his eyes and gave him a look that could kill.

Hardshell clicked on a file and something started to download as more music played. Soundwave knew it would distract them long enough for the virus to complete it's work. Hence why he picked music. It was disorienting at times and yet could get a clear message across. He slowly worked on wiggling his ankle free from the rope.

"First things first I'm a say all the words inside my head. I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh ooh! The way that things have been, oh ooh!"

"Turn that racket off!" Starscream yelled as he took a few steps away from the silent man. He furrowed his brow as he listened to the words and looked at the captive. "Are you trying to tell me something?" He scoffed and the other man smirked a little as he stared at the supposed leader.

"Second thing second, don't you tell me what you think that I can be. I'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea, oh ooh The master of my sea, oh ooh!" Hardshell continued to type while Arachnid walked over to help him. Soundwave got his ankle free as Starscream watched the others. He glanced at his leg and saw it was completely free. These people were idiots.

"I was broken from a young age, taking my soul into the masses write down my poems for the few. That looked at me took to me, shook to me, feeling me singing from heart ache from the pain." Starscream yelled at them again as he tried to ignore the annoying song. The silent man waited for the right time. He just needed him to step a little closer.

"Take up my message from the veins
Speaking my lesson from the brain
Seeing the beauty through the..." the leader huffed as he listened then stepped and turned a little.

"Pain!" Soundwave kicked Starscream as hard as he could in the back of the knee. Starscream cried out as he went down and his eyes widened in surprise. The other two looked up in equal surprise and stared at him. Had he planned all this?

Starscream glared at him as he clutched his leg and lay on the ground. He growled lowly and with his good leg kicked the legs out from under the chair. Soundwave grunted as he went down and winced a little. Hardshell walked over and helped Starscream up the roughly set the chair up right.

"I'll teach you to respect me. You'll learn to be loyal and respectful to me as you were to Megatron." He said seriously. Soundwave glared darkly and spat in his face. The leader screeched and stepped back as he wiped the spit off.

"I will have you know-" He stopped suddenly and looked at the computer. It had gone silent. He smirked cockily and glanced back at the communication specialist.

"Looks like I cracked your code and got what I wanted." He sneered. Soundwave sat up straighter and raised an eyebrow as though he was asking if he was sure about that.

"Don't play games with me." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth.

Soundwave found it entertaining when people practically spoke to themselves, when talking to him. He only had to slightly raise an eyebrow or show a twitch of emotion. He wondered if that was why he remained silent. Not because he swore to, but because it was fun to listen to a person talk to themselves.

"What?! I don't either!" Starscream yelled and seemed offended. Arachnid rolled her eyes and pulled Starscream away.

"Shut up before you say something stupid." She said seriously. "Go to the computer and see-" She stopped suddenly and they looked to the now smoking computer. They blinked in surprise and watched as the computer exploded. Soundwave smirked cockily as he watched them try to save it.

"You sabotaged us!" Starscream screeched as he whipped around. Soundwave just smirked as he watched him and sat up straighter. Taunting the man.

"Why you little-" He stopped suddenly as Arachnid gripped his shoulder.

"I'll deal with him." She said seriously and the two men watched as she approached the captive. Soundwaves expression became blank and he watched her intently. The woman smirked darkly and gripped his face between her claw like hand.

"Soundwave." She said with malice. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly. "I vow that on this day, the world will hear the sound of your screams." She sneered and unsheathed one of her blades. He glared darkly and gripped the rope that had him bound. His heart pounded in his ears as she brought the blade closer and set the edge against his cheek.

"Such a pretty face you have." She purred cruelly. "I actually liked you once." She pouted and slowly slid the knife down his cheek. She watched him tense a little as the blade cut him and his blood stained the cold metal. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of making a sound.

"Hmm... think you can handle more handsome?" She asked and leaned close to his ear. "Because I can make things a lot worse for you." She whispered quietly as she kept a hold of his face. He didn't respond and grit his teeth as he tried to pull away.

"Calm down love." She whispered quietly and smiled wickedly. She leaned closer and kissed him making his eyes widen in surprise. He tried to fight and kick her but she had his leg pinned so he couldn't move. He tried desperately to fight her and bit her hard.

"Ouch!" She screamed and pulled away as she spat out the blood. He glared darkly and watched as she pulled out a syringe. "Alright then." She sneered and filled it with something.

He tried to move away and Hardshell gripped his hair making him hold still. The captive panted heavily as he realized things were about to get really bad.

"Aw don't be like that love. Things will be just fine." She pouted and kissed him again to distract him. He tried to fight again but Hardshell wouldn't let go. She smirked darkly and slowly ran the blade along his collarbone. He winced and grunted but didn't give her what she wanted.

"Come on love." She whispered as she kissed his neck. "Kiss me back or scream. They're your options." She purred and bit him hard enough to make him bleed.

Soundwave felt sick and managed to get his leg free. He brought his leg up and kneed her in the gut. She gasped in pain and fell back then to the floor. He glared darkly and spit at her. Hardshell growled threateningly and started punching the silent man. Soundwave was fine with that, he'd rather get beat up then let Arachnid kiss him.

"Enough!" She yelled and got up as the man stopped. Soundwave coughed weakly and wheezed a little as he glared at her. Starscream smiled wickedly as he watched the two villains hurt the man.

"Had enough?" The leader asked as he walked over. Soundwave glared then kicked him hard in the back of the knee again. Starscream screeched and cursed as he went down. They realized Soundwave wasn't an easy man to break.

Hardshell growled angrily and punched the captive repeatedly. Arachnid smiled wickedly as she watched them and Starscream grumbled as he got up. They heard something and stopped suddenly.

The room fell silent except for Soundwave who was panting weakly. He slowly looked towards the sound and smirked ever so slightly. The three villains looked to the computer then realized it wasn't coming from there. They slowly glanced at the dark hallway as they heard the sound get closer. It sent chills through their spines as a scraping noise filled their ears. Metal on the wall.

"If I told you what I was, would you turn your back on me? And if I seem dangerous, would you be scared? I get the feeling just because... everything I touch isn't dark enough. That this problem lies in me." Someone sang almost in a crazed way. The villains narrowed their eyes as they heard him get closer.

"Who is this idiot?" Starscream asked as he furrowed his brow and looked at Soundwave. The man didn't respond and simply smirked.

"I'm only a man with a candle to guide me, I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me. A monster, a monster, I've turned into a monster. A monster, a monster..." the person finally came into view and smiled wickedly as he held a knife in his hand.

"And it keeps getting stronger." He smirked but it faded when he saw Soundwave.

"How did you get in here?" Starscream asked and didn't see anything too threatening about the man.

"I walked through the front door." He said simply and smiled wickedly. "You have something I want." He said seriously.

"And what would that be?" The leader huffed and folded his arms.

"Revenge." He said darkly and ran at them. Starscream moved away as Hardshell ran to meet the crazed man.

"Who is this?" Starscream asked and furrowed his brow. Arachnid looked at him and seemed a little pale.

"His name is Blitzwing... and he's Megatron's son." She said seriously. Starscream looked at the crazed man who was surprisingly winning against the much larger man. He paled a little as he saw the resemblance. Though he seemed a lot crazier than his father.

Blitzwing laughed maniacally as he easily dodged Hardshell. He flipped over the man then kicked him hard in the back. Hardshell grunted as he stumbled forward and smacked into the wall.

"Someone's awful clumsy." He sneered and looked at the other two. His expression became dark and he ran at them. Arachnid hesitated then ran towards him as Starscream whimpered and stepped back.

"Coward." Blitzwing hissed angrily through gritted teeth. Arachnid hesitated then shook her head and continued running. He grabbed her and easily threw her into the lab table. She screamed as some chemical bottles broke under her.

He turned to Starscream and ran at him as he clenched his fists tightly. The leader grabbed a knife that was on the desk and gripped it. Soundwave watched and his eyes widened in realization. He was about to say something but it was too late. Blitzwing yelled angrily as he reached for the man. At the same time Starscream lunged at him as he yelped in fear and squeezed his eyes shut. The cowardly man froze and waited for something to happen. Nothing did.

He slowly opened his eyes and blinked in surprise. Blitzwing stared at him and gasped in pain. He slowly looked to his abdomen and stared at the knife that was deep in his side. Starscream smiled wickedly and stared at the crazed man as he slowly twisted the blade. Blitzwing grunted and winced as he gasped in pain.

"You're nothing like Megatron." Starscream sneered and stood taller as he gained the upper hand. Blitzwing looked at him as he furrowed his brow.

"No... I'm not...." he rasped weakly and gripped the knife. "I'm Blitzwing..." he smirked and yanked the blade out. Starscream paled as the man stood and towered over him.

"And I. Am. The. Pumpkin King!!" He shouted and threw the knife then punched the man hard in the face. Soundwave stared at him then smiled a little as the leader collapsed to the ground unconscious. Blitzwing stared blankly at the man then stumbled over to Soundwave and smiled weakly.

"Did you catch that?" He asked as he untied the man. "I quoted 'A Nightmare before Christmas'." He said proudly. Soundwave rolled his eyes and shook his head. Once he was free, the communication specialist set the crazed man's arm over his shoulders. He then helped him to the exit.

"I think you're more hurt than me." Blitzwing pointed out making the man roll his eyes again. They got out and of the room and went to the medical area in the building. Soundwave helped him sit then worked on fixing his wound.

"We have to go to city hall." Blitzwing said seriously as he stared at nothing in particular. Soundwave paused and looked at him with confusion.

"Don't you remember?" Blitzwing asked as he furrowed his brow. "Shockwave and Starscream are both going there to gain control. It's going to be a war zone." He said seriously.

"War for power." Soundwave muttered. He furrowed his brow and looked at the man. "This city is going to die." He said seriously.

"Unless we save it." Blitzwing grinned painfully. "Two crooks as heros." He muttered and winced.

"No Blitzwing..." Soundwave whispered and gently gripped his shoulder. "Not crooks... but changed men." He said.

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